“The little cubs of the War Knife Gang, you are really bold, you actually came to our territory with such fanfare, why, are you tired of living and want to find death?”

After intercepting the way of Bing Ge and the others, where the Iron Fist Gang was, a burly man in a suit who was biting a cigar and holding a machine gun in his right hand walked out of the crowd and looked at Bing Ge and the others with an arrogant face.

The development of firearms in this world is very strange, although the general spread is flintlock guns, but there are also submachine guns and machine guns and other weapons that are close to modernity.

With the power and financial resources of the Iron Fist Gang, it is obvious that there are channels to purchase automatic firearms such as machine guns.

‘Iron Fist Gang big cadre, Bunier! ’

Looking at the burly man carrying a machine gun and walking out of the crowd, Robin’s eyes flashed, and the other party’s intelligence appeared in his heart.


Different from the vigilance of the younger brothers and Robin, Bingge not only did not change his face in the face of the arrival of the Iron Fist Gang, but also the pace of progress did not stop.

The same is true of the brute bone who follows the silence on the other side.

Without any instructions from Bing Ge, he carried a mace on his shoulder from beginning to end, silently following behind Bing Ge.

Just as he led the team at this time, it was naturally impossible for Bunil not to know Bingge.

Even what he said just now was said by looking at Bing Ge.

Seeing that Bing Ge not only ignored him, but also continued to walk towards his side, Bunidon’s eyes showed a strong murderous intent.

“Little ones, kill them for me!”

Bunir regarded Bingge’s actions as a provocation, and he who had already received orders from his boss would naturally not be polite at this time.

With a shout, Bunier took the lead in picking up the machine gun in his hand and prepared to shoot at the junior soldier.

“On your knees!”

Seeing Bunier’s movements, the soldiers who were not in a hurry finally stopped, and at the same time spit out a sentence in a calm tone.


As soon as his eyes froze, the air immediately rippled, and the overlord-colored domineering aura like a violent wind burst out from Bing Ge’s body, instantly sweeping through everyone in the Iron Fist Gang on the opposite side.


As if they had suffered an invisible blow, everyone in the Iron Fist Gang, including the big cadre of Bunier, had dilated pupils, pale faces, and then as Bing Ge said, they knelt on the ground as if they were drained.

‘This is…..’

In the rear of the soldier, Robin’s beautiful eyes widened slightly, and his face showed surprise.

Although Robin experienced it when Bing Ge awakened the overlord color domineering, the overlord color domineering was not controlled by Bing Ge at that time, so that Robin, like everyone else, fell directly into a coma, and did not know the specific situation of the overlord color domineering.

Of course, the fact that the people of the Iron Fist Gang did not pass out at this time does not mean that they are stronger than Robin and have resisted the overlord-colored domineering of Bing Ge.

The real situation is that Bing Ge has now controlled the overlord color domineering.

He deliberately controlled the intensity of the overlord-colored domineering, and the overlord-colored domineering he released only made the people of the Iron Fist Gang incapacitated in a short period of time.

The purpose is naturally simple, that is, to facilitate the next inclusion.

When launching the overlord-colored domineering, Bing Ge had already adjusted his talent attributes in advance and entered the state of overlord-colored talent concentration.

The reason is, of course, to produce the ability to submit to the overlord-colored domineering energy he unleashes.

It’s like the current situation.

Under the coercion of the overlord color domineering, not only did the people of the Iron Fist Gang kneel on the ground weakly, but the submission ability contained in it also made these people’s eyes change when they looked at Bing Ge.

Just as the natural law of the animal kingdom, the weak are subject to the strong.

As if instinctively, even the arrogant Bunir at this time involuntarily gave birth to the consciousness of wanting to submit to Bing Ge from his heart, and his eyes looking at Bing Ge unconsciously showed awe.

“There will be no more Iron Fist Gang after today, now I give you a choice, join my army, and play for me from now on.”

Bing Ge looked at the Iron Fist Gang people kneeling in front of him, his eyes were indifferent, and he said calmly.

Although the coercive strength of the overlord-colored domineering is deliberately suppressed, the accompanying submission ability is not available.

Under the concentration of talent, the overlord’s domineering submission ability is definitely very powerful.

At least with these Iron Fist Gang personnel at the moment, it is obviously not enough to resist.

Hearing Bing Ge’s words, even Bunier, a big cadre of the loyal gang, could not suppress his hesitant expression.

As for the others….

“I am willing to join you, my lord.”

“I am also willing, please adults take me in!”

“It’s my honor to serve adults.”


Almost immediately, many people in the Iron Fist Gang quickly shouted.

And with such a voice, the rest of the people who were a little hesitant were also affected and joined the surrendering team.

“Bunir is willing to serve the adults!”

In the end, even Bunier lowered his head, his face was completely free of the previous arrogance, but respectfully expressed his position to the soldiers.

In the back, seeing that the personnel of the Iron Fist Gang had all defected and shouted to serve the soldiers in just a short time, Robin covered his open mouth with an incredulous face.

‘How did he do it, what the hell is going on!’ ’

Question marks appeared on Robin’s head, and the sight in front of her was beyond her comprehension.


In a luxuriously decorated room, a fat man with diamond rings on his hands and a mink coat is sitting leisurely on the sofa smoking a cigar.

‘Calculate the time, Bunier should already be dealing with those people of the War Knife Gang, hmph, this kid is simply looking for death, I can’t take you in Rum Town, run out now, then don’t blame me for swallowing your War Knife Gang. ”

After taking a deep breath, Andrew, who was like a blessed man, slowly exhaled a thick smoke, and in the smoke, a sneering face and eyes showing greed could be faintly seen.

(Ask for collections, ask for flowers!!) )

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