Caesar, who left, had no interest in the war, but he wanted to see if Luffy could escape, so he also watched the situation on the battlefield.

And the situation was indeed beyond Caesar's expectations!

"Shanks hasn't shown up yet?"

Caesar frowned slightly, pointed to the throne, and fell into a short thought. He thought that Shanks, the fruit of face ability, would appear at a critical moment.

Unexpectedly, it was an unexpected person who intervened in the battlefield and cut the rest of this public execution to the world not long after.

On the battlefield, seeing that the fight is booming, the three of Luffy may die in the next second at any time.

Suddenly there was a dragon chant, and a huge dragon fell from the sky and smashed **** the battlefield. 680

A fanatic of war and fighting, Kaido unexpectedly appeared here inexplicably.

The movement caused by his falling from the sky made the battlefield quiet for a few seconds, followed by a burst of exclamation. '

"A dragon? A dragon actually fell from the sky?"

"Idiot! That's Kaido, the Four Emperors!"

"Strange, why did Kaido appear here? He is also for these three brothers?"

There was a lot of discussion before and after the TV, and their eyes were full of surprise, curiosity, doubt, and fear.

It was indeed the Four Emperors Kaido, such a person who should not appear on the battlefield, appeared, and they were all guessing Kaido's intention to come to Marin Fando.

Kaido, who fell on the battlefield and fell into the pit, slowly climbed out and laughed.

"War, the real top war."

"Such a thing, how can I miss it!?"

While roaring, the terrifying domineering color swept across the surroundings, the pitch-black energy fluctuated and spread instantly, and the surroundings suddenly flew sand and stones, and smoke and dust billowed.

In an instant, pieces of naval soldiers fell to the ground foaming at the mouth, many of the major generals under the lieutenant general passed out, and the lieutenant general also showed uncomfortable expressions.

Kaido scanned the battlefield, and stared at Akainu, whose eyes were full of murderous intent, staring at him.

"Huh? You want to kill Lao Tzu? Then come on, kill Lao Tzu!"

Kaido grinned, picked up the mace, wrapped it in a powerful armed color and overlord color, and smashed it at Akainu.

With this blow, even Akainu couldn't help but change color, he was serious and didn't dare to slack in the slightest to meet it.

[491] Escape, save Luffy successfully!



The two Xeon forces exploded with a bang, and terrifying energy swept across the audience in an instant.

Sand and rocks were flying around, and a huge wave of energy swept everything away, forming an extreme vacuum zone.


After Kaido and Akainu collided again, they separated completely.

Akainu frowned slightly, feeling the power that Kaido had just exploded with lingering fear.

Kaido is worthy of being the fighting lunatic among the Four Emperors, and his strength should not be underestimated.

And the appearance of Kaido, the shit-stirring stick, also surprised both parties with some headaches.

Of course, the pirates should have been lucky. After all, with Kaido blocking the navy's strongest combat power, they should have a greater chance of escaping.

Kaido is one of the four emperors, possessing a powerful general-level combat power, and a combat lunatic, there are not many people present who can stop Kaido.

However, Kaido is worthy of being a shit-stirring stick and a fighting lunatic. Although the main target of the attack is on Akainu, other people can hit it if they are close.



He waved his mace, and the tornado that swept across the sky swept all the surrounding soldiers, pirates, or criminals into the air.

Then he laughed wildly and killed the red dog again. The huge body oscillated with terrifying power. Wherever it passed, all the living power around it was blown away.

Such a domineering way of fighting clearly expressed that he just wanted to have a hearty battle, wanted to be besieged, and seemed very confident that he would not be able to kill him.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Kaido jumped into the battle ring again wielding a mace. Even facing Akainu, he still had the energy to distract himself from dealing with others.

Terrifying forces continued to spread on the battlefield, and countless strong men were forced to be involved in the battle with Kaido, and the war spread to more and more places.



There were explosions one after another.

Amid the anger of the navy and the headaches of the pirates, Luffy and his party gradually left the central station and headed towards the ocean.

Now all the powerful people in the high-level navy are entangled, and the strength of other navies is not enough, so the hope of Luffy and the three of them escaping is greatly increased.

Even if there are navy soldiers who desperately want to surround them, with the strength of Luffy and others, these miscellaneous soldiers are simply vulnerable.

"Rubber ~ rubber..."

"Rubber ~ rubber..."

Luffy threw punches at will, Zoro, Nami, and Momanosuke protected Luffy in three directions, and greeted the naval soldiers who came scattered in all directions.

Ace and Sabo, even though they were exhausted, still showed a strong will to drive these marine soldiers for Luffy.

With the strength of the emperor's deputy, even though Ace and Sabo are already on the verge of collapse, they are still not existences that these miscellaneous soldiers can manipulate at will.

