"Hahaha, kill me, you care about yourself first, how much better can you be now, how much strength do you have after fighting Charlotte Lingling for so long?" Blackbeard laughed.

"You can try, I regret not killing you when I advanced into the city. Roy said.

"You really think you can kill me in Advance City, no kidding. Blackbeard ran up quickly, his right hand braving dark matter.

Roy had long known the characteristics of his fruit, and grabbed the naginata and slashed at it.

However, his abilities vanished, and Blackbeard used the Dark Fruit to absorb the powers of the Shock Fruit, causing Roy to lose his fruit abilities.

"It's amazing, isn't it, that's the horror of the Dark Fruit. Blackbeard raised his other hand and clenched it into a fist and struck it at Roy's head.

"Who do you underestimate? Roy chuckled and made a "zero-eight-zero" sound, and the shattering magic was activated, and Blackbeard's hand grabbed him suddenly cracked, and Blackbeard hurriedly pulled it out.

However, it was still slow, and his hands had been dismantled by the disintegration magic.

Blackbeard looked at his severed hand and froze in place for a moment.

"You really don't know me. Roy grabbed the naginata and slashed him in the chest under Blackbeard's round eyes.

He was slashed by Whitebeard before, but now he was split by Roy again, and his movements were so similar and consistent.

The moment Blackbeard fell, it was as if he saw Whitebeard staring at him, and his eyes were full of contempt.

"How is it possible, my dark water is already there..."Blackbeard seemed to forget about the pain, and there was only one thought in his mind.

Roy's Devil Fruit ability is not limited by him, how can he still use the fruit ability?

How the hell did he do it, and why did he still use it?

Blackbeard couldn't figure it out, and he didn't have time to think about it, so Roy continued.

"Sneak attack!"

Blackbeard didn't sit still, his severed hand was still flowing out of dark matter, and the dark matter formed a wall that blocked Roy's tracks.

Dark matter is very special, before Roy can react, the dark matter has already wrapped him, and Roy's whole person is in the dark.

At this moment, Roy felt that his whole body had lost its strength, to be precise, the power was slowly being devoured, and the power in his body was fading.

"Is this darkness? Roy was still wondering how even smashing magic didn't work against darkness, even if it couldn't devour his abilities, it was obvious that magic couldn't be devoured.

His strength grew weaker and weaker in the darkness, and he tried to grasp the darkness, but found that it was difficult to say, and when he grasped it in his hand, it would pass through his body, and he felt that he would fall quickly, etc.

It's a strange feeling, and Roy can't even say it, but it feels like this thing is so deep that there's no end in sight.

"Crypt Road. "

Blackbeard on the outside had already wrapped Roy inside, raising his hand against the darkness.

Roy felt a serious sense of falling in the darkness, as if he had fallen into endless darkness.

Roy knew that he was consumed by Blackbeard's darkness, and he wasn't sure when he would be released, Blackbeard's darkness was his body, and the elementalized body was the elemental.

Who sees the existence of darkness?

Some people say that the night is darkness, others say that the invisible is darkness, that darkness does not exist, and that darkness exists.

Falling into the endless darkness, his body became weaker and weaker, the darkness was cold, so cold that Roy shivered, and there was no light in the darkness, no matter how big his eyes were, he couldn't see a single bit of light.

"It's cold, it's dark, it's deep!"

This is Roy's discovery, it is difficult to even move in the dark, his whole body is very weak, he struggles to break free, but he can't shake it, and even his ability is limited.

"When can I get out, and how long can Blackbeard keep me?"

Roy had been in the dark, trying to get out, but the darkness was so deep that he felt his body fall and couldn't move.

Blackbeard, who had devoured Roy outside, gasped heavily, and the next second Blackbeard let out a scream, his arm was broken, and he was stabbed in the chest, and now he reacted, and the severe pain made him scream.

"Ahhhh!!h Blackbeard rolled on the ground and wailed. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Charlotte Lingling saw Roy's people disappear, and immediately knew where Roy had gone, and now she was the only one left.

was stabbed by Diemei, she is not the kind of person who can swallow this breath, lifting Napoleon and rushing towards a few people who pushed into the city...

Charlotte Lingling was furious, they were no match, but a group of them did cause a lot of trouble for Charlotte Lingling when they joined forces.

Blackbeard's men suffered heavy losses, and as long as there was still combat power, they were attacking Charlotte Lingling.

At this moment, Charlotte Lingling was like a big boss, being attacked by a group of people with weapons, fortunately Blackbeard is still being treated, and the poison is giving him medicine to keep him from bleeding.

"My hands, what about my hands?" called Blackbeard.

"There's a way to get it back, but there's no such condition right now, so you have to go back to the boat and go to the operating table. Poison said.

"Now hurry up and give me the pain. Blackbeard said.

Poison took out an apple and gave it to Blackbeard to eat, and after Blackbeard ate the apple, the pain was reduced a lot.

"Do you want to do anything to Charlotte Lingling, Roy has been locked up by you, and we don't have much time. Poison said.

"The ability of the Soul Fruit is very strong, even if you can't get the Shock Fruit, those Soul Fruit are good. Blackbeard stared at Charlotte Lingling with a greedy expression.

None of the fruits of the Four Emperors are simple, Charlotte Lingling is also a superhuman Devil Fruit, as long as he has the Soul Fruit, he can create a fearless Hormitz army.

Thinking of this, Blackbeard decided that he couldn't let Charlotte Lingling leave alive, and he sneaked up on Charlotte Lingling from behind for 0.4 Charlotte Lingling.

Charlotte Lingling is even a person, she is thick-skinned and thick-skinned, and she is not afraid of the siege of these people, but Blackbeard's existence has abolished her Homitz, resulting in Charlotte Lingling's current situation is not very good.

"You're all going to die for me. Charlotte Lingling lectured them with her fists.


A punch struck Jot, the barrel, and the barrel fell directly to the ground unconscious.

"This guy is a monster. Lafitte sweated profusely.

"Hey, we've achieved our goal, are we going to fight this monster?" asked Diemei, looking at Blackbeard.

"Now is the best chance, Charlotte Lingling is alone, and if her men are all here, we have no chance to kill them. Blackbeard said.

"Spelled meow. The Wicked King shouted.

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