Kingdom of Alabastan.

A superpower located in the first half of the Great Shipping Route.

The capital is Albana.

The standing army had a full 600,000 men.


In terms of population ratio, even the ratio of 10:1 in wartime countries is very staggering, while the ratio of the Kingdom of Alabastan is 40:1, in other words, the Kingdom of Alabastan has at least 24 million people, but in fact it is a country with close to 30 million people.

The reason is simple!

The island of Santing is very large, it is an extremely large island, the power of this island, the power of this island.

It's amazing!

It's scary!

Because of this!

All the time...

This island is an extremely terrifying island, and it exists as a famous superpower on the sea, and in any era, in the first half of the great voyage, in this sea called paradise, the kingdom of Alabastan was almost invincible.

It's just that!


But there are some problems.

The 12 vassal states of the Kingdom of Alabastan, known as the money bag, actually launched an attack on the Kingdom of Alabastan at the same time, although it felt very different, and they actually launched an attack.

But here's the problem!

The 1.2 million troops stationed in the Kingdom of Alabastan have not been contacted, and the 12 generals have also been unable to be contacted.

Albana !!


Located here, the apex of the royal palace, and under the cover of night.

A man stood in place, his eyes very sharp.

Neferutari Kobra!

He is the king of the kingdom of Alabastan of this generation, and he is a good king who loves his people like a son, but don't think he is an idiot, although he loves his people like a son, he is a very intelligent man.

After all!

For the Kingdom of Alabastan, for the Neferutari clan, as long as they are not idiots, they are very clear, they need to work hard to ensure the continuation of the family, to ensure the continuation of the kingdom, and for the idea of the world government, more or less naturally know.

But it is because 277 is known.

He knew exactly what was going to happen next.


In terms of selection, it may be relatively lax, but the cultivated king will definitely not have any slackness, but a real top king, after all, if it is not a top king, he is not qualified to really survive and survive on this sea.


Kobra exhaled a slight breath of turbidity, and said with a serious expression: "Ikalem! General, still can't you contact him?"


As the captain of the Kingdom Guard, Ikalem's strength is not considered strong, but he is definitely loyal, and he bowed down and said respectfully: "The Great General has been contacted! It's just that the Great General's situation is not good, and if the Great General can't be recovered, then the soldiers located on the 12 islands can't be mobilized at all." "


Kobra's look was also very ugly.


This is to start from the core of the Kingdom of Alabastan, the Kingdom of Alabastan, the 600,000 troops stationed in this country, the king can be mobilized at will, after all, this is the country's standing army, you can do whatever you want.


The kingdom of Alabastan actually has a total army of 2 million.

The Kingdom of Alabastan has 12 vassals, and these 12 vassals are permanently stationed with 1.2 million troops, and there are 12 generals in charge of guarding them, and their death order is that if it is not for the order issued by the king and the general at the same time, then it is absolutely not allowed to obey orders at any time.

This is very important!

It's just to prevent problems.

As for the general?!


The same people of the Neferutari clan, of course, will not have any problems, this time! It is because of the general's expedition, as a result! The general was ambushed, although he is still alive now, but he is not in good condition, and he is almost unable to come back, because of this, Kobra cannot mobilize the 1.2 million army, and just by relying on these 600,000 troops, he is not the opponent of the 1 million army at all.


The Kingdom of Alabastan has an army of 2 million, and in the capital there is another 100,000 troops, which are the elite army of the Guardian King, they will never leave the capital, they will only protect the capital.

As for the remaining 100,000 troops, they belonged to the general's army, and this time they followed the general to the expedition, although there was no damage, but they were the same! Now they are locked outside, and they can't come back.

It can be said!

As long as the general comes back and his brother comes back, then everything is easy to say, but the problem is here, his brother is completely blocked, and he can't come back at all, and if his brother can't come back, then everything is the biggest problem.


Kobra rubbed his eyebrows and said solemnly, "Ikalem, go down!" Continue to have people contact the general, find a way to send someone to bring the general back, and at the same time, let the generals resist the invasion, and absolutely not let the other party cause harm to the civilians." "


Ikalem faded quickly, and of course he knew what his job was.

"What a headache!" Kobra said with a solemn expression: "World government, five old stars, you are really rushing to kill them all! The death of your father back then was unclear, and the result! Today, do you still plan to do this? What a good idea! As long as you eat these 12 vassal states through this method, in..."

"Eat all the elite armies of the Kingdom of Alabastan, as well as the strong men cultivated within the kingdom. "



"It's equivalent to eating the entire kingdom of Alabastan, slowly destroying the Neferutari clan. "

"When that time comes!"

