Great Writer

Chapter 5: Humanity

Wang Defu finally chose to submit his articles on a local newspaper called "Gusu Evening News". The circulation is not large, with more than 100,000 copies per issue. Most of the readers are local residents of Suzhou. Its influence is also Only limited to Suzhou.

   The reason why he chose this platform is very simple. What he wants to make now is quick money. If he doesn't make enough living expenses in the next two or three months, then he probably has to bow his head to his family.

   Since the Gusu Evening News is a local newspaper, its editorial department is of course also in the local area. In fact, it is not far from Soochow University. It only takes two stops by tram and 15 minutes by rickshaw.

Since the editorial office is so close to his university, it is of course convenient for him to go. If you have to pay for the manuscript, you don’t need to post it. If you submit the manuscript, you can hand it in person, and wait until the editors of this newspaper understand his value. , Maybe they will come to receive the manuscript in person.

  Under this situation, Wang Defu felt more and more how convenient the Internet age is. Whether it is submission or manuscript fee income, it can be through the Internet. He can contribute to which magazine he wants to contribute.

But now if he submits a manuscript to the imperial capital’s magazine, it is estimated that it will take ten and a half days for the manuscript to be mailed there. In case it is really picked up by other magazines, they will send sample magazines or something to him, and even suggest amendments to him. , It would take so much time. I really have to get the manuscript fee. I am afraid it will be a few months later. Such time cost is unacceptable to him.

This is the advantage of Gusu Evening News compared to other newspapers and magazines. Moreover, there are people in their dormitory who subscribe to this newspaper. Wang Defu himself has the memory of reading this newspaper without having to do anything. He found that this newspaper has nothing but local news. In addition to information such as, gossip, education, housing market, intermediary, etc., of course, novels, short stories and serials are also published.

   The quality of these novels is really very average. Most of them are parody of the works of the famous Mandarin Duck and Butterfly School, and there are even pornographic and explicit H texts.

   But I have to say that the H literary of this era is too old-fashioned. It is roughly like the style of "Jin Ping Mei". But how can this style of H literary touch the citizen class who likes writing in the vernacular?

   Not to mention, their quality is not worthy of shoes for "Jin Ping Mei". The writing style and pattern of "Jin Ping Mei" are not what ordinary literati can have.

In summary, perhaps this style of H writing should be aimed at the kind of sour literati of the older and older ages, but this kind of literati may be getting older, and now more and more ordinary people are literate. Now, the vernacular writing has also become popular, but the H writing in the vernacular, apparently no one has gone to wasteland.

  Think about it. Those scholars and masters who lead the new cultural movement and promote the vernacular are more cherish the feathers. How can they write H to promote the vernacular.

  Wang Defu, after confirming the platform he wants to contribute to, has been thinking about what he writes to make a quick money, or there is a serialized novel that can provide him with a steady stream of manuscript fees and make his economy independent.

   Plagiarism is impossible to plagiarize. It is impossible to plagiarize in this life. The most is to learn from and quote.

Every well-known writer’s writing style is very distinctive and unique. If he copied from the beginning, copying online articles today and copying masterpieces tomorrow, it would obviously expose his greatest secret, and it would be fine to explain it with a peerless genius. It doesn't work, it can't fool the literary masters and literary critics with normal IQ. Anyway, he is just asking for trouble by plagiarizing the classics in his mind.

   On the contrary, if you use all the works in his mind, as well as his personal experience in another world, as your own writing material, then it is the best way to do it.

You must know that he was originally a traditional writer, and his writing style is actually good. In his original world, he was so aggressive, which has a lot to do with the harsh environment of pure literature. Moreover, he is still relatively young, and he cannot write more effectively. In-depth works don't have much media background, otherwise the media will help him blow a wave, maybe he can make a small fire.

   Writing and writing things, naturally, the more you write, the more you improve. If you rely on plagiarism in the first place, you will simply be self-defeating in the future.

In Wang Defu’s first work, he wanted to write something more humane. To portray humanity, of course, he needs to describe "sex" in detail. As a traditional writer, how can he reflect traditional writers without writing a little detailed description of H? What about the force?

   You must know that in the world he used to be in, Internet writers couldn't describe it under the neck, but traditional writers wrote H to portray humanity and the pursuit of art. Wang Defu now wants to pursue art.

Well, these are actually fooling people. Traditional writers write H paragraphs in the book. It is undeniable that it may have a role in portraying human nature, but the deeper purpose may be to increase the attractiveness of the work. UU看书www. uukanshu. com cannot use "cool" to attract readers, so naturally it can only use "sex".

Now Wang Defu has discovered the gaps in the vernacular small H essay in the market. In order to ensure that his first essay can attract attention and earn the manuscript fee as much as possible, he decided to take the side and write a vernacular H essay. The first article is aimed at the citizen class. He feels that his extremely advanced vernacular H essay will definitely slander the half-white H essay on the "Suzhou Evening News".

Of course, as a traditional writer, you definitely can’t completely write that kind of nutritious H text. Instead, you have to write such texts to reflect human nature, and even reflect the darkness and injustice of the world, and you can see this deep level of him. What you want to express is naturally the kind of reading with your brain, just like ordinary people only see the lewd side of "Jin Ping Mei". Great people see "Jin Ping Mei" and see something deeper and praise it as a strange book.

It’s just that such a large number of works depicting H paragraphs, no matter how strange it is, they still exist like black history, just as the identity of the author of "Jin Ping Mei" "Lan Ling Xiao Xiao Sheng" is still a mystery, and the author himself does not want to admit it. He wrote this work, but it was a scholar who later studied "Jinxue" who speculated about who Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng was.

  Wang Defu is also doing extraordinary things in extraordinary times. If it weren't for the pressure on him in the family, of course he would like to spend time to polish a masterpiece, but time is not allowed.

   This is the difficulty of being a student. If he is still a teacher and has a stable income, then he doesn't have to compromise to the market like this.


   Go to bed early today, write more tomorrow, three shifts, good night everyone~~~ Please give me a reward, collection, recommendation ticket~~~! !

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