Aaron's lair!

"Aaron, come out! There is exactly 100 million Baileys here! According to the agreement between us, take this 100 million Baileys, and get out of here quickly

From now on;

You are not allowed to set foot in the village of Cocoa West again!".

Nami slammed 100 million Bailey in front of Aaron, although she was rarely shy in front of Lua, once she left, she returned to her former domineering!

"Hey, hey, hey!".

The fish-man Aaron picked up Bailey on the ground and laughed: "Nami, I raised 100 million Bailey so quickly, I didn't expect you to be really capable!


Not ...... though

Nami, you're still too naïve! This hundred million Baileys, Lao Tzu laughed at it! But Lao Tzu didn't want to leave this village, what should I do?".


Nami's brows furrowed tightly when she heard this: "Aaron, you, you guy, we obviously said it, but you don't talk about it?".


Aaron laughed again: "Hey, hey, hey, Nami, how else would you be naïve! I'm a pirate, do I need to be trustworthy?".


Nami's whole body trembled, and without saying a word, she took out her weapon and aimed it at Aaron in front of her viciously

"Aaron, get out of this village for me!Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you!".

"What? Nami, just with you, do you still want to do something with Lao Tzu? Believe it or not? Lao Tzu can crush you directly with just one finger!"

As soon as the words fell;

I saw that Aaron didn't say a word and stretched out his right index finger and waved it at Nami, you know, the fish-man Aaron's limbs and teeth are extremely sharp;

If this blow hits Nami solidly;

There is no doubt about it;

Even Nami's small body is definitely either dead or injured!

You can imagine that;

In this moment;

How desperate Nami was in the face of Aaron's blow!


At this critical moment, even Aaron never expected that a figure would fall straight from the sky and take Nami in his arms!


Lua used a razor in the six naval styles to easily save Nami, and Nami looked up at Lua, and couldn't help but be surprised and delighted

"Lua, why are you here? This matter has nothing to do with you! I don't want you to interfere! I thought Aaron would keep his promise and get out of here!".

"Nami, don't worry, since you are my wife now, then, from now on, as long as it is your business, it will be my business!".

"Hey, hey, hey, there's another one to die!".

Aaron continued to laugh arrogantly when he saw this!

"Ah Long, I wouldn't have embarrassed you anymore if you left here obediently! I didn't expect you not only not to leave, but also to hurt my wife!".

"So what?".

"Send you to heaven!".

As soon as the words fell;

I saw that Lua's whole person was like a bolt of lightning, condensing all the armed colors on his right fist, and slamming an iron block into Ah Long's jaw


Just one hit;

sent Aaron directly to the Nine Nights Cloud Waiver!

In this moment;

Not only were all the cadres under Aaron scattered in fright and fled, but even Nami's whole person was completely stunned!

Even she didn't expect Lua to be so powerful!

"Lua, you are much better than I thought! I was wrong! From now on, no matter what happens, I will never make my own decisions again!".

"Nami, be obedient, that's right!".

As soon as the words fell;

Lua hugged Nami tightly into her arms again!


[Ding!Wife Nami's dependence on you has been improved!].

[Defeat Aaron!D clan fame increases, get rewards: Navy Six Style experience increased by 10%, three-color domineering proficiency increased by 10%!].


In an instant;

Hear here;

Lua's whole person couldn't help but be overjoyed again!

Back to the tavern;

When everyone in the village learns, Lua defeats the dragon and not only saves Nami, but also takes back the village of Cocoa West for them

Now he's like a hero;

Warmly welcomed by all the people of the village!

Nami, who is greedy for money, saved a full 100 million Bailey, and she is extremely satisfied with Lua, and the relationship between the two can be said to have grown by leaps and bounds


Like glue like a knee;

I don't know how many young men and women in the village are envious!

In this incomparably beautiful atmosphere, after nearly half a month of hard work, Lu Ya estimated that a new life would definitely be ten out of ten

They're probably going to add another member soon!


Sure enough;

Half a month later;

Nami's stomach is already moving!

At the same time;

On this day, just as all of them were continuing to celebrate with a banquet in the tavern, suddenly, Sheriff Ah Jian rushed in in a hurry

"Everyone, no! Pirates...... Another pirate is coming!".


In an instant;

Hear here;

Everyone in the entire village showed a look of horror on their faces, after all, they had just escaped from Ah Long's clutches, so they wouldn't be targeted by pirates again, right?

Except for Lua!


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