Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 303: The robbery appeared in the sky

Kenmaru, what you want is purity.

Its sharpness is enough to obliterate each other, so why not superfluous.

Chen Jiu sacrificed a real sword pill, a pure sword pill.

As time went by a little bit, Xian Gengjin gradually shrank, and Chen Jiu's kendo will was constantly refined against Xian Gengjin.

Chen Jiu has been practicing swords for some years. Sword training does not necessarily require strong mana to practice swordsmanship. The key is to realize that kind of sword intent. Chen Jiu never did when he was a bandit. Forgot to practice the sword, what he practiced is the ordinary sword, and what he realized is the sword intent.

Time flies, seven or forty-nine days.

Fifty and forty-nine every week is the limit that the way of heaven can set. The way of heaven is only fifty, and the limit of all beings is forty-nine. As for what ninety-nine and eighty-one, are you kidding me? .

With the passage of time, Xiantian Gengjin gradually rounded up under the training of Chen Jiu's will of swordsmanship. The palm-sized Xiantian Gengjin actually shrank only the size of a marble. This has to be said to be a miracle, this is the magic of kendo.

I don't know when there are countless dark clouds gathering over the earth, and they are all black, as if thunder will punish the sentient beings in the world, and all the birds, beasts and insects all around disappeared.

Not far away from Yuzhou Mansion, all of you, Da Neng, felt heavy in their hearts, feeling an inexplicable depression.

On the night of the forty-ninth, that is, in the early morning, a sword of light soared into the sky, sweeping the entire Yuzhou, a sword of light on the fourteen continents.

The sharp sword energy instantly dissipated the dark clouds in the sky, and the sharp sharpness even awakened countless great abilities in Yuzhou from the retreat.

Looking at the pikes hanging in the air from a distance, it was like a belt of sky light. Shine through the ages.

The dark clouds in the sky gathered in an instant, silent for thousands of miles, countless thunder and lightning fell, and the thunder penalty finally came to the world.

Deep in the ground, Chen Jiu mixed a drop of essence and blood with a spiritual imprint to thoroughly refine the sword pill, and he couldn't help but feel between the virtual and the real.

Chen Jiu naturally felt the depression brought by thunder and lightning in the sky, and gently stretched out his hand, and a sword pill that was the size of a marble and exuding silver-white brilliance appeared in Chen Jiu's hand.

"It is a catastrophe but also an opportunity."

Whenever a heaven-defying treasure is born in the world, a catastrophe will come.

What is the catastrophe? .

The catastrophe that heaven has brought down.

Prove that your magic weapon has already shocked the sky. Even Heaven and Earth were shocked. Can't help but lower the calamity and destroy it.

Only magical artifacts that can affect the movement of the heavens and the earth can trigger the tribulation, get the attention of the heavens and the earth, and step into the eyes of the heavens.

Jian Wan seemed to understand Chen Jiu's words. Suddenly broke the earth in an instant. Turn into a thin thread. He rushed towards the thunderclouds in the sky to face the thunder and lightning.

There is destruction and vitality in the thunder.

Like Chen Jiu's Destroyed God Thunder and Good Fortune Living Thunder, this simple thunder and lightning that only contains vitality and destruction, there is only one in the world.

The sword wire hovered in the air. Turn into a sword pill, let the thunder and lightning wash away.

The material itself is innate Gengjin, and after being refined by the ground fire, a spatial talisman is derived. With continuous purification and compression, the material has long been hard to imagine.

Chen Jiu didn't know that at this moment, not only Yuzhou Mansion, but the entire Zhou Dynasty, and even foreigners were shocked.

Heavenly catastrophe, all the monks' dreams, especially those old antiques, woke up from their deep sleep at this time.

The catastrophe was a nightmare for all cultivators before.

But since the Middle Ages, the tribulation disappeared, and countless monks finally knew the benefits of the tribulation.

Without the tribulations, sentient beings cannot overcome the calamity, and cannot break through the realm without crossing the tribulation. If they do not break through the realm, their life span will gradually pass away and they cannot live forever.

In an instant, all the old antiques jumped out of the retreat, excitedly said: "The chance of longevity has finally come, I finally waited until this day."

But after I came out, I found something wrong, and Shouyuan passed by more quickly, like the flood that opened the gate, but it couldn't be stopped, and I had to jump back again and seal it again.

