Since this guy is hiding inside, use the Ryu Sakura Haki to knock him out from the inside!

As long as Chu Feng is knocked out, the others will not be able to escape!

“Don’t even think about it!”Chu Feng shouted, and controlled the Red Wolf to retreat quickly, and then used his fist wrapped in Armament Haki to hit Aokiji fiercely!

Looking at this huge fist, Aokiji immediately changed his attack strategy, and with a wave of his hands, a huge ice bird appeared in his hands, and hit the Red Wolf’s fist fiercely.”Violent Pheasant Mouth!”

The mouth of the ice bird was black, and it was obviously wrapped in Armament Haki!


After a fierce exchange of moves, the two men distanced themselves again, with no clear winner!

“Oh my god, this is such a headache.” Aokiji touched his head and said,”Why don’t you come out and we can fight again.”

Every time he hits the opponent, he has to jump on him.

At the same time, he has to prevent the opponent from using special weapons to sneak attack him in the air. It’s really frustrating to fight.

“Do you think I’m stupid?”Chu Feng was speechless. What were you thinking? You actually let him go out by himself?

“But Aokiji, your Haki is a bit too strong.” Chu Feng said with some emotion,”To be honest, I didn’t expect you to be able to use ice and Haki to resist my railgun.”

That was a terrifying weapon that destroyed one-third of the island, and it was just one shot!

“Don’t underestimate the admiral.”Aokiji said lazily,”After all, there are only three people like me in the entire navy.”

And he needs to suppress an era!

However, it was not as simple as he imagined for him to take on Chu Feng’s attack. In addition to his domineering attitude, he was urging the power of ice at all costs. The ice in his hands was being vaporized by the opponent’s attack every moment, so he had to replenish the ice every moment.

If you are not careful, you will be hit head-on.

So the consumption of physical strength is also very terrifying, which is why he did not choose to take on the opponent’s attack the second time.

Glancing at the part destroyed by Chu Feng, Aokiji sighed.

This is the Gate of Justice. The height and width are extremely terrifying, and so is the thickness.

But he still destroyed it.

“Underestimate you?” Chu Feng shook his head”I have never underestimated you.”

To put it bluntly, the admirals of the navy are already one of the ceilings of combat power in this world.

If you underestimate them, you will die miserably!

That’s why he prepared a causal weapon!

At this moment, the Den Den Mushi in Aokiji’s arms suddenly rang. Aokiji looked at Chu Feng vigilantly and slowly took out the Den Den Mushi from his arms”What’s wrong?”

“Aokiji, what’s wrong with you?” Sengoku’s voice came from the other end of the Den Den Mushi.”It’s fine to issue the Demon Slayer Order, but why do you have to freeze the sea in front of the headquarters?”

“Judging from the direction, it’s coming from the Gate of Justice?”

“Could it be that you have encountered a strong enemy?”

“Didn’t Weasel and the others contact you?” Aokiji was a little surprised. It’s been so long, and Weasel didn’t call Mushi to tell him about the situation?



Is there not one person with a Den Den Mushi among so many people?

“Anyway, the situation here is quite complicated. There is a powerful enemy here. I will tell you in detail after I go back.”

“All right.” Zhan Guo nodded.”But Borsalino is free, so I’ll let him go to support you.”

“It will probably be there soon.”

The distance is not far, and Kizaru is fast enough.

So I asked him to come and have a look.

“OK, I got it.”After that, Aokiji hung up the phone.

Now, there is no need to defeat the opponent, just hold him back.

This kid is proud enough to dispatch two admirals.

Chu Feng:???

One admiral is fine, but now there is another one?

Although this guy is suspected to be Luffy’s second uncle, the other party has no way to make trouble at this time, after all, there is an admiral standing next to him.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng secretly thought that he could not hesitate any longer and must act quickly.

Slowly took out a Rubik’s Cube from his pocket, which was engraved with strange patterns.

This is something set up to avoid the observation Haki!

“Kaisa, bomb him with the cannonballs!”

“The order has been received, and it is being executed!”

The rear of the Red Wolf opened again, and a large number of shells flew out, hitting Aokiji directly! Aokiji did not hesitate at all, and quickly erected an ice wall in front of him!

At the same time, he pressed one hand on the ground, manipulating the ice below to grab the legs of the Gundam!

This was to prevent Chu Feng from escaping!

Then the purpose of Chu Feng doing this was to make him focus all his attention on himself!

“I hope you like the gift I prepared for you..~”Chu Feng smiled with his eyes narrowed, and then locked onto Aokiji behind the ice wall and released the Heart Demon Cube. Aokiji, who was defending, suddenly felt a creepy feeling, as if something terrible was about to happen!

However, his Observation Haki did not detect anything.

