Seeing this, Marco immediately flapped his blue wings, flew towards the sky, and flew towards higher altitudes, quickly avoiding Luffy's rubber punch.


Marco also had a high opinion of Luffy at this time. Luffy's strength was stronger than he imagined, and he was able to fight with him.

Is this the strength of a supernova? The quality seems to be much higher than the previous ones.


Wanting to defeat him is not that simple, after Marco draws a beautiful curve in the sky, he turns into a blue firebird again and flies towards Luffy.


"so similar!"

White Beard looked at Luffy who was enjoying the battle, laughed, and drank all the beer in one gulp, that kind of refreshing feeling came up immediately.

He saw it! He saw the figure of the old man, yes, from Lu Fei's body, he saw his old opponent Roger.

And the young Marco, just like himself back then, also had a shocking battle with Roger.

Now the battle between Marco and Luffy seems to be repeating the world-shattering battle of his own back then. The carefree and dripping feeling suddenly flooded his heart, and Whitebeard felt that his long-silent heart was like Like a drop of water falling into an ancient well, it began to rippling.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The battle between Luffy and Marco was still going on, and Whitebeard's eyes burst out with hot light. He clenched his fists, and that terrifying force suddenly descended.

It seemed that he also wanted to have a good fight, but after he exerted a little force, he let go again and returned to normal.

The battle between Luffy and Marco just now really ignited the blood in his heart, but it is not his style to attack a junior like Luffy.

Luffy, it's still far away!



Marco and Luffy fought for a long time, and finally, after they punched each other, they separated instantly. The terrifying energy turned into ripples and rippled out towards the surroundings. The entire deck was shaken. shaking.

"You are very good!"

After Marco landed, he looked at the figure in the smoke and dust on the opposite side, and praised, Luffy's strength is very good, and he recognized Luffy as an opponent.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Luffy came out of the smoke at this time, smirked, scratched his head, and enjoyed Marco's praise.

All the cadres of the Whitebeard Pirates also recognized Luffy's strength. Although Luffy may seem stupid, it can be found from the fight that he actually has that kind of fighting ability more than anyone else. intuition.


Very strong!

"This guy is more like Roger's son than Ace!"

White Beard looked at Luffy, and even more blended his and Roger's faces together, and finally felt as if they were engraved from the same mold.

After Luffy stayed in the Whitebeard Pirates for a while, he went to find his other brother, Sabo, under the guidance of Ace.

The Luffy Straw Hats headed towards Sabo along the route guided by Ace, but only halfway through the journey, they encountered an uninvited guest.


They unknowingly entered the territory of BIG-MOM, which is Cake Island. Of course, the route Ace gave them can actually bypass Cake Island and continue sailing for a while.


When Luffy saw the cake island, he didn't care about it so much, the extremely rich aroma made his eyes light up.

"Chihiro's First Start" Even though Nami tried every means to stop him, he still couldn't make Lu Fei's prodigal son turn back, and the Straw Hat Pirates just ran into Cake Island.



As the pirate ship docked, Luffy looked at the desserts, and he was about to take off.


"Sauron, Taozi, look, it smells so good!"

Luffy's eyes were full of stars, and he couldn't wait to jump down immediately, even pulling Zoro, Momonosuke and others down together.

Nami couldn't stop her if she wanted to, so she had no choice but to follow along. Following such an idiot captain, even if there was an abyss ahead, she had to follow.

Inside the cake island.

"Oh~~! So much, so much food, so much!"

"Zoro, come and try it too, it's delicious!"

Luffy came up and gnawed towards a house made of desserts, and that sweet feeling came to his heart immediately.

Luffy was immediately captured by this cake island, it was delicious, so delicious, as long as it was food, he liked it.

Even seeing that Sauron and the others refused to eat, he quickly pulled out a lollipop or some cream and pressed it directly on their mouths.

Sauron turned his head away, holding two knives in both hands, with a look of vigilance, this is the island where the aunt is, and danger may occur at any time.

However, there is a stupid captain who can have accidents at any time, like now, he was gagged by Luffy directly.


Zoro was directly stuffed with a mouthful of cream, and Luffy laughed and jumped on his shoulder, grabbed his head, and frantically gave him the cream.

Chopper was also gradually infected by Luffy's optimistic attitude. No, the main reason was that the desserts on Cake Island were too strong, which also attracted Chopper, and they immediately started eating.

Only Nami, Robin and the others are still looking around vigilantly. Nami always feels that something is wrong. This is Cake Island, Big Mom's stronghold. They broke in so grandiosely, and Big Mom didn't respond at all?

Luffy doesn't care so much, he has always been short-tempered, and immediately started to eat extravagantly, and because of his fruit, his appetite is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

It suddenly turned into a bulldozer-like existence, and began to attack the desserts and food on the cake island, and at the same time brought Sauron and others, and started messing around with Luffy.

Several people pushed the food on the cake island all the way, devouring it crazily. At this time, Luffy's belly was already as big as a hot air balloon, and his originally small body had grown to a height of several meters.

