
“Run away, the pirates are attacking our town.”



Although the shelling bombarded the ships docked in the port, but under the fierce baptism of artillery fire, it also made the people in the port, no, not only the people in the port, but also the people near the port were frightened and pale, and hurriedly fled to the town.

Even many people fled while screaming and shouting, causing the residents of the town where they passed to panic.

Ignoring the reaction of the personnel in Rogue Town, after clearing the obstacles, the fleet of the War Pirates arrived smoothly and docked at the port.

“Robin, kitten, you two go down with me for a stroll.”

When the younger brothers entered the town in an orderly manner to purchase various supplies, Bing Ge greeted Robin and Niphie Pitt and disembarked together.

“Brute bone, let’s go shopping too.”

“No, the captain is not there, I want to watch the ship.”

Seeing that the captain went to the town, Sandy, who felt a little bored, couldn’t help but find the brute bones.

Unfortunately, the brute refused the other party, he went directly to the side, grabbed a barbell with at least several tons of weight with one hand and waved it, exercising his muscles.

“Sandy, come with us, and Lafayette, let’s go see how about One Piece’s execution table?”

Followed by Bebo and Sharki and others, Law greeted Sandy and Lafayette.

“No problem.”

Sandi, who failed to invite the brute bones, was a little disappointed, and now it is naturally okay to get Luo’s greeting.

Lafayette chuckled, “Well, I’d love to see what is special about the place where One Piece was executed.”

Saying that, Lafayette, Sandy, Luo and others also disembarked and left.



From the moment she got off the boat, she jumped directly on Bingge’s shoulders like a kitten, and looked curiously at the shops on both sides of the street.

Although there were almost no people on the streets because of the shelling just now, for Niphie Peter, who had never left the West Sea, things on this side of the East China Sea were extremely new.

“Captain, are we going to One Piece’s execution table?”

Robin, who was walking beside Bing Ge, glanced at him casually and then asked Bing Ge.

“Well, you must see it when you come.”

Bing Ge said casually.

While chatting casually with Robin, he headed towards the center of the town.

In order to facilitate his actions, Bing Ge had already taken advantage of the concentrated state of seeing and hearing talent to explore Rogue Town when the fleet landed.

At this time, he was even more familiar with the town of Rogue than many locals.

After a while, the three of them came to a square similar to the building in front of the town hall.

At the same time, here, the three of them also saw a towering execution table at first glance.

“Is this the execution table where One Piece Roger was executed in the first place, it seems that there is nothing special.”

Robin looked at the execution table.

From the outside, there is nothing special about the execution table opposite, if it is not known in advance, I am afraid that no one will think that it is on this execution platform that ended the life of One Piece.

Robin, who was still looking forward to it, was obviously a little disappointed with this result.

“It’s normal, it’s true that Roger is One Piece, but to the world government, he is a criminal, how can he give good treatment when executing the other party.”

“Even this place was not demolished after the fact, it is estimated that the officials of Rogue Town kept it in order to generate revenue.”

Bingge stared at the execution table opposite.

The image of each opening scene from the memory of the past life flashes in my mind.

At this moment, he seemed to see a figure on the execution table who faced death but still showed a confident smile.

Gradually, Bing Ge also showed a smile.

One Piece, this should be his second goal.

Clenching his fist, Bing Ge suddenly raised his left hand and blasted a punch towards the opposite execution table.


In the roar, a shockwave visible to the naked eye advanced from Bing Ge’s fist, like a cannonball, and instantly shattered and collapsed on the execution table opposite him.

“What’s going on, how did the execution table collapse!”

“What happened.”

“It’s not good, the execution table has collapsed, go and inform the people above.”


It was some distance from the port, so even though the previous heavy artillery fire spread almost throughout the entire town of Rogue, there were still a lot of pedestrians on the square on this side of the execution table.

When they saw the execution platform explode and collapse, the passers-by were all shocked.

“Uh….we seem to be late.”

“This should be considered a look, after all, it is also seen from afar.”

“How did the captain destroy One Piece’s execution table.”


On the street behind the three soldiers, Lafayette and the others who followed closely looked at the execution table that collapsed into ruins, and their expressions stiffened one by one.

Isn’t it just a step slower, how come it is directly gone.

“Oh, you’re here too.”

Although Robin was a little surprised by Bingge’s sudden destruction of the execution table, he didn’t care too much, but found Lafayette and the others behind him.

She looked at Lafayette and the others with a stiff expression, and then looked at the execution table that was destroyed by her own man, and couldn’t help but laugh.

These guys are really unlucky, but they just came one step late and directly didn’t have to look.

“Sorry I forgot about you.”

The soldier who also turned around and saw Lafayette and the others also reacted at this time, he forgot that it was not only himself who wanted to see the execution table, but also other people, and he couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed.

“Captain, why would you think about destroying the execution table.”

Luo said with some curiosity.

Bing Ge glanced back at the ruins that the execution table turned into: “I don’t have too many ideas, I just think it’s a little eye-catching.”


Luo was slightly startled.

“So it is, the place of execution that ended the life of One Piece is indeed a bit of an obstruction for the captain.”

On the side, Lafayette immediately showed an expression that I understood, and even jumped quite excitedly.

“Could it be that the captain is using the destruction of the execution table to show his attitude of becoming a new generation of One Piece?”

Sandi touched her chin and muttered.

That’s how it is.

When Luo heard Lafayette and Sandi’s words, he couldn’t help but suddenly realize, and then looked at Bingge with admiration.

Before, he felt sorry that he could not see the One Piece execution table up close, but now, how can this regret of his own be compared to the captain’s attitude of determination.

The captain’s action of destroying the execution table of One Piece is not only not presumptuous, but also very handsome of pirates.

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