After leaving Alba, Chu Feng drove the RV towards the upper reaches of the Saint Dora River.

After turning on the RV’s automatic driving, Chu Feng and Nami came to the back.

“Can that guy be trusted?” Sanji, who was stirring the spoon, frowned slightly.”I always feel that he is suspicious.”

The two of them had a life-and-death duel in Alba before.

If I hadn’t been more skilled, I would have been kicked to death by that bastard.

“Um…”Luffy frowned and said,”Let’s just be friends.”

They played together on the ship and had a pretty good relationship.

“You seem to get along well with him, how scary.” Zoro looked at Luffy in amazement, it was outrageous that this bastard could get along well with that shemale.

“No matter what, we have to go and take a look.” Chu Feng said calmly while sitting on a chair,”We have to get the Golden Merry back no matter what.”

That is not just their ship, but also their partner!

“That juice.~”

“Thank you~” Chu Feng rubbed Little Chopper’s head with a smile on his face. This child is so sensible.

Little Chopper smiled and ran to the side to eat cotton candy.

This is a cotton candy making machine specially installed on the car by Chu Feng considering that this little guy likes to eat cotton candy.

“That’s right!” Usopp stood up and said,”The ship must be taken back!”

That was the ship that Kaya gave them, and it must not fall into the hands of others no matter what!

“Then go ahead.” Sanji put a plate of meat on the table and said,”If he dares to plot against us, we will deal with him then!”

Then he will use his 50-yard big foot to kick him hard in the face and let him know why the flowers are so red

“That…”Chopper suddenly raised his head and said,”Will Weiwei go with us?”

After saying this, everyone fell silent.

“We gave him twelve hours. If she didn’t show up before then, it means she won’t go with us.”Zoro said calmly,”It’s good for her to stay in her own country. At least she is treated like a princess.”

The most important thing is that her identity is too sensitive.

If she is a pirate,…

“What did you say?!” Sanji was immediately unhappy and kicked Zoro directly,”You bastard, Green Algae Head!”

“I’m really looking forward to Weiwei coming with us!”

“Bastard!” Zoro was furious and immediately prepared to fight this guy.

Nami, who was thinking about something, looked up at the few people and then walked over with an expressionless face.



Looking at the two guys falling down with smoke coming out of their heads, Nami said with an unhappy look on her face,”The RV is so small, what do you two want to do?!”

“If you hit me again, I’ll throw you out.”

Really, can’t you just be quiet for a while?

“You look like you are worried.” Chu Feng pulled Nami back and said,”Why, you can’t bear to leave Weiwei?”

Nami was silent for a moment, raised her head and looked at Chu Feng with tears in her eyes and said,”The ten billion is gone….”

Chu Feng: ???


“Are you really going to take this money? Are you a devil?”

Chu Feng was dumbfounded. He originally thought that she was reluctant to part with Weiwei. After all this time, she was reluctant to part with the 1 billion?

Nami rolled her eyes and said,”Of course I know I can’t take it, but I just think it’s a little believable.”

“Well, I can’t bear to part with Weiwei either.”

You are not convincing now….

Usopp’s mouth twitched. If you hadn’t said that just now, I would have believed it…………

“The one in front is our ship, right?” Nami, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, asked as she looked at the shadow of the Golden Merry in the distance.

“Yeah.” Chu Feng pushed his eyes and said,”Not only that, Xiao Feng is also on it.”

“He’s really there.” Nami held her forehead and said,”Isn’t he afraid that we will hit him?”

After all, he was an enemy before.

Chu Feng hesitated for a moment and said,”He shouldn’t be afraid.”

“In his eyes, we are probably so-called friends.”

But if you think about it carefully, Xiao Feng’s character is still good.

At least when he was pushing the city, he tried his best to save Luffy’s life. He even almost lost himself.

“Forget it, let’s get off first.” Chu Feng shook his head and shouted to the back,”Everyone get off, we’ve arrived.”

After everyone got off, Chu Feng kicked the RV into his pocket.

“Hello ~` ~~”Xiao Feng waved his arms on the pirate ship,”You guys are here!”

“long time no see!”

“I didn’t expect Chu Fengjiang to be a devil fruit user.”

“Please don’t call me that.” Chu Feng put his hands together and said,”Give me a way out.”

It was really uncomfortable to be called that by this guy.

Chu Feng admired him as a person, but it didn’t prevent Chu Feng from feeling uncomfortable.

“What? So cold~” Xiao Feng pouted,”That’s not the attitude you use towards a friend at all.”

I was so kind to bring your pirate ship here.

“We were enemies before.” Sanji said angrily,”You broke one of my ribs.”

“Yes, what friends? You lied to us before.”

