Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 502: Entering the Demon Emperor's Treasury, Run Xuan is determined

The snarling dog looks no different from an ordinary dog. The only difference is that the color of the dog's fur is black, and the eyes are bright, and the ears are constantly shaking, which looks quite cute.

Obviously, the snarling dog found Chen Jiu at this time, and he stood up suddenly, grinning, showing a sense of deterrence. Chen Jiu believed that if he dared to take a step forward, the dog would bark.

The Sky Dog is an ancient beast, which Chen Jiu can not deal with in a short time, so Chen Jiu reluctantly retreated, watching Chen Ji leave, the Sky Dog lying on the ground again, sleeping bored.

"Are you going to fail like this?" Chen Jiu felt a little irritable.

Suddenly, Chen Jiu's mind flashed, and his whole body was restrained and changed again. A man with a white face and an emperor's air appeared on the spot.

The man's face was evil, it was the demon prince.

Chen Jiu was worried, but he kept walking towards the treasure-hugging palace without exception. The snarling dog just glanced at Chen Jiu before lying on the ground again.

Looking at the palace gate close at hand, Chen Jiu showed a look of doubt or disbelief. It was just that simple and passed? .

For Chen Jiu, the prohibition on the gate of the palace could be ignored. A black lightning flashed across Chen Jiu's hand. The prohibition on the gate was broken instantly, and Chen Jiu's figure flashed and disappeared in place.

At the moment when the Shattered God Lei appeared, the Sky Dog suddenly jumped up, as if feeling a deadly threat, looking up, there was no threat, maybe it was just an illusion.

"Is this the treasure house of the demon clan?" After Chen Jiu entered the treasure house of the royal clan, the first feeling was that he had sent it. Made a fortune.

Terran, go to the capital, the Emperor sits quietly at the table, looking at the dragon spirit floating in the sky, showing a sad expression: "Is this your choice?".

"Your Majesty" Concubine Yi walked in lightly.

Putting a pair of soft pancreas on the shoulders of the emperor, gently kneading, Chen Huan's eyes closed, as if immersed in that kind of gentle country.

"What makes your Majesty so upset? Your Majesty is the first king of the heavens. Who can embarrass your Majesty?" Concubine Yi's voice was soft. A strange body fragrance came out. Silently, he was sucked into the body by the emperor.

The emperor let out a lazy "Yeah", there was no more breath, just let the pair of bare hands hold it gently.

After a while. The Emperor slowly raised his head and said: "Come here."

"The minion is here" Marui walked out like a ghost.

Concubine Yi's body couldn't help stiffening. Every time I see this old eunuch. Concubine Yi is like a frog caught by a poisonous snake, with a feeling of being slaughtered.

"Chen Runxuan was enshrined as Princess Taiping" The emperor's voice revealed a majesty, and the dragon spirit in the sky fluctuated. A wave of humane luck descended on Yuzhou and instantly fell on Runxuan's body.

In the manor outside Yuzhou City, Chao Xiaoyu sat quietly with a few copper coins in his hand beating constantly. After feeling the fluctuating humane fortune, his eyes narrowed slightly: "What does the emperor mean? He also wants to get a kick in this game."

A strange visitor came to Yuzhou City today. The visitor was dressed in a black brocade, with a hat on his head, and his face could not be seen clearly through the fuzzy black gauze.

This black figure walked through the streets and directly came to the Liu family, the head of the four families.

"Give this letter to your Patriarch" The black-clothed man didn't know when a letter appeared in his hands and handed it to the slave guarding the gate.

The guard guarding the gate did not dare to neglect, and took the letter and entered the mansion. After a while, a servant came out and invited the man in black to enter.

In the manor outside the city, Run Xuan sat blankly in front of the bed in her own small building, looking at the sky outside, she felt like a bird in captivity. Although her brother gave him good food, but Raising her as a canary in a cage is not what she wants. Since her brother disappeared for three thousand years and then came back, she felt that he had changed, becoming a bit arrogant and rude.

Niuding sat opposite Chao Xiaoyu, looking at the copper coin in Chao Xiaoyu's hand, his eyes a little lost.

After a while, the copper coins were flying in the air like butterflies, returning to Chao Xiaoyu's palms one after another, and all the copper coins disappeared with a single move.

