"What do you want from me?" Roy asked him.

"You killed Doflamingo, and your men ate the String-String Fruit." Law said

"Yes, what does it have to do with you? Wait, I remember, you seemed to have been Doflamingo's subordinate. You should be happy if I kill him."Roy said

"Not happy at all." Luo said with a gloomy face. I don't know if his face was originally like this, or if he was just giving Roy a cold look.

"Why are you unhappy? You should be happy that I killed your enemy. If it was my enemy who was killed, I would have wanted to set off firecrackers."Roy laughed.

"These are two different things. I was very happy when Doflamingo died, but then I was confused for a while because I couldn't find my goal. All along, I had been aiming to kill him. Now that I heard the news of his sudden death, I felt that all my efforts over the years had lost their goal. It was you who made me lose my goal."Roy looked up and said,

"Oh, is that so? No wonder, it's a pity that my enemy was killed by others instead of myself, but...what does it have to do with me? I killed him because he wanted to kill me, but I killed him because he was not strong enough. If you want to target me because your enemy was killed by me, then it depends on your strength. If you are stronger than Doflamingo, come up and I promise to make you very happy."Roy smiled.

"No, it's useless even if I target you. You are one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and unlike Doflamingo, I don't need to treat you as an enemy, but I want to cooperate with you."Law said

"Oh, cooperation? What cooperation?" Roy was curious.

"I know you took over Doflamingo's business in the New World. I have a business deal here, I wonder if you are interested." Luo said

"What deal did you talk about first?" Roy was naturally interested in the previous one. Money is a good thing. Some people really don't care about their lives for money. Roy likes this kind of people the most because he can buy their lives with money and make them work for him.

Mercenaries are the best example. A group of people who go to the battlefield for money are mercenaries. After they are caught, they will not be protected by the convention. They will be identified as terrorists. Rich people spend money to buy their lives to make them fight.

With the chaos in the world, the mercenary business of their pirate group began to flourish, and they even developed a protection business.

It is similar to the bodyguard business of the pirate group that they bought. Once there is a pirate attack, they will quickly appear to protect them.

Isn't this very familiar, isn't it the navy.

The navy only protects those countries that have joined the World Government. The whole world knows this. As for those countries that are not members, the World Government will look at them. They don't even look at them, and don't care about their lives at all.

If they want to continue to live in the country and region, they must face the endless harassment of pirates.

Faced with pirates and even the persecution of the World Government, they have no choice but to sit back and wait for death, their wives and children to be separated, and their families to be broken up.

The Buggy Pirates only target pirates, so they proposed this business. Sufficient money can protect you. If the navy doesn't protect you, we will protect you.

In this way, the Buggy Pirates quickly collected a lot of wealth, and many desperate criminals joined their pirate group's mercenary team.

Mercenaries are affiliated with their pirate group, but they are not members of their pirate group. Once something happens, even if the World Government makes trouble for them, they can easily get rid of it.

People all over the world know that money is important, money is good, and pirates go to sea for the wealth of great treasures, for fame, and for status.

"Poison gas bombs." Luo said

"Oh, biological weapons, so you have Caesar in your hands, right?" Roy reacted. He went to Dressrosa to look for Caesar, but didn't find him. He didn't know where he went.

"You know Caesar?" Luo was surprised. He didn't expect that Roy actually knew about Caesar's existence.

"Of course I know, I even went to find him, that guy is not that good, but he is good at making war weapons, and sometimes war weapons can play a big role."Roy said. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It is indeed not a joke. In the Zou battlefield, Jack was no match for the cats and dogs, so he directly used poison gas bombs to solve the battle. On the contrary, it was Quinn's plague, which was simply a joke........

The plague can actually make the opponent stronger. It's simply handing a knife to the enemy. It looks like a game, but in fact, Quinn's plague research and development is shit.

The heat virus used in Rabbit Bowl is okay. It is contagious and will burn anyone who touches it. The ice demon that came later is simply a joke.

This kind of weapon is unnecessary for Roy. It is more like a weapon for ordinary people. A more direct weapon should be a poison gas bomb, which can directly destroy their combat effectiveness on the battlefield. Even people like cats and dogs can be directly poisoned and make them have no combat effectiveness.

This is why he looks down on Quinn. This guy's scientific research direction is extremely weird. He messed up his body and couldn't tell whether he was a dinosaur or a snake.

"Since you know Caesar, I won't explain much. I have a cooperation with that guy to develop a project, but we are short of money."Luo said

"You mean you need money? Let me think about it. I have no problem providing you with funds, provided that Caesar is under my control."Roy said

"No."Roy shook his head. Caesar was his biggest bargaining chip. He couldn't let Caesar fall into Roy's hands. Once the bargaining chip was gone, Roy would never care about him.

"Forget it, I'm not that interested in him. Besides, it's good that you can keep him. Some things can't necessarily be obtained by spending money."Roy smiled.

"Are you threatening me?

"I guess so. If you don't have the strength, you deserve to live at the bottom."Roy said with a smile.

Luo looked at Roy and obviously regretted cooperating with Roy. Roy was the kind of person who would eat people without spitting out bones. Those who entered his pocket and were targeted by him had to either cooperate with him or be killed by him.

The expansion of the Buggy Pirates was accompanied by the bankruptcy of countless businessmen, and countless businessmen also joined them to eat more cakes.

Roy didn't like those who were disobedient and uncontrollable. He wanted to control everything in his hands and eliminate all unstable factors.

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