Perona looked at Usopp fiercely, and Usopp chose to face her, as if all the fear in his heart had been eliminated.

Usopp did not speak, but carefully recalled all the details of this battle in his mind.

If you think about it carefully, there are indeed a few confusing points.

The first thing that puzzled Usopp was that this woman suddenly became full of confidence for some reason.

At the beginning, she was obviously very afraid of him and ran away in fear.

If his attack was ineffective from the beginning, she should not have needed to run away!

Whether it was floating in the sky or penetrating the wall, if she could do it, she should have done it long ago!

But at that time, she could only scream and run away. What was wrong with that negative look?!

“That’s right!” Usopp’s eyes widened. This woman had disappeared for a while. During that time, something must have happened!

“Humph, aren’t you going to take action?” Perona snorted coldly, summoned a large number of ghost bombs to fall on Usopp’s god, and then snapped her fingers!


Looking at Usopp being blown down, Perona’s eyes flashed with doubt.

Didn’t he run away this time?

“Ha ha ha ha ~” Perona sneered,”I don’t know what you are thinking, but I am invincible!”

“You will never be able to defeat me!”

“That’s not necessarily true.”Usopp, who was lying on the ground, coughed and said,”Any ability has its weaknesses, and it’s impossible to be invincible!”

This is what Chu Feng said. He must find the weakness of this woman!

Think quickly, and remember it as soon as you think about it!

It was because of the bear that he lost track of this woman.

What happened at that time, Usopp, you must deduce it!

“Humph, who doesn’t brag?”Perona said disdainfully,”Well, it’s time to kill you.” Such a negative person in the world will threaten her sooner or later.

So it’s better to kill him in advance!

She believed that if there was no such a shadow, Lord Moria would not blame her!

Usopp ignored Perona and brainstormed.

After a moment, a flash of lightning passed through his mind!

“I know!” Usopp looked up into the depths, looking at the place he had passed by before.

He wondered if there was a place to hide nearby, like a hidden room or something like that.

He roughly understood the ability of this woman’s fruit.

Ghost fruit!

Maybe this guy is just manipulating souls to attack and scare people!

And her real body is hiding somewhere!

This will make his attack completely ineffective!



Usopp looked at the room not far away, he had a strong premonition that the woman’s body was in there!

“Your trick…”

“So, do you want to say your last words?” Perona taunted,”I can give you this chance.~”

“Ha ha ha ha~”

“No, I’ve discovered your secret!” Usopp quickly stood up and aimed his weapon at the room, which frightened Perona.

“Hey, where are you aiming at?!”

“Haha, seeing how nervous you are, my guess should be correct!” Usopp laughed and launched a merciless attack”Kill Atlas Comet!”



The wall of the room was blown apart, revealing Perona’s true form inside!

Perona’s pupils shrank. Was she really found by this bastard?!

At this moment, Perona felt a little scared.

“call…”Usopp gasped and said,”Although I can see my body, I can fly into the sky.”

“It can pass through walls and human bodies, and can change size freely.”

“It’s like a ghost without a body!” Usopp said with his eyes wide open,”But when I think about how you ran around before, I feel it’s unreasonable.”

“You must have been in your real body at that time!”

“That…So what?”

“”Oh, are you still being stubborn?” Usopp said sarcastically,”In other words, the you now is a ghost that I created when I wasn’t paying attention!”

“And the one over there is your true self!”

“am I right!”

“I won’t be fooled by you again!”

Usopp glanced at Perona’s true body not far away. As long as he killed that real body, this ghost would collapse on its own!

“I thought you were just a pessimistic idiot.” Perona gritted her teeth and said,”I didn’t expect you to be able to use your brain to think calmly.”

“It was a surprise.”

“But you only guessed 90% right. I don’t need to rely on my real body to control the number of ghosts.~”

“I just left my body through astral projection, and now I am a soul with self-awareness~”

Usopp was a little surprised. Does this need to be explained?

What a caring enemy.

In that case, I’d better be gentle this time.

Thinking of this, Usopp smiled and said,”Actually, I’m curious, if you lose your real body that can go back, what will you look like?”

Usopp glanced at Perona’s real body and said,”If you look like that, I can definitely hit you, right?~”

“The must-kill Big Bang Star!”

“” Asshole, stop it!” Perona was so scared that she was stunned. If her real body was destroyed, she would be finished!

However, what surprised Perona was that this attack did not produce an explosion?

