Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 310: Put on the list, all beings are 0 state

"This Chen Jiuguo is really amazing, he actually shrunk his life into a cup," an old man exclaimed with his arms around a beautiful girl.

Over there, the eyes of a man with a big belly lit up: "These methods are really Xianjia methods."

Standing on the side, Wu Qi looked at the wine glass and then at Chen Jiu: "Chen Jiu, our brother has given up in this round, so let's release Brother Liu quickly."

Chen Jiu volleyed down and landed on the side of the cup.

When he stretched out his hand to the old bustard, the old bustard was clever and handed the cup to Chen Jiu.

Holding the cup, looking at Liu An, who was constantly ups and downs in the cup, Chen Jiu flicked the cup with his finger, the wine in the cup rolled, setting off waves, and Liu An struggled up and down.

After shaking it gently, the whole cup of wine revolved, and the sky was turned upside down. Liu An didn't know how much wine he had filled.

"Chen Jiu, why are you so stingy?" He Zhongguo looked at Liu An, who was dizzy in the cup, and faced Chen Jiudao.

Chen Jiu's eyes flashed with a gleam: "Why, you also have to try the taste of pouring wine in the glass."

He Zhongguo narrowed his neck when he heard the words and stopped talking.

Seeing He Zhongguo not speaking, Chen Jiu tossed the wine glass and dropped it on a table. He picked up a wine jug and poured half of it straight into it.

Seeing Chen Jiu's revenge, fearing that Liu An might be drunk in it, Wu Qi suddenly jumped up and grabbed Chen Jiu's hip flask.

Without blocking, let him **** it over: "Just put this wine glass here. People always pay a price for doing something wrong. The ban on the glass will naturally be lifted tomorrow morning."

Say a thousand words and ten thousand. It's not that Chen Jiu is leaving Yuzhou City, and he has no scruples, and he is not afraid of the trouble that Liu's family will find him.

"Chen Jiu, you dare to do this, the Liu family will not let you go in the future" Heng Tian Shu shouted from behind.

"Whatever, I'll wait for them to retaliate."

Jiang Qianqiu paid for the wine and followed Chen Jiu closely: "Brother, this hand is amazing."

Chen Jiumu didn't squint: "It's just a little trick."

"I hope that I will also have some tricks." Jiang Qianqiu said boredly.

Time passed, and seven days passed in a blink of an eye.

The fact that Liu An was rectified by Chen Jiu in the restaurant is not known to everyone in the city. The prestige of the Liu family is not a joke. This thing can still be controlled.

But although it can be sealed. But after all, there are other family powers in the city, and it is difficult for everyone to tell the truth.

Regarding this matter, the Liu family hated Chen Jiu to death. This is naked face slap. It was crackling.

The third day of the exam. The decree came to Beijing and ordered Wang Mingyang to enter Beijing immediately.

Wang Mingyang is gone, and the criticism of the test paper remains as usual.

A ray of purple gas should fill the sky. The wisps of purple qi from the great sun are absorbed by all beings.

After practicing and walking back to the house, Jiang Qianqiu was still sleeping.

Chen Jiu shook his head: "Brother Jiang, the list is released today, why are you still sleeping? Is it possible that you are so confident."

Jiang Qianqiu dreamed his head in the quilt: "Didn't I say that, I'm second."

Chen Jiu felt thoughtful after hearing this.

Go to the book room downstairs and take out the "Li" written by Wang Mingyang to study carefully.

Chen Jiu and Jiang Qianqiu were so calm, but the sky turned upside down.

It's not the noise, but the noise.

The gate of Yingtian Academy was completely blocked, not by the academy, but by the flow of people.

Looking around, there are densely packed people, and it is impossible to pass.

The day of the release determines that many people have worked hard for many years, or some people may break down, cry with their heads in their arms, or some may burst into tears.

A gray-haired master looked at the wall, and couldn't help but touch his forehead, holding a list in his hand.


A scholar exclaimed with sharp eyes.

This scream was like a fuse, and the students were like moths rushing to the fire.

The master holding the list had eyes widened and wanted to retreat and escape, but when he thought of his heavy responsibility, he could only stare at him, and roared, "How well is he to be, and he will not quickly retreat."

