Looking at Nami gliding freely on the sea of clouds, Chu Feng did not choose to go over and play with her. Instead, he deployed a small robot to protect and observe Nami, and then looked at Arpaiado in the distance.

“Tsk, let me see if Enelu will come out.” Chu Feng, who was wearing the Wolf God Armor, raised his mouth and flew away quickly.

“Hmm?”Nami looked up at the sky. Did something just fly over?

Never mind. Let’s have some fun first.

Chu Feng started searching for Enelu as soon as he arrived at Arpaiado, but he couldn’t find him after searching for a long time.

“Not here?” Chu Feng frowned slightly.”It seems that we have to find that huge vine.”

The so-called palace should be on it.

At this time, an uninvited guest appeared not far from Chu Feng, and said arrogantly,”Sinner, you dare to come to the sky of Arpaiado?!”

“Don’t you know that this is God’s realm!”

“God?” Chu Feng slowly turned his head and glanced at this guy and said,”How dare you say that.”

He is just a natural ability user, but he calls himself a god in front of a bunch of natives.

How ridiculous.

A frog in a well.

If this happened in the new world, he would have been beaten to a pulp.

“I am Shura who is in charge of the rope trial~” Shura looked at Chu Feng with a fierce smile,”Boy, come out of your turtle shell quickly, let me treat you well!”

This was the order given to him by God. Before, the four of them were fighting for a prey, who would have thought that another one would come.

This is really good news!

“I have no interest in you.”Chu Feng said indifferently,”Where is Enelu?”

He came here for the Thunder Fruit and the gold to make Gundam. He has no interest in these rubbish priests.

Too weak.

“How dare you call me by my divine name?!” Shura’s face darkened.”I will give you the cruelest punishment!”

“”Oh, yes, yes.” Chu Feng said perfunctorily,”So, you can tell me where Enel is.”

Feeling the perfunctory tone of Chu Feng, Shura’s face suddenly turned red with anger.

How many years has it been?

How many years has no one dared to talk to him like this?

This bastard must die here today!

Thinking of this, Shura immediately called for his mount – the three-foot bird.

Leaping onto the back of the three-foot bird, Shura swung the fire spear in his hand and roared,”Go, kill him!”

“” Cry!”

The three-foot bird chirped and rushed towards Chu Feng in the air. At the same time, Shura raised the fire spear in his hand and stabbed Chu Feng fiercely.”Go to hell!”

Looking at the opponent’s full-strength attack, Chu Feng didn’t even move his eyelids, and calmly raised one arm.


“”What?!” Shura looked at Chu Feng in shock. This man actually blocked the attack of both of them with one hand?

How is this possible?!

“So, you are the frogs in the well.” Chu Feng shook his head. He had no interest in fighting such a guy.

“Hmm?” Chu Feng saw that Nami had already arrived near Arpaiado and laughed,”This girl is pretty fast.”

“Don’t underestimate me, bastard!”Although Shura couldn’t see Chu Feng’s expression, he could imagine that his face must be full of ridicule.

This made him extremely angry, and he immediately activated the fire shell on the fire spear!


A large amount of flames rushed out directly, hitting the face of the Wolf God Armor heavily and burning

“Hahahaha, this is the price of underestimating me!” Xiulian said with a fierce smile,”Even the previous god would bear a grudge if he took the fire attack head-on!”

This is a temperature of over a thousand degrees!

He will definitely not survive!

“Is that so?” Chu Feng in the flame said calmly,”I’m really sorry for giving you the illusion that you can win.”

Then he stretched out a hand from the flame and placed it in front of Shura, and hit him hard on the forehead.




Under the powerful force of Chu Feng, Shura flew backwards and hit the ground in the distance with a roll of his eyes.

As if he had done something insignificant, Chu Feng calmly shook his hands.

He looked around and was about to go somewhere else when a strange sound suddenly came from a distance, followed by a roar!

“boom々〃 々〃 !”

An extremely thick beam of light dropped from the sky and directly hit the distant coastline, killing the poor thief!

“Such a high voltage.” Chu Feng looked at the analyzed data in front of him and thought for a while, then quickly flew towards the coastline.”Nami’s current body may die if she withstands an attack of more than 50 million Ford.””

No, I can’t take this risk.

Let’s take Nami back first.

Ignoring the surprised looks of the other three priests, Chu Feng landed beside Nami, picked her up and said,”Let’s go.”

“Chu Feng!” Seeing that it was Chu Feng who came to pick her up, Nami was so excited that tears came out.

The scene just now was so scary that she almost thought she was going to die!