This made her breathe a sigh of relief.”That was a close call….”

Then he said sarcastically,”It didn’t hit, and it was a dud.~”

“Let’s do it again!”

“Do you think I will give you this chance?”Perona quickly activated the power of the fruit and created a huge explosion ghost”Super explosion ghost!”

Then she bit Usopp into her mouth!

“Is this the exploding ghost horse from before?!” Usopp’s eyes were filled with shock.”It’s an extra-large version.”

“Stop, let me go!”

“If it were that powerful, I would be blown to death!”

“Humph, give up.” Perona snorted coldly and said,”I won’t let you hurt my real body!”

“You can’t touch it even if you struggle~” Perona said and quickly flew towards the real body.”Because it’s a ghost~”

“Ha ha ha ha ~”

After entering her true body, Perona slowly opened her eyes.”How pathetic, long nose~”

“The next signal and you’ll be blown to pieces!”

“Stop, stop now!” Usopp said in panic,”I don’t want to be torn into pieces, people will die!”

While speaking, he quietly put his hand in his pocket and took out the Impact Shell!

“Ha ha ha ha ~” Perona laughed loudly,”Don’t worry, I will let Hogubargu make you into a puppet.~”

“Even if you’re torn apart~”

“Well, screw you, Kamikaze Explosion!”


The oversized ghost quickly lit up and a violent explosion occurred!

However, the shock wave did not hurt Usopp, but was absorbed by the shock wave in his palm!!

“What?!” Perona’s eyes were filled with shock. What was going on?

“It’s so dangerous…”Usopp took a breath and said,”The impact just now was all absorbed into this shock shell.”

“What on earth is going on?…”Perona hadn’t finished her words when she found herself���My body was actually stuck by glue?

I was stunned for a moment.”I can’t move. What is this?”

“I was lying to you~” Usopp put away the blaster and said,”The first Big Bang Star I fired was a lie.~”

“That’s not a dud, that’s a sticky glue star!”

“This is used to make you unable to move even if you return to your true form.~”


Cheating is his secret weapon!

After all, if he doesn’t use such means, he has no way to win!

“What did you say?!”Perona’s face was covered with cold sweat.”Damn it, I was tricked.”

“Whether it’s the body or the soul, they can be destroyed at the same time now!” Usopp’s mouth curled up. He could defeat this enemy!

“It’s you, the guy who purified Captain Kumasi!”The hippopotamus zombie walked behind Usopp and raised the long sword in his hand,”Go to hell!”

“You came just in time!” Perona said excitedly,”Kill him, Vice Captain Hippo Gentleman!”

As long as she kills this bastard, she won’t have to die!

This damn long-nosed guy must be torn into pieces!

“Humph, you want to kill me?!”Usopp snorted coldly, turned around quickly and aimed the Shock Bay in his hand at the hippo zombie.”Try the power of Shock Bay!”

After seeing this scene, Perona was completely dumbfounded.”Is this guy actually that powerful?””

Did he just pretend to be dying?!

Damn it, damn pirate!

“Hippo Gentleman!” (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novels���! )

It’s over. If no one saves her, she will die.

Usopp, with his back to Perona, gritted his teeth. He felt that his arm was about to break.

Sure enough, the impact shell can’t be used casually!

After forcibly suppressing the pain, Usopp used the remaining salt to purify the hippo zombie. Then he turned to Perona and smiled,”You don’t have time to worry about others now~”

Then he took out a huge projectile and aimed at Perona![]

“The must-kill Black Light Star!”


Perona’s pupils shrank as she looked at the huge black ball flying towards her.

Was she going to die?

With such a big bomb, she couldn’t survive at all!

Thinking of this, Perona closed her eyes in despair.

However, the pain she imagined did not come, which made Perona feel a little confused.

Was it another scare? She opened her eyes and was stunned.

“No!!”Perona cried,”Why are there so many cockroaches!”

“It’s so disgusting, someone come and save me!”

“Who will drive them away?”

A large number of cockroaches crawled around Perona and even on her body, scaring the little girl to tears.

Yes, this is Usopp’s tactic.

Use cockroach toys to stimulate Perona’s psychology and make her feel afraid!

After that,

Usopp raised his mouth, and while Perona was too scared to pay attention to her surroundings, he made a huge hammer with balloons!

The number written on it was 10T

, which means ten tons!

“Usopp snorted and said,”Although cockroaches are scary, the scariest one is me!”