“What on earth is going on?” Aokiji was puzzled. If there was really danger, his observation Haki would not be able to fail to detect the opponent’s attack. But why?…

However, the next moment, Aokiji noticed a dark object flying towards him from the corner of his eye. It flew so fast that he couldn’t even react, and it pierced directly into his body!

In an instant, Aokiji felt that his body was gradually slipping out of his control!

“Damn, what is this?!”Aokiji was filled with panic. This was the first time he had seen such a situation.

He had clearly used the Armament Haki to protect his body in the last shot, but why did he still get hit?

Damn, his body was going to be out of control!

Looking at the���Seeing the ice wall gradually breaking, Aokiji knew that he couldn’t go on like this.

Otherwise, once his body was completely out of control, the other party would definitely kill him!

Thinking of this, Aokiji didn’t hesitate at all, and used up his last bit of strength. His body quickly transformed into an element, and fled in the direction of the Gate of Justice!

Only a humanoid statue made of ice was left in the original place.


The ice wall was completely shattered, and the ice sculpture was also blown to pieces!

“”Oh?” Chu Feng glanced at the ice surface with some surprise and said,”Can he escape?”

As expected of a navy admiral, Chu Feng thought he could kill him this time.

Unfortunately, he failed to kill him this time, and it won’t work next time.

Causality weapon can only work this time.

The function of this inner demon cube is to make the opponent’s mind completely fall into his own inner world and face his inner demon!

If he can’t defeat the inner demon, he will be trapped in it for the rest of his life until he starves to death!

Chu Feng didn’t know whether Aokiji could come out. Once he could come out alive, it would prove that he had defeated his inner demon, and it wouldn’t work next time.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng immediately used the laser beam to sweep the ice surface again. After melting all the ice surface here on Judicial Island, he used high-powered shells to bombard the ice surface inside the Gate of Justice, completely blowing it upside down!!


“Boom boom!!”

At this moment, Kassa’s voice came,”There is a high-energy reaction approaching at a very fast speed, it is recommended to evacuate!”

“High energy reaction?”

“It must be that guy Kizaru.”A flash of understanding flashed through Chu Feng’s mind, and he turned and left without any hesitation.

His huge body quickly soared into the air and rushed into the distance at a very fast speed!

Kizaru was different from that guy Aokiji. His speed was too fast, and ordinary weapons could not hit him at all.

So it’s better to avoid him now.

If Aokiji wakes up from his inner demon state in advance, he may have to face the siege of two navy admirals.

God knows if there will be other people coming together.

So let’s go quickly. Go to the Seven Water City!

After a while, a yellow light appeared here, gradually formed into a human shape, and landed on a piece of wreckage.

“It’s really scary~” He looked at the destroyed Gate of Justice, and then at the Judicial Island that was about to be sunk.

Kizaru’s face was full of strangeness. Who did it?

There was no information from above. He was really bold.

By the way, where did Aokiji go?

Could he be killed? (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Kizaru scratched his face. If that guy was killed, it would be a shocking news.

At this time, Kizaru’s observation Haki caught something and quickly rushed to the right Inside the Gate of Justice, a figure was seen on the ice.

He moved closer and found that it was indeed Aokiji, but why were his eyes closed?

He was breathing fine and was still alive.

Could he have been seriously injured and fainted? []

Thinking of this, Kizaru quickly rushed to Aokiji, grabbed him, and left in the direction of the Navy Headquarters.

The most important thing now was not to kill the enemy, but to go back and treat Aokiji.

The Navy could not afford to lose a Navy admiral. At the same time, Kizaru knew that the final winner of this battle would be the other side.

Their Navy…


Two days later, in Water 7, the Straw Hat Pirates were recuperating in the temporary camp in Carrera.

After the brutal battle, the Straw Hat Pirates were seriously injured, but after two days, they were almost recovered.

“It’s great to see you guys so energetic.” Granny Kokoro came in with a big laugh.”Hey, little brother Chu Feng, do you still have that wine?”

“Of course.” Chu Feng smiled and threw a bottle of wine to Granny Kokoro, signaling her to drink slowly, as the alcohol content was quite high.

However, Granny Kokoro did not listen to the advice and just drank it.

“Good wine!” Granny Kokoro’s face suddenly turned red.”It’s a pity that there is too little.”

Chu Feng shook his head helplessly.”Granny Kokoro, can I leave some for you when you leave?”

The cunning grandmother said this just to ask for more.


After all, Granny Kokoro also helped them, so it’s okay to give her some wine.

“”Hahahaha, thank you very much.” Granny Kokoro said with a smile, then walked up to Luffy and said with some emotion,”After such a brutal battle, you recovered so quickly?”

“He looks very energetic while eating.”