“It’s okay, I’m here.” Chu Feng glanced at the three priests with doubtful looks on their faces, grabbed Wei Ba with his other hand, and turned away.

The speed was so fast that the priests had no time to react.

“That…That person?” Ohm hesitated and said,”Didn’t Shura deal with this person just now?”


Could it be that Shura was killed by him?

At this moment, a beam of light appeared in front of the few people and soon formed a human shape.

“God.” Seeing this, several priests knelt on one knee respectfully, with a humble look on their faces.

Aini glanced at them indifferently, then glanced at the direction where Chu Feng left in the distance. I don’t know what he thought of, but the corner of his mouth rose,”Interesting.”

This Qinghai man is a bit interesting

“Let’s go back to the temple first.” Enel said playfully,”Soon there will be a good show.”

“God, how is Shura?”

“He?” Enelu snorted and said,”That idiot has been beaten unconscious by that Qinghai guy.”

“That’s perfect. You guys bring him with you. If he can’t wake up, get rid of him.”

It’s just right that the man from Qinghai can fill this vacancy.



He’s a god. How could anyone dare to refuse a god’s words!


“What on earth is going on with this sky island?!”Nami’s face was full of doubts. What she had just seen was beyond her understanding.

Why would there be divine punishment from the sky?

Are there really gods in this world?

“He is just a natural ability user.”Chu Feng said calmly,”Relying on his ability to transform into elements and a large attack range, he can do whatever he wants on Sky Island.”

Tsk, the people on Sky Island are weak. If there is a domineering person……

Well, it seems that I came here to punish the big-eared man.

So how should I get the Thunder Fruit?

Chu Feng fell into deep thought. Kill him directly?

It seems that I have to make a prop in advance.

Otherwise, when he dies, the power of the devil fruit will fly away.

“Hmm?” Nami, who was sitting on Chu Feng’s arm, suddenly noticed the situation at Yuntan and was stunned for a moment,”What are Luffy and the others doing?”

Did they have a conflict with the locals?

“”Ah!” Usopp exclaimed when he saw the situation in the distance,”Chu Feng and Nami are back!”


“Nami, come on, take out your money, we only need to pay the eight million fine!”

“eight…Eight million?!”Nami exploded immediately. The moment Chu Feng arrived at Yuntan, she jumped off Chu Feng’s arm and kicked the captain of the Rebecca law enforcer in the face! She kicked him more than ten meters away and almost killed him.

Usopp was furious.”Hey, Nami, what are you doing!!!”

“Ah?” Nami also reflected and said awkwardly,”When I heard about the unreasonable fine, I was…”

Who told this guy to charge so much!

Really, forget it, it’s already been done.

Chu Feng looked at Nami helplessly. This girl is really……

After removing the Wolf God Armor, Chu Feng walked to Paigeya and said,”Uncle, I’ll give this back to you.”

“Ah, okay”

“The one you just had was…”

“Ah, that’s just a set of armor I made.” Chu Feng waved his hand nonchalantly, then glanced at Usopp and said,”So, what’s going on?”

Usopp immediately became alert, rushed to Chu Feng and complained to him, telling him everything that had just happened.

“So, these people are here to arrest us?” Chu Feng touched his chin and said,”Are we going to kill them?”

“Please don’t do this!” Conis immediately stopped in front of Chu Feng and said,”You have already committed a level five crime. If you commit more serious crimes, God may punish you personally.”

Chu Feng shrugged his shoulders. No matter what, they will face Enelu sooner or later.

So what’s the harm in taking action now?

“What is the punishment for a Level 5 crime?” Usopp asked curiously.

“Will be sentenced to Yunfu Exile!”

“”Cloud Floating?” Luffy laughed immediately,”It sounds so comfortable.”

Is it lying on the clouds?

“I don’t feel comfortable at all!” Conis’s face changed as if she had thought of something terrible.”That’s a death sentence!”

“The so-called cloud floating stream is to put the prisoners and the boat on the same island cloud with nowhere to escape, floating in the sky until they turn into bones!” After hearing Conis’s description, Nico Robin immediately understood something.

“So that’s why we encountered a ship that fell from the sky before.”

They did encounter a pirate ship that fell from the sky on the sea before, and this might be the reason.

After all, the so-called island cloud will not exist forever, and the pirate ship will naturally fall without support.

After hearing Nico Robin’s words, the others also remembered that there was such a thing.

“No, I absolutely don’t want to do this!” Chopper was so scared that he jumped onto Zoro’s back and hugged his neck and shouted,”That must be very scary!”

“neck…Neck!” Zoro said with difficulty,”I can’t breathe!”

