Roy's lifespan was much longer than he expected, and he didn't expect to live that long.

But in this world, people can die at any time, and Roy cares that he has so much lifespan, and he can live one day at a time.

Charlotte Lingling's ability is terrifying, and she can still see her lifespan, which is tantamount to being like death.

Her ability is indeed like the Grim Reaper, knowing when a person will die, and she can plunder the other party's lifespan through her ability, which is stronger than the Grim Reaper~.

The Grim Reaper will not be able to harvest until the end of a person's lifespan, and she can do it by forcible plunder.

Prom's soul that was caught in her hands was still struggling, and Charlotte Lingling opened her mouth directly and swallowed his soul in one gulp.

"How's it taste?" Roy asked.

"It doesn't smell good. Charlotte Lingling shook her head.

"Well, what do you decide now?" Roy said.

"What price do you say?" Charlotte Lingling still backed down, continuing to fight with Roy would not do much to them, they would only lose more.

Roy began to open his mouth widely, Charlotte Lingling couldn't let him open his mouth, and the two argued a lot, and finally Roy still helped Charlotte Lingling ship things out at a very high price.

Charlotte Lingling swallowed this breath helplessly, there was no way to set the price in the hands of others, if her fist was big, she could still speak loudly, and in the face of the Bucky Pirates, she couldn't be loud.

Reluctantly accepted Roy's blackmail, Roy returned with a full load, and the pattern of the new world seemed to have stabilized.

Blackbeard died, the Four Emperors were not born, and there are still only three Emperors.

Everyone in the New World knows that without the Whitebeard Pirates, the Four Emperors pattern is gone, but the Bucky Pirates have replaced the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Why do you want to promise her, Charlotte Lingling is our enemy, why should we boost their strength and not provide money to the bigmom thief group, isn't it better for us?" Diemei held back for a long time, and finally couldn't help but ask Roy who was basking in the sun.

"No, it's good for us, they earn, we can make more, you know what's the most profitable business?" Roy said.

"What?" asked Diemi, and Kiryu and the others all looked at Roy.

"It's a habit, it's a monopoly, when ordinary people are used to using our things, we can do a monopoly, once the monopoly is over, the world is only us, they can't do without us, the bigmom thieves have their own transportation capabilities, but I hope they can rely on us, so that a relationship of interests is formed, if we have a problem, they will give us help, besides, we are now accumulating wealth, why go against the bigmom thieves." Roy smiled.

"Will this make the bigmom thief group grow stronger, after all, they are opponents, we are sending money to them, and the world government has repeatedly warned us not to get too close to bigmom, you see, the phone bug is here again. Hiryu said, and heard the voice of a phone bug behind him.

The contact number of the World Government has been ringing, and it is obvious that the news of their contact with the BigMom Thieves has reached the ears of the World Government, and the warning from the top of the World Government has come.

"Leave them alone, love as it is, we do our thing. Roy didn't want to pay attention to their warnings, and besides, warnings were useful for what he was doing with his fists.

Anyway, they are pirates, and at worst, they are wanted, otherwise what else, the threat of the World Government is a joke for Roy.

The World Government official of the Holy Land Mary Joya was so angry that he slammed the table, he couldn't swallow this breath, and turned around and ran to the power hall next door.


Kneel on one leg in front of the five old stars. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"What's wrong?" the fifth old star asked in confusion when he saw him kneeling at the door.

"Five old stars, it's too much, the Bucky Pirates are really too much, they have ignored our warnings many times and forcibly met with the bigmom bandits, and now the new world has made them the new Four Emperors, they have forgotten their identity as the king's Seven Martial Seas, I request that their titles of the Seven Martial Seas be revoked, and their rights will be deprived, and they can't continue to do whatever they want. The senior official knelt on the ground and said.

The five old stars were silent for a moment, and the old man wearing the hat sighed and said, "If it was a year ago, maybe we could still do it, but now it is difficult for us to do anything to this behemoth." "

"Depriving them of their titles will only speed them up, and now at least they can hold them in their hands, as long as there is a title on them, it is a restriction on them. The bald bearded old man said.

"Their appetite is indeed growing, what is the content of the meeting with the Bigmom thieves?" asked the yellow-haired old man.

"No, no, Roy didn't answer our calls at all, he hung up on us multiple times. The official said.

"Hmm, didn't answer, use our phone bug. "The five old stars thought about it and still had to communicate with Roy, if Roy sold it to bigmom, it would not be good news for them.

Even if they knew that Doflamingo had been selling weapons to Charlotte Lingling, they had to warn Roy not to let him go too far.

Roy's side thought that the world government had given up, but when he waited for the phone bug of the five old stars, he had to answer it, and the five old stars could directly deprive them of their titles.

"No, Umit joined us, there are no more merchants on the Bigmom side, that's why they contacted me to sell some goods and weapons from me? No, no weapons were sold to them, don't worry, I won't cross the line. Roy whispered into the phone.

The five old stars asked a few questions, Roy completely coped with the past, and the five old stars couldn't ask anything, so they could only rely on spy intelligence to check by themselves, and it was strange that they could ask questions.

"The five old stars are still wary of us, don't cooperate with other bigmom thieves in the future, we will expose a lot, but this time the temptation is successful, the world government still needs us, and they don't dare to turn their faces against us. Roy laughed.

"Are you testing the world government?" exclaimed.

"Otherwise, do you think I care about the money of the bigmom thieves, just to see where the bottom line of the world government is, obviously they can tolerate us contacting the bigmom thieves, and we can sell weapons to the bigmom thieves in the future. Roy laughed.

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