Great Writer

Chapter 197: Rectification

Liang Jing almost finished reading Wang Defu's "The Way of Writing" in one breath. She only felt that this work was full of sincerity. She felt that Wang Defu was someone who sincerely hopes to read this work. He can love writing more and be able to write at the same time. Has improved.

It’s just different from other books about how to improve writing standards. Generally, authors who dare to write such books subconsciously put themselves in a higher position. Of course, they will have a condescending attitude in the articles they write. Wang Defu’s book is indeed not so condescending. Instead, it narrows the distance between him and his readers, making every reader feel particularly comfortable to read, as if he has really made friends with Wang Defu.

This work can be written to make readers feel this way. Liang Jing is still very convinced. The most important thing is that after reading this work, she has indeed gained a lot of things. For her creation, she must be able to. There is a lot of improvement.

Of course, she will not completely obey Wang Defu's "Writing Way", and lose her own unique style. She will only absorb the things that make her feel really useful.

This is actually in line with Wang Defu’s original intention in creating this work which is regarded as a reference book. He is not writing a book of eternal truth, but simply sharing his creative experience and mental journey. This "Writing "The Way" basically never ends, unless he is dead...

Liang Jing watched "The Way of Writing" three times before writing this evaluation—

"There is no doubt that this is a very sincere work by Wang Defu. It may be difficult for readers of the author to feel such sincerity. I also feel that this work of words and sentences is very plain and lacks the literary style of Wang Defu's other works. It’s flying and energetic, but what I want to say is that for many creators, this work is really a work that you regret if you don’t read it. The old saying goes, the stone of other mountains can be used for jade..."

With a certain excitement, Liang Jing recalled Wang Defu’s charming smile. She only felt that this time she started "reading comprehension", and she was full of words and thoughts, and she praised Wang Defu’s essay skills and improved it. Upstairs.

She also mentioned the recent controversy about Wang Defu’s work. It was because some of Wang Defu’s diehard fans gradually became very brain-ridden and started to catch someone else’s article. Take Wang Defu’s "The Way of Writing." It means that the article does not meet certain points mentioned in "The Way of Writing", so this article is rubbish...

When there are more and more fans of this kind of brains, it is not unusual for one fan to top ten black fans. Therefore, Wang Defu's "The Way of Writing" has naturally become a thorn in the eyes of some authors, and there is a relatively old qualified person. The author unceremoniously stated that Wang Defu’s creation of "The Way of Writing" was a mistake for his children, and that he took the name of this book as this is also a boastful statement, and he is really not afraid to laugh and be generous.

Obviously, the old author didn’t bother to read this work at all, but saw some guys madly talk about this work, almost blowing this "The Way of Writing" into truth, so he naturally couldn't help but speak up. Directly pointed the finger at Wang Defu.

But his approach seems to have stabbed a hornet’s nest, because Wang Defu’s current contacts in the literary world are still very impressive, mainly because of a group of interpreters and commentators who rely on helping Wang Defu to brag, harvesting a lot of fame and earning Wang Defu. The money of that huge fan group, of course, they have to stand on Wang Defu's side, speak for him, and further gain the support of those fans. This is all sales!

So these people in the media who started by boasting about Wang Defu began to stand on Wang Defu’s side, either aggressively or conservatively defending Wang Defu, thinking that Wang Defu’s "The Way of Writing" is definitely a classic. , People who have read it can directly open the door of writing and eventually become a great writer!

Obviously, in order to attract readers’ attention, this group of people exaggerated, of course, some of them have not seen this work, because subconsciously feel that this work is unattractive. I want to see your preaching!

That’s right, many people didn’t read this work, and subconsciously thought it was boring, but for their own benefit, of course they wrote what readers would like to see. Purpose.

Even the current "controversy" may have been deliberately created by the media. After all, the more controversial and the smell of gunpowder, the more people will pay attention.

In her review article, Liang Jing mentioned this controversy, she said unceremoniously that whether it was the pros or the cons, there were a group of people talking nonsense with their eyes open, and they had never seen Wang Defu’s work at all, for When you get hot, you start talking nonsense!

And now, she is going to comment on Wang Defu's work from the most objective point of view, so her behavior is definitely not enthusiastic, it is the most essential difference from those nonsense guys!

This time, Liang Jing was able to play the map cannon directly, but she has to admit that because of her existence, many guys who were originally watching the excitement on the sidelines went to really read "The Way of Writing". UU reading www.

Therefore, Wang Defu should really thank Liang Jing. Others may be making false propaganda for this book, but Liang Jing is different. She is definitely pushing the book sincerely, and the comments she writes seem to be more meaningful. After all, She is the one who really saw this work.

Liang Jing's current reputation is still very acceptable. It is better to say that she was known by Wang Defu's fame at the beginning. After that, she has created many works with strong personal style and has gained a lot of loyal fans. So no matter what kind of work she writes, someone will definitely buy it.

This time she commented on Wang Defu’s "The Way of Writing" as soon as the article was published. This article full of dry goods almost put an end to this "controversy", because she did use such an article to tell How meaningless this argument is.

"The Way of Writing" is definitely not a truth. It is still a work that completely represents a personal point of view. Of course, those who like it can like it and benefit from it. Those who don’t like it can take a look at it, because This is not a work that teaches readers how and what to do. It doesn't matter even if you look at Wang Defu's biography.

This is not a boring book, it is actually very smooth and interesting to read.

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