After the grand banquet, Roy led people to the New World, he still had to sit in the New World, and when they had a banquet, several islands on the New World side were attacked by pirates.

The pirates in the New World are a group of real outlaws, they may be afraid of the Four Emperors, but they will not be afraid of the Bucky Pirates, not to mention that the Bucky Pirates are now meeting at the headquarters.

The pirates ran away, leaving a problem with Roy having to go back and deal with it quickly, at least by hanging all their bodies on the island to dry.

Before heading to the New World, he also needs to visit the Chambord Land.

The Legion of the Gods, the legion of the Celestial Dragons.

This legion, which had never appeared in the original books, he really wanted to see it and see how powerful it was, and the future ambitions of their pirate group were not limited to this sea.

Sooner or later, the World Government and the Celestial Dragons will face each other, and Roy went to meet the Legion of God to prepare for the future.

"It's the first time I've been here, it's slimy, I don't like it. Roy stepped on his feet, and he really didn't like the feeling very much.

Imagine stepping on the ground and it's all a ball of slime, is that feeling good?

Anyway, Roy didn't think it was that good, but it was a dream feeling here, and it was indeed beautiful to look at.

Roy finds the Sonny and sees the bear guarding next to the Sonny.

In addition to the bear, there are other people who are there, all of whom are attracted to the Sonny.

"This guy has been here for a year, damn it, the Straw Hat Pirates' ship is just ahead. "These people are pirates, and their target is clearly the Straw Hat Pirates' pirate ship, the Sonny.

"It's been a year, countless people have coveted the ship of the Straw Hat Pirates, and I heard that there are many treasures on board, and this ship is also made of Adam's treasure wood, which is worth hundreds of millions. "The pirate said.

"But that guy is guarding it, and we can't take it at all. The other pirates looked helplessly at the bear in front of them.

There are a lot of wounds on the bear's body, but he can continue to fight, and now he is no longer a normal human, and he doesn't know what power to rely on to fight.

Not afraid of pain, not afraid of the unknown, everything follows the program, he is a robot.

These people who plotted against the Sunny have dealt with the bear many times, using various methods, countless casualties, the bear has been guarding the Sonny, will not leave this range, no matter how they provoke, what means they use, the bear is still standing over there, not moving.

"Change to a better weapon, go to the Bucky Pirates and buy a more powerful weapon, isn't he a fruit powerhouse? "

"Hailou Stone weapons are too expensive, we can't afford them at all. "

"Then go and arrest people, anyway, now the entire Chambord land has become an illegal zone, there is no navy to control it, and if you catch someone, you will sell it. "

"Good idea, hey, that's a good guy. The group turned their heads and saw a man standing not far away.

"Take it!"

No matter who it is, as long as it is a person, and it is definitely best to start alone, a group of people quietly approached the person with ropes.


A masked man sitting on a tree couldn't help but spit out two words when he saw this scene.

As soon as he finished speaking, Roy jerked up at his location and flashed a big smile at him.

"How is it possible?" the man's body gradually melted into the mangroves, and his breath disappeared.

"Gone? Roy stared at that position, he clearly found traces of vibration, and now he was particularly sensitive to vibrations, and with his domineering appearance, he formed a field, and every movement, the vibration created by every living being, could be felt by him.

It's the same as Anilu's power grid, but Anilu uses the radio, he doesn't use small vibrations.

Apparently someone had just spoken to his head, and the frequency of the vibrations was emitted by the body's speech, and it was not any other living being, it was a human.

He chose to hide as soon as Roy found out, and with a slight shock of the shampoo, he kept everything in his eyes.

Now that his domineering has improved a bit, and overall not to the extent that he can foresee the future, Roy decides to wait for the next year, or complete it through a mission.

"Got it. "

Roy was still looking at the mangrove tree above his head, he was sure that the person should be on the mangrove, if he left, he should be able to catch it, the inexplicable disappearance, obviously not leaving, even if it was a small air vibration, he could feel it........

The people behind him pounced, and as soon as Roy raised his hand, a red magic array enveloped them, and these people were frozen in place.

"What's going on?"

There was also a group of people in the distance, and they saw the magic array.

"Is it the Able?"

"Those who are capable are worth a lot of money. "

"Money, money, money, life matters, he is not something we can do, hurry up and escape. The leader turned around and ran. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The four people who were frozen in place couldn't move, they saw Roy who turned his head, and the moment they saw Roy's face, they were desperate.

In the next second, their bodies split neatly, turning into fist-sized pieces of minced flesh that fell to the ground.

"Boss, why are we running away?"

"Idiot, that person just now is His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas Crusher Roy, do you want to die?"

"It's another Seven Martial Seas. "

"Isn't the Seven Martial Seas more valuable?"

"Then you go deal with him. "

"I'm not going. "

A group of people ran away, and the next second they couldn't move, and their bodies began to crack, and like their previous companions, their bodies split into countless pieces and fell to the ground.

"It's really a terrible ability, two fruit abilities, this is his first ability to smash, right, the second is the shock fruit, just now after he went to the island, he could obviously feel that the shampoo has been maintaining a very small vibration frequency, and the domineering and vibration frequency found out that the frequency caused by my speech was 0.5, so it locked me. "

A pair of eyes appeared on the mangrove tree, and he was looking at Roy, who would have thought that there would be eyes on the tree, and he should be the second person who could do this besides Robin's flower fruit.

Roy checked again, but still didn't find the other party, obviously the other party has a unique ability to hide himself.

Since he couldn't find anyone, he didn't need to deliberately look for it, after all, he came to see it, and he didn't come to look for trouble, sometimes it's better to pretend not to know.

Roy walked up to the bear, he didn't show his killing intent, the bear looked down at him, and the program in his head activated.

"Your Majesty the Seven Martial Seas, Roy, is not an enemy..."

"It seems that he has completely turned into a robot, so I think I will have a chance to see you again in the future. "。

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