
In the fierce collision of two overlord-colored domineering energies like a golden and purple two-color energy field, the sea below churned up raging waves, and at the same time, the surrounding void was like a heavy blow, stirring countless purple-black lightning in the continuous distortion.

Even if he did not enter the state of concentrated overlord-colored talent, Bing Ge’s overlord-colored domineering spirit showed amazing power.

Not only did he push the overlord-colored domineering of the green pepper back to the sea between the two sides, but then the residual power continued to suppress the overlord-colored domineering of the green pepper, and soon swept through the fleet of the Eight Treasure Water Army.


His eyes turned white, and the sound of falling to the ground appeared on various ships.

Compared with the war pirate group who are often baptized by the overlord of the war, the Eight Treasures Water Army obviously does not have this kind of treatment.

Especially in the case that Bing Ge’s overlord-colored domineering is obviously more powerful than the overlord-colored domineering of Green Pepper.

Just between breaths, in the overlord-colored domineering sweep of soldiers, more than half of the people in the Eight Treasures Water Army fleet, which gathered tens of thousands of troops, were unable to resist and passed out.

This is still the elite of the Eight Treasures Water Army led by Green Pepper, otherwise there will definitely be more people in a coma.


His own overlord-colored domineering was suppressed and almost retreated to his side, coupled with seeing that his subordinates were unconscious in the perception of domineering color, Green Pepper’s expression was extremely hideous, and his teeth were even crunching.

“Keep firing and kill the other party for the old man!”

Even if he tried his best, he couldn’t repel Bing Ge’s overlord-colored domineering, and Green Pepper could only roar in frustration.


The personnel of the Eight Treasures Water Army, who resisted the domineering spirit of the overlord, hurriedly took action, preparing to continue to launch heavy artillery fire towards the coast ahead.

It’s just that their movements are actually a beat slower.

Many of the comatose more than half of the personnel are gunners, even if they are replaced at the first time, but the younger brothers of the soldiers obviously cannot give each other time to take over.

Before the Eight Treasures Navy launched the shelling, the shells in the sky had already blasted from the coast, causing violent explosions on the ships of the Eight Treasure Navy Army.


In the continuous explosions, many ships reached their limits and sank miserably to the sea in the roaring flames and thick black smoke.

Some fled in time, but more were buried in the sea along with the sunken ship.

With the overlord domineering of the soldiers, the side of the war pirate group successfully reversed the situation of insufficient artillery fire.

Even if the personnel of the Eight Treasures Water Army eased up and relaunched the artillery offensive, they were still at a disadvantage and were suppressed by the war pirate group.

In such a situation, when the fleet of the Eight Treasures Navy finally reached the coast, not to mention the casualties, the number of ships alone had plummeted to less than twenty.


“Kill each other with me!”

“You bastards are all to die for Lao Tzu!”


In the tragic breakthrough, the Eight Treasures water army suffered huge casualties, but it was still extremely fierce, and after the ships arrived at the coast, the personnel on board immediately roared and landed on the coast, killing the war pirate group on the coast.

“Shoot, fire suppress the opposite side!”

“Attention teams, destroy the enemy with me!”

“Attack, don’t give the other side a chance to breathe!”


When the people of the Eight Treasures Water Army landed on the coast, the people of the War Pirate Group also launched an offensive like wolves.

As always, in the style of the army, the major teams of the War Pirate Regiment were the first to give the Eight Treasures Water Army a covered bullet strafing.

Blood splattered and screamed again and again.

The personnel of the Eight Treasures Water Army who had just landed on the coast immediately suffered heavy casualties in the rain of bullets.


A muffled falling sound sounded, it was green pepper.

He also jumped from the bow of the ship and landed on the shore as soon as the ship docked.

Sparks splash.

Green pepper just landed, and he was treated the same as the rest of the Eight Treasures Water Army, and dense bullets continued to fall on him.

It’s just that unlike the others, Green Pepper shows a powerful armed color domineering.

When being shot by bullets, the armed color domineering that wraps around the whole body directly bounces the bullets that fall on the body one after another.

The bloodshot tiger eye fiercely scanned the people of the war pirate group on the opposite side, and Green Pepper completely ignored the strafing of the bullets, and directly ran wildly and rushed towards the right place.

Looking closely, the direction in which the green pepper rushed over was where the brute was.

The brute bone is as brave as ever, and at the first moment of the battle, he will frantically dance the mace to block the Eight Treasures Water Army personnel in front of him.

“Death to the old man!”

Whether it is Cai Yi’s death or the tragic casualties of his subordinates now, it is undoubtedly the anger and grievance that makes Green Pepper squeeze his stomach.

The green pepper that quickly rushed to the vicinity of the brute bone roared, and immediately blasted out with a right fist wrapped around the domineering color of armed color.

The speed of the green pepper is very fast, and he is in the middle of the melee, even if the brute bone has mastered the domineering power, but when he sees the green pepper attack, it is too late to dodge.

His face changed, and the brute bone that was difficult to dodge hastily set up a defensed his left arm with armed domineering hardening.


Green Pepper’s furious punch landed on the left arm of the brute skeleton, and the armed color domineering and eight-punch punches advanced in unison with violent force.

With an explosive roar, the brute bone snorted, and the whole person stumbled and was blasted out by the green pepper, and the left arm was visibly bruised.

Hurry forward.

After bombarding the brute bone, the green pepper did not stop there, but prepared to continue the attack, intending to completely kill the brute bone.

【ROOM cut! 】 】

A hemispherical energy field suddenly appeared, quickly shrouding the green pepper that was chasing towards the brute bone, and also made the green pepper turn his head sharply to look not far away.

Almost at the same time, in the direction where Green Pepper was looking, Luo Fei, who had sharp eyes, quickly drew his knife and slashed, sending out invisible fluctuations that seemed to be slashes.

[Armed entanglement! ] 】

A red light flashed in his eyes.

Green pepper casts the maximum intensity of armed color domineering, instantly covering the body.

Invisible fluctuations slashed at his waist, but they only outlined a line and did not really cut it.

Obviously, even though Luo’s strength had made great progress in his previous practice, he was still somewhat lacking in his armed domineering spirit compared to Green Pepper.

However, Luo’s attack was not really ineffective, as he managed to delay Green Pepper’s action.

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