Chapter 134

"His Majesty's Seven Martial Sea Roy arrives in New Marin Vando!!"

The announcement of the Navy Headquarters sounded, just like when His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas appeared for the first time, the Navy's loudspeaker not only gave Roy face, but also attracted the attention of various departments of the Navy.

"Don't you want to be so grand, I haven't played this kind of bells and whistles before. Roy stepped onto the new Navy Headquarters dock and was surprised by the sudden announcement.

I didn't expect the Navy to give face so much, and even made a broadcast.

There were two columns of naval soldiers standing on the dock, and Roy reached out and threw the naginata to his men behind him.

"You don't need to bring weapons here, look at their nervousness. Roy smiled, and the two columns of sailors looked very nervous.

"That person is the Seven Martial Seas. "At the top of the Navy Headquarters building, two men wearing the cloak of an admiral opened their mouths with a tattoo on his chest that read Dead River Center.

Although I can't see it, I can obviously feel that the emotions around me are wrong, and I am very jealous of that man. The man next to him opened his eyes, revealing a pair of white eyes without pupils~.

"A very confident person-. "Green Bull Road.

Roy walked step by step to the Navy Headquarters building and took the elevator to the Marshal's office where Akainu was.

"Oh, oh, it's all there. Roy looked at the dozen or so people inside a little surprised, and he even thought that these people had done something to him, and he might be killed in ten minutes.

"The stakes are high, we have to be cautious, Roy you should know why we invited you here. Lieutenant General Tsuru said.

"Any wine?" Roy said as he sat down with a smile.

"This is the headquarters of the Navy. Akainu scolded.

"Don't shout so loudly, Lieutenant General Tsuru just said to invite me over, is this your hospitality?" Roy sat on the sofa in the middle, opposite the red dog, next to the yellow ape, and there were many lieutenant generals standing.

"It's not a good wine, but I love it. A lieutenant general tossed a bottle of wine to Roy.

"Oh oh, sherry, it tastes good, it's a good drink. Roy took it and looked at it, he knew this kind of wine, and it also appeared in the original book, and when the pheasant saw off Zefa, he gave this wine.

Zefa likes to drink sherry very much, and the pheasants are all students of Zefa, and slowly they are all exposed to sherry wine, even the red dog and the yellow ape drink this kind of wine when they are idle.

"Tons and tons of !!"

Roy looked up to the sky and took a big sip, then smiled: "You want to know about the pheasant, right, let's say, what do you want to know, but I can tell you one thing, if there is a chance, he will be." "

Everyone was expressionless, they didn't care about Roy's cruel words, Pheasant was no longer a navy, he was actually mixed with pirates, and they couldn't say anything if they were killed.

"Have you seen him?" said Lieutenant General Tsuru.

"No, only the Bigmom Bandits saw him, he stopped the BigMom Bandits, and it was Katakuri who fought him to make Perospero and them rush to Ruby Island. Roy shook his head.

"Do you know why he and Blackbeard teamed up, and why did they get together?" Tsuru would ask.

"I also want to know, why did he mess up with Blackbeard, isn't he your navy? and he is also an admiral, and the justice in his heart is so worthless, but he didn't do anything bad, after all, he froze the sea, because my ability caused a lot of tsunamis, he froze the sea and saved a lot of people. Roy said, sipping.

Hearing this, all the navy were silent for a moment, and Akainu said: "He is no longer a navy, so you don't have to worry about what you do, but he is mixed with the Blackbeard Pirates, and if you find anything unusual, you can kill him." "

As soon as Akainu's words came out, as long as the pheasant made a mistake, the navy could kill him on the spot, and the pheasant would be their enemy.

"That's all you want me to do when you're done?" Roy said, looking at the empty bottle.

"There is one more thing, it is about the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty. Lieutenant General Tsuru said.

"Your Majesty's Seven Martial Seas, what's the matter? I alone can't represent His Majesty's Seven Martial Seas. Roy said. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"We've called out, and you're the only one at the moment. Lieutenant General Tsuru glanced at Roy Road.


Roy was completely speechless, he almost forgot the summons of the Navy Headquarters, he could ignore it, but he didn't think about it so much, Hawkeye and the Empress were in the first half of the time, Bucky was busy at the headquarters, Bear was in Chambord to show the Straw Hat Pirates, Weibull's whereabouts are unknown, it seems that he is the only one who has nothing to do, and he came to chat with the Navy in a hurry, no wonder there are so many Navyes today, it turns out that people are also in a meeting, and his appearance is a little sudden.

"Since we're here, our topic happens to be related to the Seven Martial Seas. Lieutenant General Tsuru said.

"What's the connection?" Roy asked.

"The last candidate for the Seven Martial Seas has been found. Lieutenant General Tsuru said.

"Oh, who is it?" Roy asked curiously, wondering if it wasn't Luo.

"The supernova of a year ago is now known as Trafalgaro of the Worst Generation. Lieutenant General Tsuru said.

"yes, he, I still have a little impression of him, when the war was topped, he was the one who picked up the straw hat boy, right? Roy said.

"That's right, it's him. Lieutenant General Tsuru said.

"Since this doesn't seem to have anything to do with me, you can continue to talk, and I won't bother. Roy said.

"Trafalgarro happens to be at the Navy Headquarters, let him come over. "Akainu Road.

Roy became interested and sat back down, and not long after Roy walked in, he looked at Roy vigorously.

"What are you looking at, haven't you seen a handsome guy?" Roy didn't like Rowe's scrutiny of the look, he knew that it might be because he killed Doflamingo, and this guy was full of curiosity about him.

Law turned his head and looked at the navy.

"I'm the Seven Martial Seas now, right? Luo said.

"The news was already published the other day and should now be sent to the whole world. Lieutenant General Tsuru said.

"Since I'm already a Seven Martial Seas, I'll be fine. "Luo Dao.

The attitude towards the Seven Martial Seas is accustomed to the navy, Luo turned his head to leave, and Roy smiled after looking at Fuji Tiger and Green Bull: "The two are the new admirals Fuji Tiger and Green Bull, right, I will advise you more in the future." "

Neither of them showed that the vine tiger was against his head, and the green cow was holding his head with both hands, and his expression could not hide his disgust.

"Mr. Roy, can I delay you a little?" said Roy, who was waiting for Roy on the dock, and when he saw it, he stood up straight and looked at him.

"No problem, sir. "。

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