Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 499: The prince comes, the leopard sperm

As soon as the tiger spirit turned its body, it turned into a prototype in an instant. A big tiger that was not inferior to the wild boar spirit instantly appeared on the spot. With a roar, the wind gathered in the sky and the mountains trembled.

The land broke, the tiger spirit and the wild boar spirit collided together, the mountain peak was instantly smoothed, the earth appeared one after another, and the vegetation was uprooted. In a sense, this is the strongest and most essential monster. battle.

Behind the crowd, the leopard's eyes were twitching, and blood was dripping in his heart: "Damn, these hundred mountains belong to Lao Tzu. You dare to destroy Lao Tzu's site. Lao Tzu and you are endless. You have to cramp and peel your skin."

After speaking, I saw a black shadow flashing in the sky, and a leopard sperm with a pattern on his face appeared not far from the congenital **** jade coffin. I saw the black brilliance in the hands of the leopard sperm, which broke open in the blink of an eye. With the big hole outside, as long as you have three more breaths, you can hold the Innate White Jade Coffin in your hands.



Two shouts, one from the tiger spirit and the other from the wild boar spirit.

These two were here to fight for life and death. Unexpectedly, someone would pick up the bargain. Without hesitation, the two stopped one after another and attacked the leopard sperm together.

Leopards have been known for their speed since ancient times. Seeing the wild boar spirit attack, it instantly turned into a black smoke, standing far away on a mountain.

The wild boar spirit and tiger spirit returned to their bodies, and their clothes were in tatters, very embarrassed.

The king characters on the tiger's forehead gathered together at this time, and his eyes looked at Chen Jiu, with a dangerous light flashing: "Which mountain are you the demon king, you dare to come to me and wait for the treasure, because I think I have long hands. , It’s still enough.”

The Yaozu regards the matter of territory more importantly than life. You can even die for your own territory.

The leopard spirit looked at the wild boar spirit and the tiger spirit with a pair of eyes, and he smiled: "This is wrong. His Majesty the Demon Emperor has ordered that this place belongs to the human race. As a demon race, I seize treasure in the territory of the human race. The emperor’s rule".

"Fart, these hundred mountains have always been the place I waited for. When will you give it to the human race, if you dare to talk nonsense. Be careful, I took your life." The wild boar spirit had fire in his eyes, and the leopard spirit directly touched Up its inverse scales.

The leopard snorted coldly and didn't speak. He just looked at the innate white jade coffin, revealing a trace of greed: "Treasures have always been seen since ancient times. You two want to eat alone."

"You are a sick cat, if you have any ability to share food with me, if you want to benefit, just see if you have any strength." After the tiger spirit finished speaking, it instantly turned into a breeze and slashed towards the leopard spirit's neck.

Although the wind escape is fast, the speed of the leopard sperm is not slow, only a black shadow flashes. The leopard sperm has moved from one hill to another, and his eyes are shining brightly: "Old cat, you want to catch me at this speed. Tsk tsk,,, if you can’t catch me this time, this treasure must I have a copy."

"Don't think about it" said the wild boar spirit, and the nine-tooth nail rake in his hand was hooked towards the Xiantian White Jade Coffin.

"Stop it to me" the big knife in the tiger's hand slashed towards the wild boar.

There was a mess in the field for a time. Whoever fetches treasures will be attacked by the other two parties. For a time, the two sides were deadlocked, and few of them would approach the innate white jade coffin.

Just at this time. The gongs and drums were blowing in the distance, and the fairy sound was faint. A group of court-dressed maids came over, and in the middle of the line was a small golden sedan chair.

"That guy is here again, looking at the show, I'm afraid it's not a small backing" Leopard Jing muttered aside.

The boar spirit shook his head: "I don't know."

The tiger's face was solemn: "It looks like a sedan chair of the palace, we are in big trouble this time."

The sedan chair stopped, and a middle-aged man with a cold face lifted his foot and walked out.

This man has triangular eyes, vicious eyes, and a black robe. He doesn't know what material it is made of. It is smooth and soft, like snakeskin.

"Here has been ordered by the Demon Emperor, why don't you leave?" The voice was sharp, revealing the smell of coldness.

"Who are you?" The wild boar shook the rake in the handshake.