"I don't know if Mr. is here, what's the important thing?" Xiaoyu looked at Niuding in his eyes.

Niuding looked around, and then whispered: "Master, something is wrong. Recently, the eldest lady is a little abnormal, sitting in a daze in front of the bed all day long."

Chao Xiaoyu looked at the lotus pond in the distance: "All of this naturally has Taibai worry about. What we do is to ensure that Runxuan will not disappear suddenly, and we will just give Taibai an explanation at that time."

Niu Ding was silent upon hearing this: "I'm afraid that Missy will do something stupid."

Chao Xiaoyu was silent, and after a while, he said, "You send a few more people to stare at her. There has been a lot of trouble in the last week. I heard that someone is restless again. This day is about to change. What kind of basket appeared at this time, I missed Taibai's plan, and then neither of you nor I can afford it."

Niuding was about to order people to do it, but he heard a rush of footsteps coming from a distance, and a slightly gasping voice said: "Master, sir, the angel of the court is here."

Looking at Xiaoyu and Niuding at each other, Gu Buduo said and walked directly outside.

This time, it was not an eunuch, but an official from the Ministry of Rites.

"Where is Chen Runxuan?" The official of the Ministry of Rites said, looking at everyone who fell on her knees.

The official of the Ministry of Rites was holding a shining scroll in his hand. He was about thirty years old, and his eyes were shining with awe-inspiring righteousness. Obviously, he had a deep study of Confucianism.

Chao Xiaoyu hesitated for a moment, and then said to the golden eyes behind him, "Go and invite the lady."

"Yes" facing the imperial edict of the court, everyone dared not violate it.

Soon, Runxuan, with a hesitant face on her face, walked over and fell to her knees.

Seeing that all the main people have arrived, the official of the Ministry of Rites said: "Feng Tian, ​​the emperor said, today there is a female Runxuan, who is my prostitute, canonized as Princess Taiping, and this is the honor."

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live, long live my emperor" everyone kowtowed, towards Xiao Yu and Niu Ding, the heads of the three strangers were suddenly confused, and I don't know which one the emperor was playing.

"Princess, please be ready, and then go to Beijing to seal it with the next official," the official of the Ministry of Rites put away the imperial decree and said with a smile.

Chao Xiaoyu stood up suddenly: "No."


This voice was made by an official of the Ministry of Rites: "What did you say?".

"I said no," Chao Xiaoyu's voice was firm, revealing beyond doubt.

The Ministry of Rites is Wu Guangzu's lair. If Runxuan is gone, she still doesn't know what moths will be brought out and how to face Chen Jiu then.

"This is your majesty's will. Even the King of Ping Tian will not dare to violate it. Is it possible that you have to resist the decree and disrespect it?" Officials of the Ministry of Rites are most likely to suppress others.

Chao Xiaoyu opened his mouth, trying to say something, but didn't say it. That's the truth.

A look of surprise appeared on Runxuan's face, and she looked at Chao Xiaoyu: "Master, this is your majesty's will."

Chao Xiaoyu's face was a little blue: "Run Xuan, you have to know that they are officials of the Ministry of Rites, and you dare to take your majesty to suppress your brother. You have thought about the consequences."

Niuding's complexion turned red: "Chen Runxuan, at that time the lord had already ordered you to be Do you dare to walk out of this door, wherever the lord's order is, and where is the lord's face".

"Bold, you can call the name of Princess Taiping directly. This time I think you are the first offender. Let me spare your life. Next time, you must be put in prison." The official of the Ministry of Rites angrily rebuked, and his righteous spirit rose. .

Runxuan's face is firm: "I am a person, not a golden bird. I know that my eldest brother loves me and is afraid that I will be harmed, but if there is no freedom, I would rather die."

After speaking, he stopped paying attention to everyone, turned his head to the official of the Ministry of Rites and said: "My lord, we can go on the road."

The official of the Ministry of Etiquette snorted coldly, turned and left.

Watching Runxuan and the officials of the Ministry of Rites leave, her hands weakened towards Xiaoyu, and the Taoist Dementor held a crystal-clear jade in his hand: "I have recorded all this with a stereotyped stone, and I will show it to the prince. It’s not that we didn’t try our best. It was Miss Runxuan’s own choice. It has nothing to do with us. The court’s decree is not something we dare to violate." (To be continued...)



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