Squard followed, he followed Whitebeard, stood behind Whitebeard, and blocked the navy who wanted to attack him.

Whitebeard was not injured, although he was old and seriously ill, the tiger could still come down the mountain and show his fangs.

After Whitebeard was dispatched, the navy had to arrange a large number of troops to fight him.

The power of Earthquake Man was exerted, and the destructive power was huge. After all, it was the power of nature.

Earthquake should be placed in the natural system. After all, earthquake is also a kind of natural disaster. It is on par with volcanoes and typhoons. It is one of the three major natural disasters of a certain country.

The earthquake was given to Whitebeard, the volcano was given to Akainu, and the typhoon has not been revealed yet. Except for Dragon, there is probably no one else.

Roy joined the battlefield, and the navy targeted him. The moment he appeared on the battlefield, he immediately became the target of the navy's concentrated fire.

"It was he who ruined Admiral Akainu's plan."

"Kill him"

"We can't let him leave the headquarters alive."


Four naval commanders jumped over at once. Roy didn't know who they were. They were all wearing navy coats. Although he could tell their ranks by the shoulder badges, who cared what their ranks were? He just went up and punched them four times.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The four people were knocked away by Roy before they could even see what was happening. They fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

"You're quite strong!" Marco noticed Roy and saw how easily he dealt with four navy soldiers, and his evaluation of him improved a little.

"Stop him"

""Let's go together."

The navy had 100,000 soldiers, and excluding those who had lost their combat effectiveness, there were at least 70,000 or 80,000. There were still a lot of them, and the number of soldiers concentrated on Whitebeard's side was more than 30,000.

Whitebeard's deployment excited the entire navy, but Roy found that the navy was retreating, obviously to activate their encirclement wall.

"We need to speed up and open a passage." Roy ran faster. Before the two navy soldiers in front of him could react, Roy had already disappeared in front of them.

"Where are the people? Where did they go?"


"Over there!"

"So fast, how did he do it?"

""The move just now, was it the Navy Six Styles?"

Roy dodged many of the navy, but the navy as a whole was retreating, and even Whitebeard knew that something was wrong. Suddenly, a figure quickly approached Whitebeard. Whitebeard subconsciously prepared to punch him, but when he felt that the other party had no ill intentions, he stopped.

"It's you." Whitebeard said to Roy who was panting.

"The Navy is going to carry out their plan. They were originally planning to execute the execution ahead of time, but now they are going to activate the encirclement wall. By then, the entire inner bay will be surrounded by steel walls, and everyone will be trapped in the inner bay. Admiral Akainu will activate magma to melt the ice. Now quickly give the order to get everyone back on board."Roy said

"I understand. No wonder the navy is retreating. It seems to be another plan of Sengoku."Whitebeard looked at the retreating navy and realized the problem.

"Tell everyone to get on the boat and go up from Little Oz's side. Oz's body is blocking the way and they can't get up the encirclement wall over there." Roy pointed in the direction of Oz.

He wanted to show the value of the Buggy Pirates and completely muddy the waters of the entire war at the top.

Whitebeard raised the naginata in his hand and shouted,"Everyone, stop chasing and go back to the boat."


The pirates who were chasing stopped and turned to look at Whitebeard in confusion. They were about to charge just now, but now they were retreating.

"Damn it, when did Whitebeard realize it? It should have been almost leaked. No, it was him. He just came to Whitebeard's side. He should have said something to Whitebeard. Damn Buggy Pirates, the plan was discovered by him and leaked to Whitebeard?"Zhan Guo stared at Whitebeard and realized that the plan was leaked, and it was Roy who told Whitebeard.

""Hurry up and retreat. Activate the encirclement wall. Where's Sakaski? Prepare to melt the ice. The encirclement wall is frozen by the ice." Sengoku picked up the Den Den Mushi and said

"Maybe we can rush through." Whitebeard assessed the situation and found that the surrounding wall seemed to be blocked by the ice.

"You're overthinking it. The navy will try to delay it. Even if they get there, your forces will be blocked. By then, the navy will only need the cannons in the inner bay to kill everyone, and your forces will be destroyed in the inner bay."Roy said

"That's right, we can't take it lightly."Whitebeard accepted Roy's suggestion.

As the two were talking, a huge figure approached.

The pirates followed Whitebeard's words and began to retreat, return to the ship, and even headed towards the open sea.

"Why did Dad give the order to retreat?"

"I don't know either. The navy is also retreating."

"I have a bad feeling, do as dad says"

"Scuyard, what are you doing? Come with us."

"I want to stay with my father." Scuyard said

"Stupid, Dad told us to go back to the boat, did you even listen to him?"

Scuyard struggled for a moment, but still followed the others to the nearest boat.

"I will not let you go to the Whitebeard Pirates in the square." Vice

Admiral Jando of the Giant Clan stood in front of Whitebeard. Before the navy's encirclement wall was activated, he stood out to buy time for the navy.

However, facing Whitebeard, the power brought by his huge body was easily offset by Whitebeard, and Whitebeard used his terrifying move. Whitebeard bounced off his attack and stretched out his hand to grab the air space in front of him.

It was like a transparent plastic film, which was pulled down by Whitebeard.

Everyone on the battlefield felt that the ground was tilting, and they were standing on a tilted ground.

Jando in front of him flew up, his body was disturbed by an irreversible force, and his whole body rotated 360 degrees. The huge body could not be controlled at all

"What's going on? Balance……"Jando was confused, his body twisting.

To put it bluntly, this move directly changed the gravity of the entire Marine Headquarters, causing the ground to tilt, and the continental shelf below the Marine Headquarters was forcibly broken.

The entire island was forcibly broken from the continent below, and the sea was fractured to varying degrees.

No one could stand, unless they had the means to fix themselves. Even Sengoku and Garp could only lie on the execution platform, bearing this irresistible force of law.

"What a reckless old man, but the power is too terrible, it seems that the Tremor-Tremor Fruit cannot be taken by Blackbeard, old man, you'd better hold on." Roy hugged one of Whitebeard's thighs. He himself was not affected, so Roy just hugged his thigh tightly.

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