Seeing Luffy’s angry look, Xiao Feng was a little helpless.”I didn’t lie to you. I didn’t know the truth at that time.”

“But let’s not talk about that anymore, since Baroque Studio has closed down anyway.”

“We are no longer enemies.”

“Even if you are not an enemy, why are you on our ship?”Luffy looked at Xiao Feng with suspicion.

“You are such an inhuman guy.”

“What did you say?!”Luffy opened his shark mouth and roared,”Want to fight!”

Seeing Luffy rushing up to fight with him, Xiao Feng immediately stretched out his hand to stop him and said,”Okay, listen to me first.”

“Didn’t I say before that we saw navy ships on the sea?”

“If someone hadn’t boarded your ship and driven it away, do you know what would have happened to the ship?”

That would have been a very serious consequence!

“The navy will probably take it away.” Chu Feng pushed his glasses and said,”It can even be said that if the navy finds it troublesome, they will just fire a cannon at it.”

At that time, the Golden Merry will turn into debris in the sea and sink to the bottom of the sea.

This is something they cannot accept.

“Overall, this guy did a good thing.”

“Humph, finally there is a sensible guy here.” Xiao Feng snorted and said,”Do you know what the current situation of this island is?”

“Now the island has been completely blockaded by naval warships!”

“The purpose is to catch you guys who defeated little Mr. 0.”

Xiao Feng even suspected that if the royal family of Alabasta had not been willing to protect them, the navy would have rushed in to capture them!

Don’t underestimate the determination of these guys.

This is the pirate group that defeated the Seven Warlords of the Sea!

Luffy then reacted,”In that case, it was you who helped us save the Golden Merry from the navy!”

This guy is actually a good guy!

“Why?” Usopp and Chopper’s faces were full of confusion. Weren’t they enemies before?

“Humph, you actually ask such a question.”Tears flowed from Xiao Feng’s eyes, and he raised his thumb and said,”Because we are friends!”

As soon as these words came out, Luffy, Chopper and Usopp were captured.

The four of them ran directly to the deck and started dancing.

Looking at the four idiots dancing on the deck, Chu Feng covered his face with his hands and said,”Well~”

“Although the development of the matter is a bit strange, it is developing in a good direction after all.”

At least the Golden Merry is fine, right?

“Chu Feng, everything is in your pocket, right?”

“”Yes.” Chu Feng nodded,”Do you want it now?””

“No need.” Sanji shook his head, thought for a moment and said,”Please put it in the kitchen for me.”


Unlike the others, Sauron did not let down his guard against Xiao Feng.

“That is to say, Mr. 2, you can’t leave this island because of the navy’s siege, so you want to increase the number of your companions.”Zoro narrowed his eyes and said,”Is that so.”

In Zoro’s opinion, Mr. 2 probably wanted to gather together for warmth, and then find a way to rush out together.

Xiao Feng slammed his head against the wall when he heard what Zoro said, but he didn’t care about his pain at all. Instead, he said with tears on his face,”Yes, it’s this time, it’s this era!”

“Let us fight together in the name of friendship!”



Looking at the three idiots who joined them again, Chu Feng’s mouth twitched.

Forget it, it doesn’t matter.

Anyway, this Xiao Feng really has no intention of harming them.

If something really goes wrong, there is still me, right?

Looking at the sea in the distance, Chu Feng narrowed his eyes and said,”I guess the navy will be here soon.”

It would be best if it was that guy Smoker. I have made another large-sized smoke-absorbing bead~

Well, this time he can have a larger range of activities………..

“Report to the colonel, traces of the Straw Hat Pirates have been found on the sea!”

“Oh?” Tina’s eyes lit up.”Finally they showed up?”

It’s worth it that they have been waiting here for so long.

Before, they suspected that the royal family of Alabasta had hidden them, but now it seems that they are hiding in the suburbs.

Thinking of this, Tina waved her hand and said,”Chase!”


Tina strode away, muttering,”Really, that bastard Smoker doesn’t want to fight anymore?”

Forget it, it’s the same with her around.

So what if I defeated Crocodile? Don’t even think about escaping from her!

Soon, the navy’s warships caught up with the Golden Merry!

“Listen, pirates in front, stop advancing, lay down your weapons and surrender, or we will open fire!”

“Huh?” Luffy turned his head and looked at the warship that was catching up with them. He was a little dumbfounded.”So fast?!”

They had only been out to sea for a short time, and the warship had already caught up with them.

“Do you all like this?” Chu Feng was speechless.”Surrender?”

“Go with you to the Undersea Prison?”

Chu Feng would rather die in battle than stay in that dark and miserable place.

“”Don’t you want to surrender?” Tina snorted, and then waved her hand,”Use special shells to sink their pirate ship!”


