Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 194: Curse

Chen Jiu mounted the donkey and walked slowly towards the distant mountain road.

The mountains in the distance are undulating and unattainable.

Good luck Zhongshenxiu can be perfectly embodied here. From here, the best way to go to Beijing is to take the waterway, but Chen Jiu and Yu Youyu want to go this way or want to have a long experience, so they gave up this Kind of idea.

Yu Youyu followed slowly, Chen Jiu turned over and put on the donkey: "This mountain road is steep, let's walk up."

Mountain road, it is not bad to say that it is a mountain road, because this is a medicinal picker, and the latter is a path stepped by the past Bashan Shuke, a bard.

The mountain road is not straight up and down, but is mainly slow, with a crown of vegetation in all directions, the mountain road is like a winding snake.

The donkey was reborn last night, and now he is walking on this mountain path without any drag.

Yu Youyu's red horse is also a rare good horse, and the mountain road is not afraid.

It is the sentiment and dream of all troubadours to travel around the mountains and rivers.

"In this desolate landscape, there must be wolves, insects, tigers and leopards, or demons and monsters that have become climates. We are waiting for an opportunity to catch a mountain charm to see if we can get a mountain charm heart." Yu Youyu was active at this time Up.

Chen Jiu smiled, turned around and looked at Yu Youyu: "Well, I'll get you a mountain charm if I have a chance."

After speaking, he patted the donkey's head: "Problem, look at you, always give me trouble to your host."

After speaking, Chen Jiu gently stepped up a step, ascended and looked into the distance, a dark shadow on the mountain caught Chen Jiu's eyes.

The dark shadow was running straight down the mountain. Chen Jiu narrowed his eyes slightly, then suddenly grabbed his donkey and shouted, "Get up."

Yu Youyu didn't know what was going on behind him, but was taken aback by Chen Jiu's actions. Although he didn't know what happened, he still looked like he raised his horse and leaped high.

Just leaping up, a black shadow carried a huge wind on the tattered ground. Ran down.

Yu Youyu put down his horse and said, "How come there is such a big stone rolling down the mountain suddenly. Something must happen on it."

Chen Jiu was still calm and calm. After putting down his donkey, he said, "Do you want to join in the fun again?"

Yu Youyu smiled and did not speak.

"Lively. Trouble is trouble. Trouble is lively" Chen Jiu led the donkey. Keep going.

Yu Youyu heard the words: "This sentence has some truth."

Regardless of Yu Youyu, Chen Jiu said to himself: "I guess someone might be fighting on the mountain."

"Who would it be?"

"It's hard to say, maybe it's a good medicinal plant that a merchant who gathers medicine has encountered. I can't help but kill someone and win a treasure. Maybe it's an encounter between enemies, maybe,,".

Yu Youyu's eyes lit up: "Then let's hurry up. Although this journey has twists and turns, since we have encountered such a fun thing, let's go get a kick."

Chen Jiu rolled his eyes, still walking unhurriedly.

As he got closer and closer, a faint smell of blood wafted in the wind, and Chen Jiu frowned: "There is a lot of fire fighting above, and all blood is seen."

Yu Youyu smiled: "This barren mountain is the best place to kill and win treasures."

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the sound of curse and weapon collision to interweave.

Chen Jiu was a little strange. How could there be so many people gathered together to fight in this barren mountains and ridges. It was really weird. Either there was a treasure or it was designed.

After walking for a while, there was a clear mountain clearing in front of it, as if it had been chopped by a great supernatural power. A plane with a radius of about 100 meters, a group of people rushed there.

There were about a hundred people on both sides, the colors of their clothes were different, and they couldn't tell who was in the same group. The most important thing was that Chen Jiu's path forward was blocked by this group.

The appearance of Chen Jiu and Yu Youyu did not attract too much attention from these people. Yu Youyu looked at the mountain road in the distance, frowned and said, "What should I do?"