A cold light flashed through the man's triangular eyes: "I am the prince sitting down with the snake general. I have not heard this seat and ask you to wait?".

Everyone present was shocked, but they didn't expect that the prince's subordinates came, and their hearts were all moved and their hearts paused.

For the demon cultivators, the prince is a legendary figure, just like a monk of the human race who has only heard of the fame of the prince Dazhou, but has not seen him. He is a noble and unspeakable figure, a true nobleman, The descendants of heaven are like civilians meeting high officials.

The tiger spirit stepped forward: "If you go back to the adults, I will not be able to leave the homeland for a while, and I can't bear this nest for a while."

The snake will nod and look at the Xiantian white jade coffin: "The prince speculates that there is a treasure coming here. The treasure is too big to be left to you, but the prince has always been rewarded and punished for doing things. You wait for me to visit the ancestral court, prince You must wait for compensation."

Is the treasure important or is it important to fawn with the demon prince? .

Just like a civilian, an airplane is important, or is it important to curry favor with the prime minister? .

Needless to say, the three fairies showed ecstasy and stood obediently behind the snake general.

The snake will be very satisfied with the reaction of the three fairies, and a pair of cold triangular eyes are also slightly emotional at this time: "You are the pillars of my demons. Don't worry, the prince will not treat you badly. This treasure has a lot to do. Otherwise, the prince will not take the treasures from you. You have to know that if there is no treasure in the ancestors of the 100,000 Dashan Demon Race, how could the demon prince do such things as being stabbed in the backbone.

The three people felt a little at ease when they heard the words, knowing that the snake general's words were true, and they nodded in response.

The snake will open its mouth, and a slender tongue with black mist instantly penetrates the barrier outside the congenital white jade coffin, rolls up the congenital white jade coffin, and swallows it into its abdomen.

This snake will be a snake, and the snake swallows an elephant. If it is not a legend, it still makes sense.

Swallowing the white jade coffin, its abdomen did not increase or decrease at all. The snake shook its footsteps and walked into the sedan chair. Xianle sounded again, and flew towards the ancestral courtyard of the Shiwan Dashan in the awe of the eyes of the demons.

Inexplicable light flashed in the eyes of the leopard spirit, and the tiger spirit on one side was also emotional. This was an opportunity to cheat the demon prince, and it might soar to the sky and become the upper level of the demon race.

The wild boar spirit was more cautious. He looked at the ecstatic tiger spirit and the wild boar spirit with disdain. Obviously, the wild pig spirit regarded the strange light in Chen Jiu's eyes as excitement.

"There is no master in the ancestral court of the demon race, just rely on these three shrimp soldiers and crabs, where can we go, how can we get the attention of the demon prince" The wild boar spirit can't help it, looking at the tiger spirit's airy appearance , Couldn't help but come out to pour cold water from this old opponent.

Tiger Jing took a break from riding the wind, and then his emotions gradually stabilized. Obviously, he thought of the meaning of the words of the wild boar, and looked at the leopard Jing: "Earth leopard, don't be happy, just our cultivation base, What benefits can there be to go to the ancestral court of the demon clan, even if the prince grants us a reward, do you dare to accept it?"

The strong is respected Especially the monsters who eat the weak and eat the strong. The ability to go up to the peak is not under the genus, so you must not be played alive by the below, even if the other party sees the prince’s face, give yourself some affection , But wanting real power is wishful thinking.

"Who is the earth leopard, Lao Tzu is the descendant of the clouded leopard upright" Leopard said dissatisfied, and then looked at the clouds in the sky: "Actually, you are too worried. In the ancestral court of the demon clan, the crown prince will not necessarily meet us. , Maybe we will give us a small official to sit and sit. As for the high official, you can't do it for you. If even the small official can't do it, what use does the prince want us."

The tiger spirit suddenly appeared, and the pig demon looked at the leopard spirit more. He didn't expect this guy to be a bit wise.

"When we arrive at the ancestral court, we are all in the same place. It is necessary to unite and help each other" said the wild boar spirit without knowing what purpose.

The tiger spirit nodded when he heard the words: "Yes, we will have a different vision in the future. Those grievances are really not worth mentioning. Let go of grievances and make a world of ancestral court." (To be continued)



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