Accompanied by the roar of the cannon, all members of the Straw Hat Pirates were on alert.

“Three Sword Style – Three Hundred and Sixty Troubled Winds!”

The flying slash cut off several of the shells that had turned into javelins, but the others pierced the lower half of the Golden Merry, which made Luffy dumbfounded.

He was ready to attack just now, but if Chu Feng hadn’t pulled him back, the javelin would have pierced him.

“No, why are their shells this thing?”

“The user of the Lan Lan Fruit ability.” Chu Feng pushed his glasses and said,”Are these special shells made using the fruit ability?”

I just don’t know if her fruit ability has awakened.

“¨」 ¨」 What should we do? If we are continuously attacked by these iron spears, it is only a matter of time before the ship sinks!” Sanji shouted anxiously,”Quick, go to the basement of the cabin and check if there is a leak. Get up quickly!””

“Chopper, you and Usopp go together!”

However, the warships in the distance would not give them time to breathe, and the next round of bombardment had already begun!

Chu Feng gritted his teeth and took out a cube from his pocket.

“What is this?”Xiao Feng looked at Chu Feng’s actions with a puzzled look on his face.

“Humph, something that allows us to break out of the encirclement!”Chu Feng sneered and said,”Weapon Cube, activate attack mode”

“Target, all surrounding warships and the special shells fired at them!”

“”Command received!” The weapon cube made a mechanical sound and then quickly flew into the air!

Then the color of the entire sky changed.

Countless small missiles flew out of the weapon cube and bombarded the surrounding warships. Almost in the blink of an eye, several warships were sunk!

Except for Tina’s warship, which was protected by her black fence, all the others were burned!



“Hurry, put out the fire!”

“Why, why did it turn out like this when we surrounded them!”

“Damn it!”Tina looked at the Golden Merry in the distance with an angry face.”Why do they have such a weapon?!”

Wait, was it invented by that mechanical maniac Chu Feng?!

Damn, the Navy Headquarters underestimated him!

In the end, Tina could only watch the two pirate ships flee into the distance.

“Contact the Navy Headquarters. I have important…”

“What is that?!” Tina was interrupted by her subordinates before she finished her words.”Why did the cube start to emit blue light?!”

Tina was stunned for a moment, then looked up into the distance, and her pupils shrank.”Damn, that thing looks like it’s going to explode!”

Her hands moved quickly, protecting the warship tightly. Now she can only pray that this will be of some use.

From the outside, you can see that there are black iron rods moving on the warship, which is obviously to strengthen the defense!

The next moment, the weapon cube vibrated, and then turned into a dazzling blue light.


The Straw Hat Pirates, who had already escaped far away, looked back and froze in place for a moment.”Chu Feng, what kind of weapon is this time?”

It looks like the range is very wide. I guess all the marines were killed.

“Weapon Cube.” Chu Feng sighed.”This thing is a one-time item. It will explode after launching an attack.”

“That’s why I urged you to leave here quickly.”

This thing is a dangerous item. If the Wild Wolf Armor is still there, he will not use it.

However, the situation just now did not allow him to think too much. If he was hit by that special shell a few more times, the ship would sink.

“What a scary man.”Xiao Feng looked at Chu Feng and his mouth twitched, and he couldn’t even do his signature moves.”Fortunately, I’m friends with you.”

If I use this to hit him during the battle in the city, his bones would probably be blown away.

Thinking of this, Xiao Feng shuddered.

“Now that we have escaped from the encirclement, it is time for us to leave~” Xiao Feng said to Luffy,”Little Straw Hat, we will meet again if we are lucky~”

Seeing Xiao Feng’s tearful face, Luffy was not much better,”Xiao Feng, take care of yourself!”

“Little straw hat!”

“Xiao Feng!”

“Ah!”The two hugged each other and cried bitterly, which made Chu Feng’s mouth twitch.

Is the feeling between idiots so simple?

Forget it, there is no navy now anyway, just let them play.

On the other side, Tina, sweating all over her head, knelt on the broken wood board. Although she had tried her best to protect the warship, half of it was destroyed in the end.

The remaining half was gradually dismembered and turned into wreckage on the sea.

But the good news is that not many navy soldiers on this ship died.

“Chu Feng!!!” Tina’s roar resounded through the sea”I swear, I must catch you!”

It was because of that bastard that so many of her subordinates died!

Tina was in so much pain.

Wait, she will immediately apply to the Navy Headquarters to hunt down the Straw Hat Pirates with Smoker!

They must be defeated!

If I don’t catch them, I, Tina, will not be a human being! Jiejie.: Ťїếʉ кɦʉүŋɦ էɦàŋɦツ

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