"I can't let you hold me back."

Roy had to be serious. Facing the flames, he stretched out his hand and used the crushing magic to smash the flames of Huoshaoshan. Compared with Doberman, Huoshaoshan was well prepared. He avoided the strange crushing magic at the first time.

"What kind of ability is this?" Huoshaoshan asked

"Why should I tell you?"Roy didn't want to talk, he was looking for an opportunity.

Huoshaoshan is very greasy. This lieutenant general who has never shown fighting in the plot always has a smiling face.

Those who smile are monsters. Huoshaoshan is definitely a monster among monsters. When he gets serious, he doesn't give Roy any chance at all. In the fight between the two, Roy is the one who is restrained. It is difficult to find an opportunity to give Huoshaoshan a fatal blow.

Huoshaoshan was embarrassed by his many attacks and couldn't gain any advantage.

"I already know your ability. Everything you touch will break, right? When you used it just now, I clearly felt the cutting feeling. Domineering power can only protect the surface. Your cutting force can directly act on the body. The reason why Lieutenant General Doberman fell was because your cutting caused damage to his body."

After a fight, Huoshaoshan judged the characteristics of Roy's ability through the fight.

"You understand my abilities better than I do. Thank you so much, Mr. Huoshaoshan." Roy thought to himself but didn't say it out loud. He had only been given the Shattering Magic for one day and hadn't had time to research it yet.

The other party had already researched it for him. Could it penetrate the Armament Haki and smash the enemy into the enemy's body?

Seeing that Doberman could still continue to fight, he was hurt inside the body, but the Armament Haki blocked a lot of damage, so it still had a defensive effect.

Thanks to Huoshaoshan for letting him know that his Shattering Magic still had many characteristics. The disadvantage was that his own strength was not enough. Even though he now had more means, his own strength had not been greatly improved. It was all because of the certain transformation brought to his body after the skill improvement.

"Not talking, it seems that he wants to hide his ability. I already know roughly that your ability is still limited. There will be a prerequisite before it is activated. It should be a superhuman system. The stronger the ability, the more restrictions there will be, just like Whitebeard."Huoshaoshan continued.

The purpose of his talking while fighting was naturally to get more information out. Roy did not have much combat experience through fighting, but he knew everything, Observation Haki, Armament Haki, Navy Six Styles, and Fruit Ability. It was a mess

, but he was not proficient, and his combat skills were rough. It was precisely because of this that he could control Roy and fight with him until now. If Roy could master these powers, he would probably not be Roy's opponent.

What can be done now is to contain him and find an opportunity to kill him.

Roy was watertight, did not communicate with him, and did not reveal any information to him. Such a battle seemed a bit boring.

Huoshaoshan had no way to attack him with words and make him reveal his flaws.

"You continue." Roy ignored him at all, and used Huoshaoshan as a practice target, and began to learn how to fight. These vice admirals of the Navy Headquarters were the best instructors in the world. After all, their teachers were admirals of the Navy, students taught by real chief instructors of the Navy.

Except for the fact that Roy could not see any hope in the battle against Magellan, he could learn something from Kizaru and others, learn the various fighting methods of the opponents, and constantly enrich his own strength.

Fighting is the best teaching. No matter where you are, practice makes perfect. Only through fighting can you improve your strength the fastest.

Just look at Luffy. The improvement after each battle in the past two years has been huge. Two years later, he even jumped from the Seven Warlords of the Sea to the level of the Four Emperors. Finally, with the help of Teacher Kaido, he finally awakened his ability.

Roy was enjoying the battle, and after Huoshaoshan found that Roy was silent, he also silently talked to Roy. Roy and Buggy fought against each other. The two of them were not the center of the battlefield, but only caused a certain disturbance in a small area.

The focus was still on Whitebeard, and the three admirals attacked Whitebeard one after another.

First, Aokiji attacked, and then he was knocked away by Joz and injured.

It was here that the natural admiral was injured for the first time. Aokiji was hit by George's domineering, and blood was left from the corner of his mouth.

Secondly, Kizaru attacked Luffy, who was completely defeated by Dalmatian and Flying Squirrel. He took Luffy from the two of them, and after being kicked by the legendary second uncle, Luffy was sent back to Whitebeard by Kizaru.

While fighting, Roy looked at the current battlefield. Buggy had not come in yet. Roy was not worried about Buggy's life at all. His luck was too good and he could not die at all.

Jinbe and Ivankov also entered the battlefield. As for Luffy, he had lost his combat effectiveness and only had a little strength left to shout to save Ace.

"Do you care about the Straw Hat Boy? He has no strength, but he came here with passion. His courage is commendable, but without strength, it is not enough. He can't save Ace the Fire Fist.

"You are wrong about this. The only person who can save Fire Fist Ace is Straw Hat Boy. Do you think Whitebeard is a fool? Let him take the lead."Roy finally spoke, and smiled and refuted the view of Huoshaoshan.

"Huh?"Huoshaoshan was confused. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Luffy's strength was just that. How could he, a newcomer, break through the navy's defense and so many vice admirals and generals?

"What do you mean by that? What's the conspiracy?"Huoshaoshan thought it was strange, and he kept attacking Roy with his knife in both hands, putting pressure on Roy to tell him his plan.

In his opinion, Roy was very smart, he changed the situation of the battle, even though the Straw Hat Boy had no fighting power, he still felt that Whitebeard and Roy had a conspiracy here.

"You are old and confused? You can't even tell. Look at the navy, except Akainu, who will kill the Straw Hat Boy? Do you dare to go over and kill the Straw Hat Boy? I'm asking you, do you dare? Vice Admiral Huoshaoshan."Roy laughed.

As soon as he said this, Huoshaoshan immediately understood. If he was given the opportunity to kill the Straw Hat Boy Luffy now, would he dare to do it?

No, because the consequences of killing him were too serious.

Huoshaoshan glanced at the execution platform with his peripheral vision and saw the white-haired old man sitting next to Ace with his fists clenched tightly.

He realized the conspiracy of Whitebeard and Roy, but he was wrong. It was an open conspiracy.

Because the Straw Hat Boy is Garp's grandson, they all know this. Although it has not been publicly associated yet, they know that they can kill Ace, the Fire Fist, but they cannot do anything to Luffy, otherwise the most terrifying person in the navy will stand opposite the navy. At that time, the navy will not be facing an old and sick Whitebeard, but the world's strongest navy soldier who will not decline in strength due to age.

"How dare you!!!" Huoshaoshan said angrily

"There is a flaw, Fire Mountain Lieutenant General!"

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