Bang! Bang!

At the moment when Shanks and Hawkeye killed in front of Hasward, gunshots rang out.

In the distance, Jesus and Beckman had already moved.

Unlike the rest of the Pirates, the goal of these two has always been support.

As long as someone in the pirate group is in a bad situation, then they will launch support as soon as possible.

The shield was raised almost subconsciously, and the bullet that had just been fired was even more resisted.

Both Jesus and Beckman were a little surprised by what happened!

These two have just been here watching this happen, and even found the best opportunity.

Who would have thought that Hasward would still block it.

Boom –

Shanks and Hawkeye’s attack followed.

With the long-range support of the sniper and gunner, the space for these two to play becomes even greater.

Hasward instantly formed a trend of being surrounded.

Compared to the other four, his situation was suddenly the most dangerous.

“It’s getting dark! Let’s hurry! ”

Soon, the voice of Jesus cloth sounded.

Obviously, in this person’s eyes, this battle should not be wasted on this side.

However, Beckman’s eyes also changed slightly at this moment.

“What’s that!”

Beckman’s sudden opening immediately attracted the attention of several others.

The attention of the others was instantly focused on the direction where Beckman was, Hasward.

At this moment, Hasward’s eyes have changed dramatically.

The most outrageous thing is that Hasward’s original black eyes are no longer black, and directly turned red!

The scarlet eyes were so abrupt in this night.

Beckman even subconsciously looked at the one in the Golden City, Youhabach!

If he remembered correctly, the eyes he had just seen were definitely not the eyes of Hasward now.

That is, the eyes of Yohabach.

Both blades happened to be thinking of Hasward’s forehead at this moment, but for this scene to happen, Hasward directly stepped back!

At this moment, it was Shanks’ turn to be stunned by Hawkeye.

As the attacking side, they can naturally feel it on this side, and Hasward has changed.

The other party does not rely on perception to avoid, but more like knowing everything in advance!

After all, at the moment the blade fell, Hasward had already left.

Not speed, but an even stranger force!

Hawkeye even whispered, “See the domineering? ”

Shanks also shook his head, if they saw the domineering, they should have been able to feel it directly.

It’s just that there is no one at all in this one’s body.

However, Shanks directly launched his overlord-colored domineering here in the next second!

For a while, a terrifying force headed towards Hasward.

Hasward, who had originally moved, suddenly stopped, and Hawkeye and Shanks both lit up at this moment.

For them, this is definitely the most rare opportunity.

The two blades flashed with different lights and slashed towards Hasward’s position, and in the next second, the power burst out!

Boom –

Because of the prominence of the overlord color domineering, Hasward simply did not have time to use all the power obtained in exchange for the power used by Friend Habach!

Hasward was directly cut off under the attack of Shanks and Hawkeye.

There was blood on the chest that continued to spill out, just one move, and Hasward was already seriously injured.

“It seems that victory in this battle is close at hand?” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Shanks said with a hint of a smile.

Without waiting for Hawkeye to agree, there was a hint of surprise in the eyes of both of them!

Hasward stood up, and not only that, the other party directly stretched out a hand, “Heal!” ”

With two simple words, the two huge knife marks that were originally on Hasward’s chest began to disappear quickly.

But for a second, there was no trace of being attacked on his body.

“Now, it’s my turn!”

Between speaking, Hasward once again distanced himself from Shanks and Hawkeye.

A huge longbow appeared behind his back!

Not only that, but the arrows visible to the naked eye slowly converged on the longbow.

“Let’s take a look at His Majesty’s mighty power!”

Hasward’s voice rang out.

At the same time, Shanks and Hawkeye over here were stunned, His Majesty’s mighty power?

And this huge longbow in front of you?

If they remember correctly, this seems to be the power used by Youhabach to destroy the entire Chambord Islands before!

The Hasward in front of him can mobilize the power of friendly Habach!

Subconsciously, these two reacted, and immediately ran in different directions at the same time.

That is the supreme power that can destroy the Chambord Islands, and these two people are naturally not fools, and they have no intention of desperately fighting with this power.

Not only that, but Shanks also said to the pirate group who were still fighting in the distance, “Damn, everyone back off!” ”

Boom boom –

Just after Shanks’ words sounded, the longbow behind Hasvo 957 had already gathered, and the huge arrow visible to the naked eye completely exploded.

The huge coastline is completely covered by the light of this arrow, which shoots straight from the coastline to the sea.

Under this force, the sea is directly divided into two sides.

Shanks and Hawkeye, who had just avoided, had a somewhat ugly face, and the sea that was at least thousands of meters in sight was completely separated.

If this force is at work on them, it will be their demise.

Hasward’s face became a little ugly.

When night falls, he can exchange power with Youhabach, but his body is not Youhabach’s body.

A single move of the Divine Arrow had completely exhausted most of his physical strength.

“Peace, hard-won!”

“Why don’t you know how to cherish it?”

“As my knight, you have disappointed me!”

Lu Beixuan’s voice sounded, and at the same time, he was already floating in mid-air as he was sitting casually on the golden throne.

On his body, there were several blue arrows.

“Next time, luck won’t be so good!”

Some strange words appeared from Youhabach’s mouth, and neither Shanks nor Hawkeye reacted!

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