The terrifying force swept across the entire battlefield again. Luffy and others are getting closer and closer to the bay, and hope is ahead.

"Hurry up!"

Ace saw that the ship was already looming, and became even more anxious, pulling Luffy to rush forward!


The three brothers escaped to the bay and boarded Ace's boat.


Luffy sat on the deck with his buttocks, took off the straw hat, and felt the salty sea breeze blowing, which was very refreshing. This feeling of freedom is simply not great.

Ace, Sabo and the others quickly controlled the pirate ship and prepared to leave. The longer they stay, the more dangerous they will be.

As long as they leave the bay, in such a chaotic environment, their chances of escape can be said to be greatly increased.

And when Ace and the others boarded the boat, the pirates who came to help Ace also began to evacuate slowly when they saw this. All the pirates and criminals also began to fight and retreat, and the revolutionary army also evacuated.

The navy saw that the other party might have escaped, and the unwillingness in their hearts made them even more crazy. The navy launched a final general attack on these evacuated pirates as if desperately.

The entire battlefield was once again in chaos, with countless blood and flesh flying everywhere, and the blood flowed into rivers completely. The navy attacked these pirates, revolutionary army, and criminals desperately, wanting to keep them.

They don't allow these pirates to leave. If they really run away, it will be a big shame.



The marines roared, one by one bravely charging forward.

Aokiji, who was working with Longmo, couldn't help frowning, and his mind couldn't help becoming active.

His idea is very simple, he wants to get rid of the dragon and freeze the bay and freeze the boat in the sea so that they can't escape.

But Long, who had been with him as a navy, knew him too well.

Aokiji just frowned, Long immediately saw his plan, and immediately broke out with all his strength to stop Aokiji.



The dragon and the green pheasant fought fiercely again, and for a moment the green pheasant couldn't break free from the dragon's block.

Even if he broke out with all his strength, he still could only fight back and forth, and his plan was completely disrupted.

With the help of many parties, the three brothers' boat gradually left the bay.

As for what happened after Marin Fando, I can't see it anymore.

Because after the three brothers got close to the bay and boarded the pirate ship, the navy strongly blocked all TV signals.

Regardless of success or failure, especially if the possibility of failure is high, the navy can no longer let the world see the so-called truth.

But there is no doubt that the three Luffy brothers have indeed escaped!

After the three brothers fled, the navy became even more angry. They pointed the finger at Kaido, the remaining pirates and criminals who stayed in the navy headquarters.

They began to frantically focus on Kaido and the remaining pirates, criminals, and the navy's extremely terrifying counterattack officially began.

But apart from Kaido, those who can stay to block the navy are all of good strength, and they will not be swallowed by the navy easily.

Even if it is a general who makes a move, he may not be able to catch it with certainty.

This caused these people to gradually flee. Anyway, it would be meaningless to fight any longer. Now is the best time for them to flee.

As for the fleeing of these people, although the navy went to hunt them down, more of them didn't go to hunt them down but stayed to focus on Kaido.

On the one hand, it is to capture Kaido, and capturing Kaido can also save some face.

Although the navy has captured Kaido more than once, and executed him more than once, but no one in the navy can kill him, and Kaido will eventually escape.

On the other hand, it is to cover another thing with capturing Kaido.



As the navy's counterattack began, more and more navies gathered around Kaido, and the eyes of all the navies were fixed on Kaido at the same time.

"'‖Come on! Aren't you going to kill Lao Tzu? Give it all to Lao Tzu!"

Kaido became more excited as he watched more and more navies, laughing and waving the mace in his hand, the terrifying power completely exploded in Marin Fando.

The extreme thunder suddenly changed the weather over Marin Fanduo, and Kaido, who was wrapped in armed colors, was almost fully fired.



The mace in his hand slammed into the ground, and the invisible energy completely tore the ground apart, splitting it into pieces instantly.

Streams of terrifying energy exploded from the ground in an instant, and countless naval soldiers were all blasted into the sky.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Kaido laughed wildly, stepped out, jumped up with a bang, and stepped on the navy soldiers who were rushing over.



There was another big earthquake and sky noise, and the terrifying air wave instantly sent a piece of land flying. Countless marines fainted instantly, and an extreme tornado directly took away another piece of people.

"Damn it!"

Akainu's fist erupted with hot magma, wrapped in hot energy, and slammed into Kaido like a comet.

Huang Yuan also pulled out at this time.

With the departure of the Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, he also had a gap.

(Wang Qian's) He originally wanted to fish, but when he saw the dead and wounded navy around him, he knew that he couldn't just sit back and watch, so he also went towards Kaido.

The Warring States on the high platform was completely dark. He watched Kaido make trouble, and Luffy and others escaped, and he was in a very bad mood.

"Karp, how long are you going to pretend?"

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