"What the **** is going on, we must investigate, why is there a catastrophe in that place? Is there any difference in that place?" An old antique lay in the coffin and shouted.

The imperial court, the central dragon court, wearing colored glaze diadem, the man wearing the dragon robe could not see clearly his face, could not see the happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy. His sight seemed to be able to shatter the void. Only halfway through, he was suppressed by a strange force.

The calamity of heaven is where the might of heaven is, how can sentient beings be offended.

"Cha" is just a word, but the whole dynasty has turned upside down.

For a time, the situation in Yuzhou gathered together, and countless forces and masters went to Yuzhou, but when they first came to the border of Yuzhou, they were blocked by a strange force. People outside could not get in, and people inside could not get out.

This is the power of the Tao of Heaven, where all sentient beings are doomed.

Lei Jie's training gave Jian Wan a great benefit, and layers of strong light flashed across his body, like a small sun.

After three full hours, the thunder punishment was over, and just when Chen Jiu thought that the heaven's punishment was over, a fire fell in the sky.

Can't tell what color the flame is, like cyan, like red, all the colors of the heavens seem to be included in it, there are endless phases.

I don't know why, after seeing this flame, Chen Jiu couldn't help but a thought: "Sky Fire".

Yes, it's Skyfire.

Even if it was underground, Chen Jiu could feel the scorching power of the flame, and the earth seemed to turn into magma in an instant.

Jian Maru and Chen Jiu have the same consciousness, feeling that scorching power, it seems that even the world can be ignited.

The sword pill has already taken shape, no longer a pure innate gold, under the burning of the sky, it is constantly solidified and perfected, and the space talisman is continuously broken and reorganized.

The spiritual imprint of Chen Jiu's thoughts is attached to the spatial talisman. As the spatial talisman is broken and reorganized, Chen Jiu's thoughts continue to be destroyed, refined, and then even completely integrated with the spatial talisman to become a whole.

The feeling of constantly shattering and reorganizing thoughts is naturally not so easy to bear. Chen Jiu sat in the underground space with a pale face, meditating and concentrating to fight the severe pain of disintegration.

After three hours of calcination, the sword pill seemed to be a little smaller, but it revealed a strong, immortal breath.

In the dark, a brand landed from the sky, and instantly melted into the sword pill.

Feeling the mark, Chen Jiu's complexion changed, and his sword pill unexpectedly developed an innate **** forbidden.

The innate **** ban is a unique ban on the innate treasure, which can protect the immortality and longevity of the magic weapon.

The ordinary acquired magic weapon is the earth evil forbidden method or the Tiangang forbidden method. The innate spiritual treasure is derived from the innate prohibition, and the innate treasure is derived from the innate **** forbidden.

Lingbao, supreme treasure, innate prohibition and innate divine prohibition, there is a difference between the word and the world.

The innate treasure can open up the world, run rampant in the chaos, and form its own legal domain. The innate spirit treasure can only be powerful in the world. With the help of the power of the world, the world faces chaos, but it is of no use.

"Am I the illegitimate child of God?"

The more innate divine bans, the greater the power of the magic weapon. This first innate divine ban is like a kind of fire. In the future, it will take the opportunity to sacrifice and practice, and new innate divine bans will be born.

As for whether the innate divine prohibition and the innate prohibition are stronger or weaker, this is really hard to say.

The first one needs to be in terms of quantity If the difference between the two is too large, naturally the innate spirit treasure is powerful, if it is the same level, the innate **** forbidden power is great.

Of course, what I said above is within the world. If in the chaos, without the support of the power of the world and the echo of the power of the law, there is no difference between the innate spirit treasure and the ordinary magic weapon. Naturally, the innate **** forbids the power.

Innate gods can form their own jurisdictions, within the jurisdictions of their own space, can bless the power of magic weapons, restrain and suppress opponents, and other benefits are numerous.

The most important thing is that innate **** forbidden can derive the world, and this is the big head.

The thunder robbery dispersed in the sky, and Chen Jiu appeared on the mountain with one escape technique. The mountain peak under the thunder robbery in the distance had been flattened, the earth became a molten pool, and the hot magma stood there and rolled,

With a move of Chen Jiu's thoughts, the sword pill suspended in mid-air instantly came to Chen Jiu's palm.

The sword pill, which was still silver-white, was stronger and stronger, even Chen Jiu doubted whether there was anything stronger than this in these heavens and worlds. (To be continued...)

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