"The Kingdom of Alabastan is in control. "

With Kobra's voice, a faint voice sounded slowly in his ears, and Kobra's eyes also became sharp, and he slowly turned his head, just in time to see a young man's figure gradually coming out of the darkness, his expression was very calm, even with a funny smile.


(If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Alan walked out of the darkness step by step, and looked at Kobra in front of him interestingly, this is only about thirty years old, and he is completely high-spirited, and there is no comparison with the strange-looking guy in the original book.


"Sure enough!"


"You just can't be preconceived, everyone is different!"

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Alan said interestingly: "Mr. Kobra, how are you going to deal with such a situation?"

"Nicole Allen?!" Kobra looked at Allen, he instantly recognized Allen's identity, it was not strange! For Kobra, he naturally knew a lot of precious secrets or hidden news, and knowing this, Kobra naturally knew how to deal with everything in the future.

Kobra is also very concerned about Allen, after all, this boy's strength is so terrifying, what kind of growth will he have in the future?


Considering this, Kobra was also thinking about how to win over Allen, but he didn't expect that at this time, Allen would take the initiative to come to the door.

Kobra looked at Allen, who was standing beside him, also quietly looking at the night outside the window, and said calmly: "Mr. Allen, you are here, in addition to wanting my life?

"Let's talk about it!"

"It's easy!"

Alan chuckled and said, "It's so comfortable to talk to smart people, it's easy to know what the other party wants to say, then! "

"First of all!" The corners of Allen's mouth hooked, and he said lightly: "Bell, Gaka, these two people are the ability of animal-type devil fruits, their devil fruits, I need to take them away, according to the ability of the Alabastan Kingdom, I should know that I am very interested in animal-type devil fruits, right?"


Kobra's eyebrows furrowed, and he said with a solemn expression, "Extract the Devil Fruit?"

"Don't worry!" Alan smiled, "Of course I'm not going to kill Bell and Gaca, their Devil Fruits will be taken away, and their lives will survive unharmed, as for the method?"


"I'm sorry!"

"Mr. Cobra, I just can't say that. "

"I know. Kobra nodded quietly, and then continued, "Mr. Allen, are you sure to help the Kingdom of Alabastan deal with this danger?"


Alan chuckled and said: "This is not a huge trouble, these 1 million troops, you don't need to think about it, you know, this is the army of the world government, as for where did you get it? For a behemoth like the world government that has ruled the world for 800 years, it is too easy to create an army, and even say! As long as you want to, you can recruit it." "

"That's true. Kobra nodded, "So, Mr. Allen, how are you going to solve this problem?"

"It's easy!"

The corners of Allen's mouth hooked, and he smiled: "As long as you bring the general back, as long as you bring back the general of the Neferutari clan, Skana, everything seems to be a lot easier, right?"

"After all!"

"As long as you get the general back, and have the combination of the general and you, you can mobilize all the great armies, it is undeniable! Your Neferutari clan is indeed a very good means, in order to prevent problems between the king and the general, such a means is very good, but if one party has a problem, or disappears, it will be troublesome. "

"Of course!"

"These are not things I should think about, it will be easy for me to bring the great general back, after all! "

Alan opened one hand, and the endless darkness spread into the distance, and looking at this scene, Kobra was very calm, but thought about it a little: "In this way, it is indeed possible to solve the problem of the Kingdom of Alabastan." "


Kobra shook his head and said, "If that's just it, the 1 million army is also a problem, right?"

"Of course!" Alan said with a smile, "It's okay to hand over the 1 million troops to me as well, how about it?"

"All the problems!"

"I'll take care of it. "


"Those who are strong in the shadows will be handed over to you in the kingdom of Alabastan. "

Cobra was thinking carefully, if Alan could really do it, then not only could he deal with everything, but he could reduce the maximum casualties, as for those strong people?!


It's not Cobra's joke, as long as his brother comes back, at that time! That's really what you want, these guys, aren't you just going to be able to handle it?

There are many strong men in the kingdom of Alabastan.


The death order of the Kingdom of Alabastan is this, these are the two brothers of the king and the general, this pair of Neferutari people can be mobilized together, and other things are absolutely allowed.

"Would you like to try it out?" Alan just smiled at Kobra.

"What more could you want?!"

"It's easy!"

"The Kingdom of Alabastan has two pieces of history, these two pieces of history, I need to take them, other than that! Money, Mr. Kobra, you can look at this, I also think it doesn't matter. "


Allen's eyes were sharp, and he said: "I want the Phantom Beast Seed Devil Fruit of your Alabastan Kingdom, since I have come here, I must know what kind of Devil Fruit you are the owner of the Alabastan Kingdom, and leave it to me!

PS: 4000 words big chapter!Daily six changes!Second change!Ask for subscription!Ask for customization!Ask for collection!Ask for flowers!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for rewards!Ask for evaluation!。

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