He pulled Chopper down and was about to say something to him when he saw the little guy crying. He immediately swallowed the words in his mouth.

After a moment of silence, he said,”Don’t worry, we won’t do that.”

After all, they are pirates, how could they abide by the laws of other countries?!!

“Hey, what did you do to our captain!”

“”Huh?” Chu Feng turned his head and glanced at the other party and said,”Is there any problem?”

Seeing Chu Feng’s dangerous eyes, the law enforcement team members in the rebecca shivered.”¨」 ¨」 you…What else are you going to do?!”

“You must know that you have already committed a fifth-degree crime. If you continue to be stubborn, the situation will become even more serious!”

“Oh, what else could it be?” Chu Feng said disdainfully,”Is Enelu coming down personally to punish us?”

“Just now I went to the forbidden land of God you mentioned and nothing happened.”

As soon as these words came out, the air became quiet instantly.

All the law enforcers in the rebecca looked at Chu Feng in shock, as if they were looking at a ghost.

“you you you you”

“You entered the forbidden land of God?” The Rebekah Law Enforcement Team member couldn’t speak clearly.


“Then why are you still alive?”The Rebecca law enforcement team member felt that his three views were shocked. Why was he not killed by God?

“Maybe even your God is no match for me.~”

“Hahahaha.” Chu Feng laughed loudly, then his face darkened.”Get out of here now, don’t force me to do it.”

All the law enforcers in the rebecca shuddered. Insulting God is the highest level of crime!

This group of people is hopeless….

Thinking of this, the Rebecca law enforcer took the injured captain and all the members retreated, gradually disappearing from everyone’s sight.

They didn’t want to be implicated.

“you…”Conis looked at Chu Feng and was speechless. Isn’t he afraid of death?

“Hahaha, we are used to being hunted down.” Luffy said nonchalantly,”Compared to this, hey, Nami”

“Why did you come back with Chu Feng?”Luffy said with some dissatisfaction,”We are all planning to go to that place that we absolutely cannot go to for adventure….”

“Ah, no, I was just about to go find you guys.”


So for you, adventure is the most important thing, right?

“You’d better give up this idea as soon as possible.” Nami said unhappily,”I have already witnessed the so-called power of God just now.”

“A huge pillar of lightning fell from the sky!

The entire coastline was…

Nami really couldn’t muster up the courage to be an enemy of such a being.

Chu Feng smiled unscrupulously when he heard Nami’s words,”Little Nami, it’s not up to you now.

That so-called Enel has set his sights on us.”

Chu Feng pushed his glasses and glanced at the sky. The magnetic field of (Li’s Zhao) (Li’s Zhao) in the sky has changed. It might be the arm of that Enel, or it might be him himself who came here!

I don’t know why he didn’t do anything. Is he planning to have some fun?


“Anyway, I don’t want to go to that dangerous place anymore. Let’s leave this country as soon as possible.”

She didn’t want to provoke God at all.

“What?!”Luffy was immediately unhappy,”How can that be possible!”

“There is no need to choose which is more important, life or adventure!”

“Of course it’s life, bastard!” Nami punched Luffy hard on the head and said,”If you lose your life, you lose everything!”

“Nami, there is an endless amount of gold in the so-called God’s Land.~”

“Please be sure to go in and take the risk.” Nami grabbed Chu Feng’s hand and said,”I’ll leave the gold to you.”

Chu Feng’s mouth twitched. Sure enough, this was the only way to deal with Nami.

“That’s not right.” Nami reacted, gave Chu Feng a dissatisfied look and said,”Didn’t you see the beam of light just now?”

“Although money is important, it is also dangerous!”

“There is no need to worry about this.”Chu Feng smiled, took out a few pills from his pocket and said,”Then, come over here.”

“What is this?” Usopp came up and looked at the blue pill in Chu Feng’s hand with some confusion.”You have so many weird things.”

“This is good stuff, eat it first.”

Everyone looked at each other after hearing this, and then ate it without hesitation.

After eating, they looked at Chu Feng and waited for his answer.

“This is Ray���Immune pills.” Chu Feng said proudly,”That Enelu is actually the natural thunder fruit. I have analyzed it clearly.”

“After eating this, his fruit ability will not have any effect on us!”

Aren’t you powerful?

I’m immune to your attacks, let’s see what you can do!

As if hearing Chu Feng’s provocation, a large number of dark clouds began to gather in the sky, as if the power of annihilation was about to descend, extremely terrifying!: Ťїếʉ кɦʉүŋɦ էɦàŋɦツ

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