Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 305: The first vision

Walking into the examination room, a master had already been waiting there.

The Master is half a hundred years old, he is first born with splendid hair, and his clothes are meticulous, giving people a solemn feeling.

An incense burner is erected in front of the examination room, which has a calming effect.

Everyone took their seats, and the invigilator would naturally issue pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

The brush and ink are naturally excellent ones, with a strong fragrance, and one smell can make people think more actively.

Seeing the students present ready to go, as if they were about to go to the battlefield, piles of large bags and small bags around him, the master showed a trace of nostalgia.

But when his gaze slipped past Chen Jiu, the Master's face was gloomy for an instant, as if dripping water.

Undoubtedly, one look at Chen Jiu's outfit and the gorgeous purple shirt on his body will show Chen Jiu as a dude.

Regardless of that world, there are people who walk through the back door, and in the eyes of the master, this one is right.

The master hummed coldly and did not speak. An invigilator walked in. The invigilator was holding a sealed piece of paper and nodded when he saw that all the students were present. "The question of the test has not been taken apart. If everyone is confused, The pipeline comes".

Seeing that all the scholars had no objections, the invigilator was running abruptly, opening the book, and the questions of the exam appeared in front of everyone.

Since I am a scholar, I can't help but reciting poems. The first topic is to compose three poems with plum blossoms.

The second question is a couplet, just write the answer on the table.

The third topic is an article on national policy.

The fourth topic is free play. Write some scores for the teacher's impression.

As for those dead subjects. It's a no.

What is a dead issue? It's a rote subject. There are so many cultivators in this world, and there are still ways to do it without forgetting.

Looking at the topic, Chen Jiu had a little thought about it.

Poetry is a trail after all, although it can be refreshing, but after all, it is not elegant, it doesn't take much effort.

"Wearing the plum blossoms in the morning wind, the snow piles are all over the four mountains. How can one be transformed into a hundred billion, one plum blossom and one weng".

Chen Jiu swept away, a little bit of awe-inspiring righteousness. Follow the pen and ink.

The first poem is finished. Chen Jiu pondered for a while, and once again said: "If you don't love the beautiful land in the world, you will be the proud son of Hanshan alone. The hurricane has gone so far, and the fragrance of Ling Han is nine thousand miles."

This second poem also came out. Chen Jiu thought a little bit. The third poem is written: "Fang has been in the wind and snow for thousands of years. It is loyal to repay the grace of God. Who knows that there is no spring in winter for three winters, and there are thousands of miles above the iceberg."

Three poems were completed in the blink of an eye, showing a smug smile. Chen Jiu looked at the topic of couplets. There were no special requirements for this topic, just right.

The Shanghai Federation is: "Smoke is caused by fire, if you don't put aside it, it will eventually be suffering."

After thinking about it, Chen Jiu gave the answer: "Jiang Li is across the river, ask the Wuma period if he can ride a horse."

In the volume of "Chicken Ribs" by Song Zhuangchuo. Jiang Li and Wuma Period are both names, and Jiang Li’s voice is reversed across the river. Li is beside the voice again.

Wuma period and horse riding are also in harmony after the voice is reversed. Seven-rank Yamen, fifth-rank official, and fourth-rank clothing are contained in Volume 1 of "Jianhu Ten Episodes". In the summer of Zhou Jinggeng's reign, he said that he was in charge of the military department. Because of the discussion of the rites of the suburbs, he added the title of Hanlin bachelor, took charge of scientific affairs, and served the four ranks.

He was given the 7th grade of the middle official and the 5th grade of the Hanlin bachelor. At that time, Hanlin reviewed Xu Gao and used this matter to make a sentence asking who at the door could be worthy of a good woman.

After writing these two topics, Chen Jiu stopped writing, and the next appetizer was the appetizer, so he had to be cautious.

Seeing that Chen Jiu was busy for a while, the master over there suddenly wrote down his pen, his heart moved, but he became interested. I don’t know what **** poems this dude can write. To be honest, look at those poems of dudes. It can make people happy.

Pretending to come to Chen Jiu's side inadvertently, the Master gave a casual glance, and then his eyebrows trembled slightly. Some unexpected, Chen Jiu's poems including couplets were really good, even with the Master's critical eyes, he couldn't find anything. Problems, but only one good word.