The characteristics of the rubber man were immediately revealed,

【503】The Straw Hat Pirates Raid the Cake Island

However, just as Lu Fei and the others were eating, a uniform group of black shadows gathered and surrounded them.

One after another black shadows came out of the shadows. These black shadows were uniform, like real well-trained soldiers, directly surrounding them.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

The whistle sounded throughout the cake island, and Luffy and the others also reacted. Luffy patted his stomach, hiccupped~, and was thinking about turning over.

As a result, his ball-like body rolled half a circle on the ground, and he couldn't stand up. Zoro, Chopper and others were also exhausted, and it was quite difficult to move.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

The whistle rang in an orderly manner, and the black shadow was getting closer and closer, getting closer and closer, almost completely surrounding Luffy and the others.

Nami and Robin were back to back, facing these black shadows that suddenly rose and surrounded, they were also vigilant. Nami held the weather stick and was ready at any time.



Robin and Nami reminded each other, and the vigilance on their faces has not diminished at all. Now, they are the only combat power left, and the big mom pirates are on the opposite side. If there is a conflict, they don't know if they are rivals. .


However, at this moment, Luffy shouted, and he stood up immediately, and his originally heavy body became a little lighter.

His eyes suddenly turned into stars, and he saw biscuits that could walk. Those biscuits held weapons and had some armor, just like real soldiers, but the smell of biscuits they emitted attracted greedy of Luffy.

"Look, oh~~~~ahhahaha, these biscuits can still move!"

Luffy wanted to test these biscuit soldiers with his hands. He just thought it was very interesting. These biscuit soldiers were not a threat to him at all.

Zoro and Chopper also rushed over at this time, and when they saw the biscuit soldiers, they didn't take it seriously.

"Luffy, can these biscuits be eaten too?"

Chopper pointed to those biscuit soldiers curiously, wondering what they taste like.

Looking at such a stupid and cute biscuit soldier, the three of them naturally would not regard these as threats.

Nami and Robin breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the biscuit soldiers.

after all…

Those biscuit soldiers, only half their size, are not worth mentioning at all.

They thought they had encountered some kind of enemy, but it turned out to be food. Could it be that this is the only food left in the Big Mom Pirates?

Is this still the Four Emperors?

Nami couldn't help expressing doubts about Charlotte Lingling as one of the Four Emperors. There was only a sweet and greasy dessert smell here, and there was no smell of threat at all.


With a shocking whistle sounded, those biscuit soldiers raised their sabers around their waists and rushed towards Lu Fei and the others.

In the shadows, countless biscuit soldiers rushed out continuously, charging towards Luffy and the others.

"Little ones, take them down for me!"

At the same time, a three-meter-tall giant landed directly, and the ground immediately exploded with a violent vibration.

It was a giant with a long beard, and his body structure was also a biscuit, holding a long sword, commanding the biscuit soldiers to attack Luffy and others.

Immediately, all the biscuit soldiers all went towards Luffy. Luffy ate like a ball at this time, but when he heard that he was going to fight, it didn't affect him at all. Immediately, he jumped up directly, The domineering and domineering energy released in an instant, the terrifying invisible energy fluctuated in all directions in an instant.


These biscuit soldiers seemed to be unaffected, and continued to move towards Luffy and the others. Even the bearded giant didn't have much influence, and just looked at Luffy and the others calmly.

"Are these cookies okay?"

Luffy tilted his head at this time, looking at these cookie soldiers who were nothing to do, he suddenly became curious, and suddenly his saliva flowed out, he was curious what the taste of these cookie soldiers would be like?


Obviously not thinking about eating now, he looked at the giant and shouted.

"Who are you?"

Luffy put his hands on his hips, with a big belly on his back. He looked like a supernova, and his movements seemed a little funny. Of course, he, being an idiot, would not notice this.

"Luffy, be careful!"


"His name is Charlotte Cracker, and he is very powerful!"

Robin summoned Thousand Hands at this time, and after flying several biscuit soldiers, he said hastily.

She frowned slightly, and looked at the three-meter-tall giant. She knew the details of this man.

This person is naturally one of Big Mom's children. His name is Charlotte Cracker, and the bounty has reached a terrifying 1 billion+. His strength can be said to be quite amazing, and he is also one of the best characters in the Big Mom Pirates.

I heard that he is also a person with fruit ability, but with a bounty of 1 billion+, it must not be a good thing to provoke.

"Oh~~~~So you are very strong?"

Luffy heard that Charlotte Cracker is a member of the Big Mom Pirates, and immediately became interested. Being able to join the Big Mom Pirates must be very strong.


Immediately, he had the idea of ​​fighting Charlotte Cracker.

Thinking about it, Luffy immediately turned on the second gear, and suddenly a surge of steam gushed out, immediately evaporating the energy on his body, and moved towards Charlotte Cracker as soon as he moved.

"Since you are a swordsman, let me come!"

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