Haoran surged righteously and pressed toward the distant crowd.

This roar was like thunder, and the students couldn't help but stop.

Seeing sweat on his forehead, the master said in his heart: "Finally, these guys are suppressed."

Outside the crowd, the four great talents stood still with a proud look.

Wu Qi looked at the crowd in the distance and sighed slightly: "It's so pitiful. Even if you squeeze around, you don't know if you can get on the list, but it will cause the Master to feel bad."

A group of scholars gathered around the four great talents, like a star holding the moon around them.

Hearing this, a scholar said: "Yes, like four people, they are naturally famous on the list. Except for the guy who attracted the purple energy from the sky, the top five must be covered by several people. Up".

Liu An was able to touch his chin slightly: "Thanks to Xiongtai's good words."

"It would be great if I had the talents of the four Xiongtai and half of them, and I will naturally be on the list by then," another scholar said flatly.

He Zhongguo said with a serious face: "The reason why I have such achievements today is because of my talents. I guess there is no hope for you in this life. I am trying to make up for the inborn defects."

The words of such a lesson made the face of the scholar turn blue and purple.

Liu An shook his head: "Zhongguo, what you said is wrong. You should save some face to others. Even if this matter is true, you don't have to say it."

At this moment, there was an uproar in the distance.

Liu An contemplated: "What's the matter, why is it so lively".

"The first place is actually Chen Jiu."

"Yes, it's really against the sky."

"This guy actually has the talent of sages and can attract awe-inspiring purple energy."

"I didn't expect it to be him."

Listening to the discussion in the distance, Liu An's face was pale, and he walked over suddenly, pulling away the scholar in front of him: "Get out of the way."

"Who are you...".

The scholar who was being pulled away was about to scold him, but when he saw Liu An's beastly expression, he suddenly felt that it was better to do more than less, and decisively swallowed the rest.

As Liu An rushed inside, it caused a commotion, among those who scolded and those who were angry.

The other three talented scholars looked at each other, Wu Qi shook his head: "I didn't expect it to be Chen Jiu, this will be the boss."

New hatred plus old hatred, how can you tell Liu An to bear it.

Looking at the commotion in the distance, Hate Tian Shu said: "Let's go over and see, the boss's mental state is a bit wrong."

With a few people squeezing in, finally came to the front of the list.

A white list a few meters long, Chen Jiu's name impressively occupies the first floor.

Below the list, Liu An, with messy clothes and swollen nose, looked at the list blankly, his eyes lost focus.

"Brother Liu, this is just a house test. We will just go to Beijing to find a place later."

Liu An's eyes were blood-red, and trembling with his fingers on the top list, he uttered a word with difficulty: "Look."

Several people were taken aback, followed Liu An's fingers, and suddenly exclaimed: "How is it possible?"

"how come".

"This is impossible".

Jiang Qianqiu's name fell behind Chen Jiu. After Jiang Qianqiu was Liu An, if it weren't for Chen Jiu and Jiang Qianqiu's emergence, Liu An would be the first.

This shows that Liu An is still very capable, not just the children of the family.

Liu An ranked third, followed by He Zhongguo fourth, Heng Tianshu fifth, and Wu Qi sixth, falling out of the top five.

"Chen Jiu wrote that Haoran's purple qi can be the first to understand but only knows how sleeping sleepy bugs can be ranked second" Heng Tianshu clenched his fists.

At this moment, I only feel that the names of the four great talents in the past have become ironic, and even the enviable eyes of the surrounding people have become like knives.

"What do you look at, don't hurry up," He Zhongguo roared.

To be honest, the top ten students really envied the students, and they wanted to come forward for a while, but seeing the appearance of these people, the surrounding scholars suddenly became boring and separated.

Some are happy and some cry.

No one asked in the cold window of ten years, and he became famous all over the world.

Can you not cry after ten years of cold window but failed? .

Tonight, the entire Yuzhou city has become a sleepless city. All restaurants are brightly lit. Some people are drunk and roar and laugh wildly. Some people lie on the table crookedly, with several wine jars beside them, crying. , If you can still feel the piercing heart in your sleep. (To be continued...) ()

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