Great Writer

Chapter 216: Whirlpool of public opinion

Since "The Crowd" was launched in China at the same time, or in many large cities in China, and it was still fully publicized, many literati circles saw this work almost at the same time.

And the first thing to jump and stab is, of course, the media and literary critics who blew the famous young writer Ye Liqing's work "The Best Democracy" to the sky.

Because they can tell at a glance, this "The Mob" is clearly deliberately provoking and touching the porcelain "The Best Democracy"!

It’s not that no one has touched Ye Liqing before. After all, the creator of Ye Liqing is indeed famous and has won many literary awards. He was the winner of the previous "Wenfeizi Literature Award", and his status in the literary world can be said to be At the same time, Ye Liqing also had a deep friendship with many powerful people. All of this made Ye Liqing envied and hated by many colleagues. It was fine to write some articles to rub Ye Liqing's reputation. Of course, it was normal.

However, these folks who touch porcelain have a level of creation that is too far from Ye Liqing's heart. They have no capital to be pricked by the media and critics. If you hold on to these touch porcelain works, it is obviously a special thing. The price drop...

And this is the essential difference between "The Crowd" and other Porcelain works. The level of this work is much higher than other Porcelain works. The most important thing is that it seems that this work is indeed. Achieved a refutation of "The Best Democracy", or fancy refutation, all kinds of slaps!

This obviously made the media and critics who had blown the "Best Democracy" to the sky unable to sit still. Most of them were from the imperial capital. Now they feel that this is the propaganda of the "Shanghai style writer" Wang Defu to them. They must They must use the toughest way to challenge, so as to maintain their face!

A Beijing-style literary critic, a fanatic democrat, and an author named Zhou Mingwen who was in the same party as Ye Liqing, published an article on "Ta Kung Pao. Literature and Art", and unceremoniously criticized "The Mob"!

"The most ridiculous thing about the work "The Crowd" is that this guy named Wang Defu makes all kinds of arbitrary conclusions without arguments. It is full of sad sensibility. A point of view can be elaborated over and over again, in order to brainwash the readers. It's time to work hard... (more than a thousand words omitted) To sum up, such a work is not worthy of the rigorous "Best Democracy" to carry shoes!"

Although Zhou Mingwen has really tried very hard to belittle "The Mob" and continue to tout the "Best Democracy", he himself did not notice that there is a sense of despair in his review articles, that is, he is particularly flustered, Very hard mouth.

Almost all other literary critics who criticized "The Crowd" mentioned the same point, that is, that "The Crowd of Crowds" lacks rationality and is simply not worthy of being a book. It is just that Wang Defu is frantically singing high-profile and chanting slogans. How can such a work be compatible with Does "The Best Democracy" compare?

Therefore, these literary critics who were afraid of being beaten came to the unanimous conclusion that Wang Defu, of course, was doing big news in order to sensationalize the public. He had done everything he could, so they called on other literary figures to resist this together. A "The Mob" to prevent Wang Defu's conspiracy from succeeding!

It's a pity that the world is not controlled by these literary critics. Although "The Crowd" is full of sensibility and paranoia, it is undeniable that many of its views seem to be sharp, and it can also explain the decline in the IQ of many groups. Violent terrorist incident!

At the same time, such a sociological work that is not so esoteric is also a masterpiece for readers to get started. In fact, its threshold is not high at all. Even ordinary readers can read this work. Gain a lot of things.

In fact, when the above-mentioned literary critics criticized "The Rabble" in influential Beijing-style magazines such as Ta Kung Pao and Literary Quarterly, many ordinary readers wrote to these magazines to express their views——

"I think "The Crowd" is very well analyzed. When we are in a group, rationality does not work. The role of suggestion, repetition, contagion, many false or completely irrelevant things are deeply engraved on us. In my heart, this is the status quo of lack of independence. It is still the case today, especially at this stage of media proliferation, whether advertising or politics, just say a few times, you can't help but not believe it, because we are in the group."

"I suspect that you guys who criticize "The Rabbit" are the rabble. You want to brainwash our readers in such a way. Fortunately, after reading this book, you won't be easily bewitched by your group."

"The wise part of this book is that the author deliberately wrote it so arbitrary, because mobs like us will feel the same after reading it, and then he will naturally be brainwashed by him. Wang Defu is so talented and cruel. Even though I mocked myself, I can think that after the book became popular, the mobs were madly admiring "The Mobs". As for those who refuted "The Mobs", they are not as good as the mobs!"


It must be admitted that readers who will read Wang Defu’s thoughtful work for the first time, their own level of appreciation is certainly not low, so they will not be affected by those literary criticisms. , But to think about the true meaning of "The Crowd" more independently.

Perhaps the most impressive one is the evaluation of groups and leaders in "The Crowd"-group: contagion, easy to be hinted, not responsible; leader: assertion, repetition, contagion.

Readers who really understand "The Crowd" may feel amused the more they read it, because Wang Defu really satirizes himself. Why does he have to repeat a certain point of view in this book? Of course it is "assertion, repetition, "Infected".

If "The Crowd" is on fire, it actually proves his point of view in this book. If this book is still regarded as classic and full of compelling patterns by popular readers, it means that the IQ of the group is really low and popular readers. Just like the crowd, it's too easy to be fooled...

Just when the critics of the Beijing School criticized "The Mob" in a fancy way, those Haipai literati who supported Wang Defu, of course, wanted to blow "The Mob" into the sky. How do you think this work is full of places to be blown, it is so suitable for the heat!

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