Chen Jiu simply found a place to sit down: "You ask me, who am I to ask, let's wait a while."

After speaking, Yu Youyu also sat down.

The actions of the two of them caused dissatisfaction among the group of people. A tall man with a three-stranded stature thrust into Chen Jiu.

"This is a disaster without delusion." Chen Jiu was unhappy. You robbed you, what happened to Grandpa Guan.

With a flick of the finger, the finger collided with the iron fork, and there was the sound of gold and iron intersection.

The man's arm was numb, and when he met, he was snatched by the opponent.

The man found it bad, knew that he had encountered hard stubble, and was asking for mercy, but it was too late.

The three-legged brake was gently shaken by Chen Jiu, and it had leaked from the man's back.

The heart was broken in a flash.

Another man in the "third brother" crowd roared.

The man attacked frantically, and after getting rid of his opponent a few times, he rushed towards the fallen man.

Gently lifted the bottom man up, and the later man gently touched the opponent's carotid artery. He had no pulse. It was obviously Chen Jiu's blow that shattered the opponent's heart.

"You are so vicious," said the man slowly standing up.

Chen Jiu shook his head: "What is the truth? A murderer is always killed. I have no grievances against him. If he dares to attack me, then he must have the consciousness of death. Of course, not only him, but you too same".

"I'm going to kill you to avenge my brother" The man also used the three-stroke brake, but Chen Jiu was slightly surprised by the strange fluctuations at this time.

I saw that man gently touched the three-stranded brake, and the weird fluctuation was even more obvious.

"The power of curse" Chen Jiu was surprised.

The man was surprised at first, and then smiled coldly: "Yes, I know the power of curses."

Chen Jiu asked in doubt: "How can you use the technique of cursing? Didn't you mean that the technique of cursing has disappeared in endless time and space?".

The man sneered coldly: "Ignorance, who said that the art of cursing has disappeared in the long river of history? It is the curse system, not the magic method, that has disappeared in the long river of history. Curses prevailed in the ancient years. Although the long river of history is powerful, it cannot After submerging them all, some of them are always passed down, but everyone is secretive. Everyone who has seen the curse is dead."

Chen Jiu understood: "What kind of curse are you?"

The man sneered coldly: "Blood curse, I am a blood curse. As long as I am hit by this curse, my whole body will turn into pus and blood and die."

Chen Jiu's heart moved, the supernatural power seeds in his body moved slightly, the original charm trembles, and a blood curse was born.

"Look at my curse of blood too" Chen Jiu smiled softly, and the same wave of waves spread from his palms.

The man was taken aback, and then said: "How is it possible, how can you curse me".

Chen Jiuleng smiled coldly: "Are there many people in this world who will curse?".

The man shook his head: "Although it is not a lot, but if you really want to learn, it is not a secret method."

"Well, your value is used up, I will send you on the road, and use your most familiar curse to send you on the road."

"You haven't answered my question, why do you curse me" the man said coldly.

"The dead don't need to know" Chen Jiu shot in an Under the supernatural power realm against the enemy and supernatural power realm, it was simply the result of crushing.

Looking at the pus and blood on the ground, Yu Youyu on one side smiled slightly: "Chen Jiu, I didn't expect you to be a curse."

Chen Jiu shook his head: "I originally thought that the curse technique had completely disappeared in the long river of history. The curse is already my exclusive spell. I didn't expect that there are still many curses circulating in this world."

Yu Youyu smiled softly: "Although many people say that many of the magic techniques in the ancient years have been lost, it is not just a deception. The real power has the ancient Taoism inheritance. Think about it, the inheritance of the Taoism is How can a sect’s life and death event be lost so easily, unless it is the era change, but there is no sign of the era change yet".

Chen Jiu knows that there are too many secrets in the ancient years. Who can tell me what happened in the ancient years and how many ancient traditions are still preserved.

Looking at the pus and blood on the ground, Chen Jiu thought in a daze. (To be continued...) ()

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