Luya's method is to first use his unique artificial Devil Fruit god-level technology to reproduce a natural thunder fruit

Since the Thunder Fruit itself has already reached the 5-star level;

Hence ......

The reproduced artificial thunder fruit is also 5 stars!

Lua didn't need to eat this real thunder fruit at all

Instead, eat this replica artificial thunder fruit directly!

The biggest difference between the True Thunder Fruit and the replica artificial Thunder Fruit is that after eating the True Thunder Fruit, you can no longer choose;

The artificial thunder fruit is conditioned by the creator

The creator can strip off the artificial Devil Fruit at any time!

It would have been ......

This is definitely one of the biggest flaws of artificial Devil Fruits!

Once you eat the artificial Devil Fruit, you are selling yourself to the Creator, and the Creator has the right to kill you!

Not ...... though

This so-called defect is completely untenable here in Lua!

Because ......

Lua himself is the creator of this artificial fruit!

Instead, ......

This so-called defect has also become Lua's biggest advantage!

He eats the man-made Devil Fruit he has created, sells himself to himself, and then has the right to kill himself

That is to say;

He can peel off his artificial fruit at any time!

And so on;

If Lua eats the artificial thunder fruit created by himself, he will not only be able to have a powerful power that is not inferior to the real thunder fruit;

At the same time......

If you don't want it one day, you can replace it with another fruit

He can also use himself to strip himself of the fruit!

It doesn't affect him at all to choose the true god-level fruit in the future!

Lie down in a groove!

This brain hole;

I'm afraid it's really not an ordinary genius who can come up with it, right?


Thinking of this;

Without saying a word, Lu Ya immediately reproduced an artificial thunder fruit, and at the same time swallowed it directly without hesitation!

Instant ......

Lua felt as if he had become the thunder and lightning mother in the sky, and with a movement of his mind, he could thunder and lightning at will no matter what part of his body was

And that's just how he just ate the fruit, and as he became more proficient in the fruit, he was able to manipulate ...... at will

Current intensity!

100 million volts;

200 million volts;

...... all

No problem!

In addition to that;

You can also teleport with radio waves, and there are even many powerful and fun ways to use them, such as giving yourself an electric shock to your heart

Rise from the dead!

Thunder Fruit;

Sure enough, ......


Of course ......

Among them, Luya is most interested in the heart network that has been verified for a long time, and if you want to master the ability of the heart network, you must have the ability to see and hear!

Just ......

Lua's sight and hearing has broken through the proficiency level!

This is really the right time, the right place, and all the people, because of this, at this moment, Luya instantly comprehended the mystery of the heart network!


【Ding!You have successfully unlocked the Sight and Smell Heart Network!】


Congratulations, host, you have successfully defeated Anilu, rescued the entire Sky Island natives, and increased the reputation of the D-Clan!].

[Navy Type 6's current experience points increased by 10%!]

[Three-color domineering current experience points increased by 10%!]

[Sword Skill Avoidance Current Experience Points Increase by 10%!]

[Get Reward: Memory Armor Combat Suit Technology!].


See here;

Lua quickly checked his current strength:


1. [Physical Technique]:

Navy Type Six:

1) Razor: Dacheng level, experience value: 80%;

2) Iron Block: Dacheng level, experience value: 80%;

3) Paper Painting: Dacheng Level, Experience Points: 80%;

4) Moon Step: Dacheng level, experience points: 80%;

5) Lanjiao: Dacheng level, experience value: 80%;

6) Finger Gun: Dacheng level, experience value: 80%;

Sword Skill Avoidance (SSS): Proficiency level, XP: 40%;

Current Equipment:

Black Knife Akisui (SSS): A weapon of the Wano Country National Treasure level!

2. [Fruit]:

Thunder Fruit (artificial): Natural, it can turn its own constitution into thunder and lightning and release high-voltage electricity at will to attack!

3. [Domineering]:

1) Seeing and Hearing, Proficiency Level, Experience Points: 60%;

Heart Net (Special Advanced): Combined with the radio waves of the Thunder Fruit, you can gain insight into the actions of others at a large range and distance!

2) Armament color, proficiency level, experience points: 60%;

Ryu Sakura (Advanced Advanced): You can release the weapon color as you like, and even deal damage to enemies from the inside!

3) Overlord color, proficiency level, experience points: 60%;

4. [Technology]:

Artificial Devil Fruit Technology (SSS): A technology invented by Vegapunk that uses the bloodline factor to reproduce demonic powers!

Growth Factor (SSS): Relying on the bloodline factor, you can improve the bloodline factor of others to make them grow faster!

Memory Armor Combat Suit (S): An armor made of a special memory material with different super powers!

5. [Special]:

Demon Plunder (SSS): After severely invading or slashing a person with Devil Fruit ability, you can plunder their demonic power as you like!

Listen to Everything (SSS): Listen to and communicate with everything in the world to make it work for you!


Physical and technical aspects;

Navy Type 6 is already on the verge of breaking through the Dacheng level;

Ask the top of the mountain!

The Navy Six that has reached the pinnacle level is extraordinary!


Lua didn't really make a choice, though

Not ...... though

He temporarily ate an artificial thunder fruit!

For the time being, while enjoying the powerful power of this Thunder Fruit, it can also leave a way back for him to truly obtain a god-level fruit in the future!


The experience of the tricolor domineering at the proficiency level has passed half!

In addition to that;

Not only is the armed color domineering unlocks the advanced advanced ......

Ryu Sakura!

Seeing and hearing the domineering will also unlock special advanced ......


Science and technology;

Lua can be said to have gained a lot, first of all, the god-level artificial devil fruit technology, and secondly, on the basis of the bloodline factor, he unlocked the growth factor;

Growth factors can be used in children under 16 years of age;

Grow tenfold!

And ......

After reaching the age of 16, it will automatically return to the same as before!

Xiao Luna has grown up with growth factors;

Lua has long been eager to use it for the other children!

Finally ......

Lua has obtained a new Memory Armor Combat Suit technology this time, and if he remembers correctly, this should be an exclusive invention of the Jerma 66!

Each suit has its own unique abilities!

Although Lu Ya's current three daughters-in-law, the eldest daughter Lu Na, the second daughter Lu Qi, and the third daughter Lu Wei, are all talented and may not need this thing;

But ......

Use the battle suit to arm his future concubines;

Let the branches and leaves of the D clan also be extraordinary;

Totally ......

No problem!


After Lua killed Anilu, he was supported by almost all the natives of Sky Island, but in order to strengthen his ties with the aborigines;

In addition, Konice has long had a soft spot for him;

Under Nami Robin's Zhang Luo, Lua directly accepted the angelic girl Conise and became his twenty-third concubine!

And so on;

As Lua gets closer to the natives of the Sky Island, all the resources and technology on the Sky Island will be available to him!

That's all that is done;

Now that they had succeeded in owning their first territory, Lua immediately asked Luna to return to Alabasra to pick up the others

Including her second mother and third mother, second sister and third sister, and other twenty-two concubines, the great cause of reviving the D family is about to really begin!


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