“Forehead…”Sanji hesitated for a moment, then said awkwardly,”No, actually he didn’t want to miss his meal when he slept after fighting, so he learned the skill of eating and sleeping at the same time.”…”

After hearing this, Granny Kokoro was stunned.”Is he still sleeping?!”

After a closer look, the boy really had his eyes closed.

What kind of magical skill is this?

Granny Kokoro’s face was covered with a drop of cold sweat, and she didn’t know what to say.

Is there anyone who can do this?

“”You are so awesome, little pirate brother!” Zimoni laughed and said,”You even have such ability!””

How interesting!”

Granny Kokoro was silent for a moment, then laughed,”What a smart man!”

“Anyway, the record pointer will be full in two or three days.”Granny Kokoro smiled and then looked at Nami beside her.

“In fact, it is already full.”Nami raised her hand and gestured,”Chu Feng made something special, and one day is enough.”

“It’s just that we don’t have a pirate ship to leave here now.”

After all, they can’t always fly around in Chu Feng’s Gundam.

That would stop being pirates and turn them into sky pirates.

Luffy probably wouldn’t agree to that.

“By the way, Chu Feng, how long will it take to build the pirate ship you mentioned?”

“It’s almost done. I can make it soon after the materials arrive.”Chu Feng waved his hand and said,”Until then, let’s stay here.”

Seeing some worry on the faces of several people, Chu Feng waved his hand and said,”What are you afraid of? If someone who conquers the world really comes here, I can drive a Gundam to take you away.”

As long as it’s not Kizaru who comes.

That guy is too fast, who knows if he can catch up with him.

By the way, will Luffy’s grandfather, Vice Admiral Garp, come here during this period of time?…

“We’re back!” Chopper opened the door and walked in with Nico Robin.”Hey, Granny Kokoro is here too.”

“Haha, you look very energetic.”

“Chopper, where have you been?” Chu Feng asked curiously,”And where are Zoro and Usopp?”

“I went to see the injured of Franky’s family.” After Chopper finished speaking, he paused and said,”I have been staring at Robin and have not moved my eyes away!”

Nico Robin smiled helplessly when she heard it, squatted down and rubbed Chopper’s little head and said,”I’m not going back anywhere~”

Now that she has such a group of friends, how could she leave?

“It’s a deal!” Chopper said, enjoying Nico Robin’s pat on the head with a comfortable look on his face.”You can’t go back on your word.””

“Well, it’s settled!” Nicole Robin had a smile on her face. This time, no one could separate them! After all, even the Demon Slayer Order was broken by Chu Feng. What else did she have to be afraid of?!

Thinking of this, Nicole Robin looked up at Chu Feng and said softly,”Thank you, Chu Feng”

“”No way.” Chu Feng waved his hand and said,”You are our important partner. Just conquering the world and giving the Demon Slayer Order!””

“If you do it again, I will blow them all up!”

It’s a pity that I didn’t see the four warships at the main gate when I came out, otherwise, he would have blown them up as well!

Humph, you are lucky.

“I think I will get a bounty this time.” Chopper looked up at Chu Feng expectantly.”We defeated that powerful creature.”

“I also defeated a CP9!”

Chu Feng hesitated for a moment after hearing this. This question again

“What’s wrong, I can’t have a bounty?…”Qiao Ba looked at Chu Feng without saying anything and suddenly became a little nervous.

“No, as the doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates, how could you not have a bounty?” Nico Robin picked up Chopper, smiled at Chu Feng and said,”Right, Chu Feng”


“That’s good…”Hearing Chu Feng’s affirmative answer, Chopper breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he began to look forward to how much his bounty would be?

I heard that Chu Feng’s first bounty was more than 80 million Baileys?

Zoro’s was more than 60 million.

Luffy’s was more than 30 million.

What about himself?

Would it be 20 million?!

He is also a reliable man!

“Humph, this time my bounty will definitely be higher than the first bounty of Green Algae Head!” Sanji snorted, with confidence on his face,”Definitely!”

At that time, he will definitely ridicule that Green Algae Head guy, ahahaha!

Just thinking about it makes him happy!

Chu Feng looked at Sanji with pity when he heard it, I hope you won’t be too sad when you see your bounty, Zhi.

Shaking his head, Chu Feng clapped his hands and said,”I’m going out for a while”

“Where are you going?” Nami raised her head and said,”Have the materials arrived?”

“I don’t know, but I have something to ask Uncle Iceberg.” Chu Feng chuckled and said,”Maybe I can ask him to reimburse the money for the materials.”

“How much did you spend?”

“Eight hundred million.”


As if teleporting, Nami came to Chu Feng, grabbed his hand and said,”Please do so.”

Chu Feng’s mouth twitched and he said,”I know.”

Should I say you are worthy of it, Nami..

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