"Hmph, this dude is a bit of a foundation after all, and didn't make too many jokes, but the poems are just trivia after all, don't care too much."

Looking at Chen Jiu who was still closed, the master shook his head and walked over.

Chen Jiucai is quick to think, and has countless classics from later generations as his background. Naturally, he is not comparable to many students, and his insight is much broader than others.

Humanity is limited. If he wants to shock the world, step into the eyes of the emperor's law, and receive the attention of all sentient beings, Chen Jiu naturally wants to maximize his talents.

Chen Jiu naturally has no insight into the national policy. He knows what the situation in this country is, so he had to write the last question first.

"The destiny is sex; frankness is Tao; Taoism is teaching."

Chen Jiu gently waved his finger and wrote a sentence.

This sentence fell slightly, and it seemed that the surrounding air had ripples, and the surrounding scholars seemed to feel a little bit, but they still immersed themselves in the article in their hands.

Chen Jiu was immersed in literature, his body boiled with integrity.

"Those who follow the Tao must not leave for a while; they can leave, but they are not Tao. So a gentleman is cautious about what he does not see, and he is afraid of what he does not hear."

This sentence is written, it seems that there is a voice in the dark will respond to Chen Jiu again, and a word in the dark will spread to the heavens, and all beings have what they have heard, but they have heard it.

The sky was dyed with lavender, just like the rising sun.

Yingtian Academy, a simple courtyard, Wang Mingyang is reading, a very ordinary book, but he reads with gusto.

As a great scholar, Wang Mingyang's sense of heaven and earth has reached the point of nuances. As soon as the vision of heaven and earth came into being, Wang Mingyang stood up suddenly, still carrying the scroll in his hand, looking at the sky with a shocked expression on his face.

"Who is it, there is such a big Confucian living here in Yu Mansion, why didn't I hear any news."

Wang Mingyang looked at the vision in the sky, searching for the source of the vision.

"Don't see it, don't see it, don't show it. So the gentleman should be careful about his independence."

Chen Jiu wrote this time, and there was a lot of purple air in the sky, but there was not much purple air.

Yes, this is a Confucian classic in another world, and it is written by the ancient saints. No matter in that world, the sacred laws and principles are the same.

"There really is someone who wants to be a saint of righteousness." Wang Mingyang could no longer stand aside, his body floating in the sky out of thin air.

At the prefectural government office, the butler of the prefectural master seemed to have a sense of feeling. He walked out of the prefectural government office in an instant and came to the street, looking for the source of awe-inspiring righteousness.

Tens of miles away from the state capital, the barracks are continuous, as if there are ancient fierce beasts crouching here, the surrounding blood will rise to the sky, ghosts and gods will change.

At this time, the town general was sitting in the big camp, looking at the sky, with a wry smile on his mouth: "This world is really the world of Confucianism, and it is suppressed by Confucianism. I can't imagine the day when my military strategist is in the early days of the human race. The credit is huge and irreplaceable."

It is said that, but every time there is a Confucian Asian Christmas student, the humane luck will be stable, and the increase will be increased. Confucianism and humane luck will be damaged and prosperous. The town general took a big knife and walked out of the barracks. Go inside Yucheng.

Naturally, Chen Jiu didn't know this. At this time, he was completely immersed in the artistic conception: "The joy, anger, sorrow, and joy have not been sent ~ that is in the middle. When they are sent, they are all in the middle. Those who are in the middle are the best in the world. Those who are in harmony are the best in the world.”

As soon as this sentence came out, the whole world instantly changed color, and a beam of purple gas slowly formed over the academy, shining directly on Chen Jiu's body, echoing it.

In the book garden, Wang Mingyang was stunned when he saw the place where the purple beam of light stood. This was the place for the examination. Could it be that the master had an epiphany and it was so profound.

This beam of purple gas not only alarmed the great powers, but all the monks and mortals in the entire prefecture were alarmed. Looking at the purple giant pillars in the vast world, one by one desperately fled outside.

The sub-sage enlightens the Dao, will spur the purple energy of the heavens and the earth, and the will of the holy path will descend. At that time, all the evil demon monks in Yu territory will be attacked and turned into ashes.

The town house general frowned: "It's actually a college."

The old housekeeper's eyebrows were also slightly tufted: "The Academy is actually a Academy."

The same words, the same tone. (To be continued...) ()

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