“It’s unimaginable, the experience just now is like three generations of ghosts who dare not hurt the man in front of them, or is it just the first time they meet, this man has already made three generations of ghosts surrender…”

Yisong looked at the man in front of him in shock, and suddenly, he hurriedly got up from the ground with an agitated spirit, but he ran back to the counter and took out the gold bar he had just put away.

“Guest, I was rude just now, you can take this gold bar back, it is my honor for a swordsman like you who can control three generations of ghosts to buy a sword from me.”

“Snow walk, even if I send it to you!”

A book of pines changed his previous flattery, but instead said solemnly to Bing Ge.

“I received the kindness, but the gold bar doesn’t have to be returned, I’m not bad for such a little money, and I can exchange two gold bars for these two famous knives, I am the one who earns it.”

Bing Ge waved his hand casually.

Gold has a price, famous knives are priceless.

The so-called market price is just put out to see, and the real ones who can buy famous knives from the market are basically green smoke from ancestral tombs.

Well…he was on his own, otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to buy it.

Seeing that Bing Ge refused to take back the gold, Ichimatsu was also helpless.

However, in order to show his respect, Ichimatsu next specially equipped the three generations of Onitori with a beautiful scabbard.

“I didn’t expect that just an ordinary weapons store would have two famous knives in its collection, and one of them was still a demon knife.”

Coming out of the weapons store, when Niphie Pitt skillfully sat on the shoulders of Bing Ge again, Robin, who was holding Snow Walk and three generations of ghosts in his hands, sighed with emotion.

“It’s luck, I’m just borrowing someone else’s light.”

Bing Ge said with a smile.

The light he borrowed was naturally Sauron’s.

However, he came specifically to take away the “Snow Walk” and the three generations of Oni Toru as a meeting gift to attract each other, so this should be regarded as borrowing flowers to offer Buddha.

“Let’s go, we should go back, otherwise the battle on the brute side will be over.”

Bingge stared in the direction of the port in the distance.


Robin was slightly startled, and also followed the gaze of the soldier to the direction of the port…….


In the white smoke scattered, a figure flew to the warehouse of the port with blood, only listening to a roar, the wall of the warehouse was directly knocked out of the big hole by the figure, and the figure also disappeared into the warehouse.

“Colonel Smogg!”

Dusty saw her commander being shot away, and her pretty face was full of anger.

It’s just that she apparently forgot that she was also fighting people.


A punch slammed in.

The fist containing the shockwave slammed into the distracted Dusty stomach, causing her to scream and fly out.

Even under the trauma, even the “Little Night Time Rain” in her hand flew aside.

“It’s really funny, obviously I don’t have much strength to actually have the mind to pay attention to others.”

The person who fights Dusty is Bunir who is one of the captains of the War Pirates.

He looked at the other party who was lying on the ground and obviously couldn’t get up after being knocked out by himself, and pouted disdainfully.

That is, seeing that the other party looks beautiful, you can catch it and honor the captain later, otherwise you will just punch it, then you can directly result the other party.

“Hey! The battle for Captain Bunier is also over, and now there is that Captain of the Navy left.”

“The body can turn into smoke, this is the ability of the Devil Fruit.”

“It should be, and it’s no surprise that it’s still a natural ability.”

“Really fake, doesn’t it mean that the natural ability is very powerful, how come the other party is not the opponent of the brute master at all.”

“Nonsense, is Lord Barbarian Bone an ordinary person, he is super strong, even if the other party is a natural department, in front of Lord Barbarian Bone, it is at most equivalent to a high-grade sandbag.”

In the open space in front of the port, it is clear that it is not only Bunir who is fighting, but it has somehow become a battlefield.

Of course, at this time, this battlefield has basically ended the battle.

The naval forces that originally came to the port to fight the war pirate regiment have turned into corpses.

And the war pirate group who was on the victorious side, after easily defeating thousands of navies, were talking enthusiastically while enjoying the battle of their barbarian lords.


Inside the warehouse, Smogg, who was very embarrassed, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and through the big hole he knocked out, he looked at the huge figure outside the warehouse in anger.

Damn, is this the war pirate regiment, not only the troops are like an army, even the cadres are so powerful, and they actually control the domineering… They swaggered to Rogue Town, and even bombed the ships in the harbor as soon as they came, which naturally could not be known by the navy stationed in Rogue Town.

In particular, the commander of the naval base stationed here in Rogue Town is Smogg, a young talent from the elite training camp of the Navy headquarters.

Whether it is out of naval justice in the heart or confidence in the smoke fruit of their own nature.

When he learned that the War Pirates had appeared in Rogue Town, Smogg almost didn’t think about it, and immediately gathered his troops to come to the port to fight.

It’s just that it turns out that he is too confident, or rather underestimates the war pirate regiment too much.

With just one face, the naval units brought by Smog fell under the overwhelming fire of the war pirate regiment.

At the same time, he was also hit by the brute bone, and then just like now, he was armed by the brute bone to dissolve the natural element ability, and was sent flying again and again.

The mind is just a moment.

Although the injury is not light, Smog obviously will not just throw in the towel.

【Smoke launcher! 】

The lower body turned into a jet of smoke, and through the jet of smoke, Smog quickly flew from the large hole in the warehouse to the outside.

[White Fist! 】

More than ten meters away from the big hole in the warehouse is a brute bone carrying a mace.

Smogg, who flew out of the warehouse, looked at the brute bones deadly, immediately roared and turned his arms into smoke, and then blasted out wildly with two gloved fists.

A red light flashed in his eyes.

The brute bone saw the opponent’s attack with a domineering look, and the two shaking dodged the bombarded fists, and then…….

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