The eldest daughter, Xiao Luna, soared above the nine heavens and slowly began to become familiar with this feeling, but now she is still just a little milk baby after all;

Played for a while;

Koluna regained her human form, yawning and falling into the arms of her old mother, Nami, and soon fell asleep!

At the same time......

When enough food is replenished;

The Merry sailed straight out of the little garden!

"Brother, you see that we have prepared so much food, the next stop, we should be able to reach the Kingdom of Alabastan directly, right?"

"Not necessarily!".

Lua holds a nautical map in his hand;

It stands to reason that;

There is enough food on their ship to reach the Kingdom of Alabastan, except that there is an interesting island in the middle of the route

The name of the island is ...... Drum Island!

Although Magnetic Drum Island is not the only way for them to reach the Kingdom of Alabastan, it is a place where both brothers Lua and Luffy should go!

Luffy's words;

There's a buddy waiting for him on Drum Island!

Chopper the Ship Doctor!

In fact, the position of the ship doctor is very important, even Lua needs him very much, not because he sees a doctor himself, but because of the fertility of his wives;

It must be taken seriously!

Nami has been giving birth for almost a full month, and Lua has not snubbed Dusty during this time, so he estimates that Dusty should also have a move!

As for Lua;

There's what it wants, too!

A very powerful and interesting fruit ......

Swallow the fruit!

Although the current user of this fruit is very weak, this does not mean that this fruit is garbage, and its fruit potential is worth looking forward to!

That's why;

Lu Ya thought about getting this swallowing fruit, strengthening it well, and even mutating it, so that he could create a 5-star level super fruit;



"Brother, it's not good, the second sister-in-law seems to be sick!".

Right now;

Just as Lua was still thinking about how to explain to the others that they had to go to Drum Island, Dusty suddenly fell to the ground!

Without saying a word, Lua rushed forward

When he picked up Dusty, it seemed that he could already feel a fresh life, which was being conceived in Dusty's belly!

"Dusty, are you alright?".

"Lua, I don't know what's wrong? I've been sleepy all the time in the past two days, and I'm a little dizzy and nauseous, and my body is weak and I don't have an appetite!"

"Dusty, that's right!".

In an instant;

Luya was overjoyed when he heard it, whether it was drowsiness, dizziness and nausea, or physical weakness and no appetite, isn't this a symptom of pregnancy?

Of course ......

Lua is not a doctor himself, and in order to make sure that nothing goes wrong, this trip to Magnetic Drum Island, he must go anyway!

"Guys, don't you think we need a ship doctor on our ship, and I know where to find the best doctor around here!"


"Drum Island!".

Nami deserves to be Lua's first wife, and when she heard the words Magnetic Drum Island, she didn't ask anything, and directly opened the map in her hand;

Find the location of Drum Island;

Adjust the route;

Straight to Drum Island!


Drum Island!

Magnetic Drum Island is known as a medical powerhouse, and it is said that there are the best doctors here, so when Lua and his party landed on this island, they inquired

There's only one doctor left on the entire island!

The most important thing is that the only doctor left is still a witch who has lived for more than one hundred and forty years, and it is said that she has a very bad temper and is very difficult to mess with!

Of course ......

It's not that there are no doctors on Drum Island, on the contrary, there are famous doctors everywhere, but all of them have been captured by the king

King Valpo of the Kingdom of Magnetic Drum Island;

He is the one who can swallow the fruit!

So ......

If Lua wants to find a doctor to treat Dusty now, there are only two ways, first, go to Magnetic Drum Mountain and ask the witch for help;

Second, go directly to the royal palace of the Magnetic Drum Island Kingdom, take down the King of Magnetic Drum Island, Valpo, and rescue all the doctors who were imprisoned by Valpo!

Thinking of this;

Lua already had an idea in her heart!

"Luffy, why don't you divide the soldiers into two ways!You take Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp to Magnetic Drum Mountain to ask that hundred-year-old witch to help!".

"No problem, dude, what about you?".

"I'll just take your little niece, our father and daughter to take down the entire Drum Island Kingdom!Let your eldest sister-in-law and third sister-in-law stay and take care of your second sister-in-law!".


When everyone heard this, they felt a little inappropriate at first, but after thinking about it, Xiao Luna was relieved that she was now stronger than all of them combined!

Luffy may not know Lua's good intentions at the moment, it is fake to ask Luffy to go to Magnetic Drum Mountain to ask for a witch doctor, but it is true to find a friend!

Of course ......

Also for Lua, defeating Valpo, the king of the Magnetic Drum Island Kingdom, and plundering his swallowing fruit is his real goal!


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