
The people on the island experienced being overturned and had to hang on the cliff wall, and now it's okay, the cliff wall exploded and everyone fell from it.

Joz lifted the ice cube or something, and Roy directly lifted half of the island into the air and crushed it with one blow.

Now half of the island is gone, and Whitebeard's combat experience has this trick.

Using the power of the earthquake to overturn the entire island, Whitebeard would not normally use this trick, after all, once used, it means that an island will be scrapped.

The second is that Whitebeard is generally dispatched in general, he was able to use this trick at will in the Rocks Pirates when he was young, and after he established the Whitebeard Pirates, he never used it again except for a few fierce battles.

Under the effect of the fruit's ability, his move actually did not rely on strength, and it was definitely impossible to lift off half of the island by relying on his own strength alone.

Kaido's ability to pull the island out of the sea only by creating a cloud of flames was done through the power of the Devil Fruit.

"Bang la la !!"

The ruby crystal blocks in the sky fell down, and the shattered earth buried those who had fallen into the sea before.

Blackbeard breathed a sigh of relief as he was taken into the sky by Lafitte at the critical moment, seeing the shattered stones fall and a wail below, as well as the destruction of his ship and the burial of people in the sea033.

Blackbeard was distressed, and he had finally gathered so many of his subordinates, and now many of them were buried.

Fortunately, they were not without means of coping, and at the critical moment, a giant shot to block part of the rubble, avoiding the death of most people.

Charlotte Lingling saw the giant's eyes light up and said excitedly: "Huge battleship, San Juan wolf. "

The wolf also noticed Charlotte Lingling and hurriedly ducked to the side.

The two obviously had a holiday, and Charlotte Lingling saw the evil wolf's eyes glowing, and she should have known the evil wolf before.

The wolf was bigger than Oz, and when he was at the Navy Headquarters, he was the size of the Navy Headquarters building, one hundred and eighty meters.

The fish-man who appeared on Fish-Man Island was only more than 160 meters, more than 180 meters high, a one-story building was counted as four meters, a high-rise building of more than 60 floors, just imagine how big the sense of oppression should be when such a behemoth came in front of him.

This is not the largest creature in the world, and the elephant lord is 20,000 meters tall at the shoulder.

The Wolf is a giant clan, and he is also a fruit powerhouse.

This is shown in the plot, he is soaked in the sea and his whole body is weak, which is enough to show that he is a fruit ability.

The second is why his size can follow Blackbeard and them away, because his body can continue to shrink.

He is an inflated person who eats the inflated fruit, and can expand up to a hundred times the size, similar to the Valdmomo fruit.

However, Wald's Momo fruit is added to other objects or his own speed, and he can only keep his body expanding, unless he can develop an awakening, and maybe try to inflate other things.

"Charlotte Lingling. The wolf hurriedly avoided her gaze, not daring to make eye contact with Charlotte Lingling.

"Well, well, I haven't seen the wolf for a long time, do you want to join my pirate group, you won't have any good results with Blackbeard, this guy is short-lived at first glance. Chartreen said.

"Hey, old woman, what do you mean? Baggers was upset when he heard Charlotte Lingling say this about his captain.

"Shut up the trash!"

Charlotte Lingling grabbed Zeus's body, a thunderbolt slashed over, where is Baggers's parallel goods Charlotte Lingling's opponent, a thunderbolt passed through his body, Baggers fell to the ground on his back, his mouth and hair emitting scorching black smoke.

"What do you mean, old woman. Blackbeard stared at Charlotte Lingling angrily.

"I thought you were strong, but now it seems that you can't even handle Roy, and you still want to join forces with me, just rely on you, Whitebeard is almost the same, what are you. Charlotte Lingling said. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Damn old woman, you're looking for death. Blackbeard jumped down angrily, and Badgers was an obedient dog under him (BGFI) no matter what he said.

Beat the dog to see the master, his own subordinates were beaten, how could he be indifferent, otherwise how would the other subordinates look at him, face was lost, the team was not easy to lead, and now there is a scene where his subordinates are beaten, and he is indifferent, then the next pirate group is waiting to be disbanded.

Blackbeard has to set an example no matter what, so he shoots at Charlotte Lingling.

"Dark Cave Road!"

Blackbeard lays the darkness through, and then he grabs Zeus, who loses his resistance as if he had fallen into Blackbeard's hands.

As a Homiz created by her own soul, Charlotte Lingling sensed Zeus's words, and she looked at Zeus in surprise.

"The power of the Dark Fruit. Charlotte Lingling lifted Napoleon towards Blackbeard.

"Do you know the Dark Fruit? Blackbeard laughed.

"I know the Dark Fruit better than you do. As she spoke, Charlotte Lingling swung her knife at Blackbeard.

Blackbeard took out his steel claws and pawed them at Charlotte Lingling.

The weapons of the two collided together, would Blackbeard not have the domineering color of the overlord?

This is absolutely impossible, as a member of the D family, plus the strength that can still hurt the redhead back then, many people underestimate Blackbeard's actual combat level, thinking that he has the status he has in the future with the Dark Fruit.

When Ace was not the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, he felt that Blackbeard should be the captain of the second team, and everyone recognized his strength.

It can be seen that Blackbeard's strength was already very strong before he got the fruit, and he was still hiding.

Just how strong Blackbeard is depends on his fight with Charlotte Lingling.

However, Charlotte Lingling could never have imagined that her opponent was not a single person, but a group of Blackbeard's men.

After Blackbeard restrained Charlotte Lingling, Hiryu, Diemi, Evil King and others took action one after another, and all attacked Charlotte Lingling from behind.

No matter how strong Charlotte Lingling's defense was, in the face of these strong players, she was pierced through her steel-like skin with weapons.

"How dare you..."Charlotte Lingling was extremely angry, and with a wave of her hand, she swept the people behind her, snatched Zeus from Blackbeard's hand, and threw a large number of souls out, using the stone to start making Homitz.

Since Blackbeard had a subordinate, she couldn't do it alone, and she soon created a large group of Homitz.

However, a desperate scene appeared for Charlotte Lingling, Blackbeard's hand touched her, and she felt that the power in her body was gone, Zeus, Napoleon, and Prometheus all closed their eyes, lost their soul power, and Hormitz also fell down.

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