“You look down on me too much.”

“I am the most famous super-strong man in the East China Sea”

“10…10 tons!”Perona said tremblingly,”Hey, when did you become so strong!”

“Stop it, I have nowhere to escape, why are you using this?”

“10 tons or something, I will die!”

Perona was scared, she was really scared.

First, the cockroaches made her extremely frightened, and now he took out such a heavy hammer.

She will die!

At this time, Perona no longer had any extra brain space to think about whether this was a false question.

The cockroaches on her body were crawling back and forth, and she had no time to think about those things.

Usopp laughed and said,”Let you go?”

“And then let you attack my companions?”

“What a joke!” As soon as the voice fell, Usopp picked up the huge hammer with great effort, raised it above his head, and slowly walked in front of Perona!

“beg…Please.” Perona cried and said,”Don’t hit me, I give up.”

“If this hammer comes down, I will really die!”

“Also, please drive away the cockroaches, I’m scared!!”

“No cockroaches or hammers, please!”

“I won’t attack your companions. I don’t want to die!!”

“Please, Lord Usopp!”

“Humph, that won’t do~” Usopp slowly walked up to Perona and said,”Feel it well!”

“Usopp – Golden Hammer!!”

The huge hammer hit Perona’s head mercilessly. Although it exploded because of the headdress on Perona’s head, the effect has been achieved.

Perona rolled her eyes and fell down. She was obviously scared and lost consciousness.

Looking at the unconscious Perona, Usopp laughed and said,”Huh, you are going against me.”

“Is this considered a princess in a haunted house?” Usopp’s face was strange.”She was scared to death by balloons and cockroach toys.”

“This is too easy.”

After putting away the things in his hand, Usopp raised the corner of his mouth and said,”You dare to challenge me, pessimism and deception, little girl, you are still too young!”

“Humph, sleep till dawn.” Glancing at Perona with disdain, Usopp turned and walked out.

He solved the enemy that Zoro and the others couldn’t kill.

Well, as expected, Lord Usopp is amazing!~


Shaking his head, Usopp walked out slowly and soon came out.

“”Eh?” Usopp looked at the Red Wolf and was a little surprised,”Isn’t this Chu Feng’s Gundam? How did it get summoned?””

Oh, there’s Luffy’s zombie underneath.

No wonder there were all kinds of strange noises just now.

It turned out to be a battle between Chu Feng and this guy?

“Hey, Chu Feng!” Usopp smiled and waved his arms.”Is the battle on your side over as well?”

“That’s about it.” Chu Feng signaled Kassadin to control the Red Wolf, and he jumped out of the cockpit and came to Usopp’s side.”Why, is your side also finished?”

“Of course!” Usopp raised his head and turned up his nose and said,”If I take action, is there any enemy that I can’t defeat?”

“I defeated him head-on!”

“What a ghost princess! She’s still defeated by me!”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

“That’s an enemy that even Zoro and his men are helpless against!”

Usopp was extremely proud when he said this.

Am I also very strong?

His role is also very important!

Chu Feng smiled and gave a thumbs up when he heard it, saying”You are worthy of it!”

A true loli killer.

The ghost princess Perona in the Horror Three Ghost Sailboat.

The little girl in Dressrosa – Sucrose.

Weren’t these two defeated by Usopp?~

“Humph, that’s~” Usopp didn’t know what Chu Feng was thinking, he just felt that he was praising himself.

This made him very happy.

He is also an important member of the team, and there are some enemies that only he can defeat!

Just when Usopp was about to say something, a roar suddenly came from a tall building in the distance, and then a flying slash flew out from it and hit Usopp directly!


I’m standing here, are you going to attack me too?

“It seems that Zoro’s battle has also begun.” Chu Feng smashed Fei Xiang’s sword with one punch and said with a smile,”After this battle, Zoro’s strength will become even stronger.”

“Is it?”

“Of course.” Chu Feng nodded.”After all, his���The hand is the legendary dragon-slaying warrior – Shimotsuki Ryuma!”

“Dragon slaying?!”Usopp’s pupils shrank, his face full of disbelief.

Are there still dragons in this world?

Wait, if that’s the case, this enemy must be very strong.

Is Zoro really okay?

Thinking of this, Usopp looked at the tall building with worry in his eyes.

“Don’t worry, Sauron will definitely win.”Chu Feng crossed his arms, his eyes full of confidence!

After all, he is Sauron!.

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