"Help, I don't want to die yet!!"

"Who can come and save me. "


The people on the refuge ship screamed and despaired, like ants, helpless against the raging waves.

Why is it a luxury to live in this world?

I never know what will happen in the next moment, and if I come to this world and think about lying down, maybe one day disaster will suddenly befall me.

The hundred-meter-high waves were beyond their understanding, and if it was an ordinary wave, the navigator and the helmsman had some way to deal with it, after all, they were people living in the new world, and their sailing skills were far more abundant than those of the navigators from all over the world.

Now waiting for them is only the road of destruction, not everyone is called Jinping, not everyone can be familiar with the sea, there is only one Jinping, and it is estimated that none of the people at the helm of the fish-people can surpass him.

"Why do you want us to bear this, why? This world is so unfair, who will save us..."

The navigators knelt on the deck, crying out in despair, the gods fought, the mortals suffered, they had lost their homes, and now they had to lose 16 lives.

Looking at his family, there is no possibility of surviving under this huge wave.

The tsunami is getting closer and closer, and the ship is about to be swallowed up, and some people close their eyes, while others widen their eyes.


Just when everyone was desperate, suddenly the tsunami stopped, the air temperature dropped sharply, and the ship stopped.

"Knot, frozen?" The navigator was one of the few people who widened his eyes, and he saw the tsunami stop right before his eyes, frozen for a moment.

"How can it freeze like this? The navigator was stunned.

"Look, the sea is frozen. A man lay on the side of the boat and shouted pointing to the sea below.

Only then did they see that the entire sea had been frozen, and the terrible tsunami had stopped.

"It is God who protects us. "

There were women kneeling on the ground praying.

"Is it the weather?" the navigator looked up at the sky, the weather in the new world was too weird, the scorching sun exploded one second, the next second it could be heavy rain, and it might even be boiling water.

But suddenly the sea froze, but the people on board were fine, and it was obvious that it was not simple.


Just as they were puzzled, they heard something, and a penguin happily skated on the ice.

The white belly had almost no friction on the smooth ice, and it slid on the ice very happily, and finally landed at the feet of a man in a dark trench coat, and patted the man's foot very dissatisfied, telling people to get out of the way.

"It's so big, you have to come to my side. The man said helplessly.

He knew that the penguin was looking for him on purpose, but judging by his expression, he was not impatient.

"Someone—" The people on the refuge ship saw the man standing on the ice, as well as the big penguin next to him.

"Could he be—" the navigator thought of something.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't control it for a while, and your boat might not be able to move, but if you continue to walk this way, you should be able to see the island. The man skated on the ice from the refuge ship on the aisle.

The people on the boat stared at this strange man with wide eyes, very curious.

"Who is he?"

"Why is he on the ice?"

"If I'm not mistaken...", the navigator kept staring at the man until he stood on top of the tsunami, as if he had seen a god: "He's a former admiral, Pheasant!!"

"Pheasant ?!!"

The long-lost pheasant has reappeared, and the navy has been looking for his whereabouts, but no one has ever found him, and news about him has been circulating around the world.

Countless people have received his favor, and the pheasant's name is known all over the world, who would have thought that the pheasant would appear here.

The ability to freeze the sea in an instant is the only one he can do in the whole world, and everyone looks at his back on the cold ice, until he disappears from view, and they still haven't come back to their senses.

The scene of the sea being frozen also occurs on Ruby Island.

The scope of the freeze was too large, and Monet was close to the edge of the island, and she was the first to notice that the sea was frozen.

"What's going on, the sea is frozen, is it the weather? It's impossible, you want to freeze the sea in an instant, unless the temperature reaches absolute zero. Monet denied that it was caused by qi. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Since it's not the weather, is it possible that the cause is nautical.

A certain area of the New World is called the Eternal Sea, and the sea there is a continent of ice, unlike the Antarctic and the North Pole, because the low latitude causes the temperature to freeze.

The Eternal Sea is because there is an ice eye at the bottom of the sea, and that ice eye is very special, and it will constantly spew cold air from it, thus freezing all the seawater in that area.

"Could it be that the earthquake just now caused the ground to rupture, and what leaked out was not magma, but cold air?" Monet pondered.

It is common knowledge that volcanic eruptions are caused by earthquakes, and the new world cannot be understood with common sense, and it is very likely that because of earthquakes, ice cracks appear on the seabed, causing this sea area to be frozen.

Monet thought so, and Roy and Charlotte Lingling, who were fighting on the island, did not notice this scene until they moved the battlefield to the sea, and the sea was frozen.

"What's going on?" said Charlotte Lingling in surprise.

"Is the sea frozen?" Roy was also confused.

"There is only one person who can do this in 640 days. Charlotte Lingling looked up into the distance.

"It seems to be just him, is it a coincidence? Blackbeard before, now him, how can someone come over to make trouble every time. Roy muttered.

He still has pheasants, and Charlotte Lingling should have no grudges, could it be that he came here on behalf of the navy, the problem is that he is not a navy now, and there is no reason to deal with them.

The two didn't dare to act rashly, and they didn't make a rash move, after all, they all thought of it together, and the pheasant was very likely to be nearby.

At the same time, the Bigmom thieves who were approaching had a problem, and their ship was blocked by ice.

"The sea is frozen, is there a sea of ice in the waters near Ruby Island?" Perospero wondered.

"I don't know, there's no way to go to the ship. Smuji said.

"Owen. Katakuri said to Owen behind him.

"Leave it to me. Owen jumped out of the boat and stood on the ice, his body starting to turn red.

"Look at me melting all this ice. Owen was about to melt the ice with the hot fruit, when a man appeared in front of them.

"Well, can you not melt. A man stood behind Owen unconsciously.

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