Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 516: The Golden Dragon enters the dream, the King Tai rebelled

The mountain **** of Shouyang Mountain seems to always be the same as the human emperor, in the mist, making people blind to their true colors.

As the oldest deity in the world, Chen Jiu's sound of breaking through the void could not be concealed from the Shouyang Mountain God. He saw a decree flying by in the hands of the Shouyang Mountain God, and countless gods and gods moved after hearing the wind.

In Yuzhou City, in Chen Jiu’s manor, Chen Jiu, who closed his eyes and knees, sighed slightly: "Although the relationship has been severed, this is after all the cause and effect that I attracted. If it were not for me, everyone would not find you so quickly. Let me erase the last trace."

After speaking, the cyan power in Chen Jiu's hand flew out, the power of the law surged wildly, and the void shattered. When everyone returned their eyes, the small world had disappeared.

In the capital, the emperor's face was pale, Xu Fu's eyes were full of tyranny.

The Taiyin Sect and other children of the Supreme Master stopped one after another, and then continued to fly towards the void, trying to find some clues.

There are dozens or hundreds of descendants of the Emperor, and only a few are worthy of his attention.

Liangzhou is one of the oldest state capitals handed down from ancient times.

Liangzhou is the fief of the King of Thailand, and King Thailand is the 17th son of the King.

The king of Thailand, who has been several hundred years old, is still young, his youth remains unchanged, and time never goes away.

At this time, the king of Thailand's body was in a python robe, a large python swallowed the sun and the moon, and roared up to the sky. The endless domineering was like a devil, and it had existed since the beginning of the sky.

"I have seen the prince" an old man walked over. The old man was in a white robe, with countless stars embroidered on the robe, shining with mysterious Taoist rhyme. It looks quite extraordinary.

"Yesterday the Japanese King Jinlong fell into a dream, please teach me your husband." Thai King's voice is not loud, but it can definitely be heard clearly.

"What?" The white-robed old man shook his body, revealing an unbelievable color.

"Is the prince confirming that it is the Golden Dragon's Dream?" The old man was unsure, he didn't dare to confirm.

"Does this king have to tell lies?" King Tai said lightly.

"Congratulations, Lord Congratulations, Lord Congratulations" The old man trembled his beard and bowed his head.

"Where does the joy come from?" The King Tai glanced at the old man and continued to look at the scenery of Liangzhou. Standing on the highest point in Liangzhou, King Tai could look at the world. A bird's eye view.

"The prince. The golden dragon is humane luck. The golden dragon's dream shows that the prince has the attention of the humane luck, and it may be the best in the future." The old man's beard trembled.

A light flashed in the eyes of King Thai Tiger: "There are princes on top of this king, as well as the prince who is blocking the road. The prince does not lose his virtue. This king is like nothing. The teacher is unknown."

"It is the best excuse for the prince to have the golden dragon dream."

"Well, that makes sense." King Tai nodded, then looked towards the sky. Although the heavens and stars are hidden for ordinary people in the daytime, for masters like King Tai, they can still be seen.

After a while, King Thai lowered his head: "You said the day before yesterday that the astronomical phenomenon changed, and the emperor father could not hold on to the throne for how long, but is it true?"

The old man's face solemnly said: "Master, this method of stargazing is an ancient secret technique of our sect, and there is absolutely no possibility of error."

King Thai nodded: "Sir, know what to do, right?".

"Chen Zunzhi" The old man slowly withdrew and walked out of the palace with a grinning smile: "This method is indeed feasible. Not only does it erode the luck of humanity, but now even the prince of the human race is unavoidable to suffer calculations. It seems that the witch was sent back The decision to enter the palace to confuse the human race is the most correct."

With that said, the old man walked out of the palace and returned home, only to see changes in facial muscles, but he became another person.

In the room, there was already a man surrounded by sword spirit: "How are things going?".

"This king makes a move, naturally it comes with his hand." The man laughed. If Chen Jiu was here, he would be shocked. When will the Nanban King appear here? .

"At the beginning, we made the right move and sent the evildoer to the palace to disrupt the luck of the human race. It was the right decision." The Nanban king showed joy.

"Yesterday, you and I joined forces to break the golden dragon of King Thai's bodyguard and make the golden dragon in his dream dream. Unexpectedly, that idiot actually believed it. If the foundation of Da Zhou is so easy to subvert, it will not stand in the middle of the world. It's a big week that doesn't fall," Jian Qi said the man.

"Never thought that this idiot could really move to the foundation of the Great Zhou, as long as it caused the movement of the human spirit, the goal would be achieved" The Nanban King's eyes revealed a kind of shrewdness.

"Chi Zesheng has changed, let's prepare quickly," Jian Qi said.

"It's already started" Nanban Wang whispered.

I don't know when, a rumor has emerged throughout Liangzhou that the king of Thailand is the future saint chosen by humanity, and has a foretaste of the golden dragon's dream.

Liangzhou, Royal Thai Mansion.

Drinking the herbal tea quietly, Tai Wang Meiyu tightened: "My father prefers eldest brother. Sooner or later this throne will be the eldest brother. I don't have a chance at all. If I don't compete, I will be even more regretful in the future."

Speaking of this, King Tai meditated quietly: "It is unlikely that the emperor will take the action personally. I have increased my chances of winning by 10%. There are people who are favored by luck and luck. This human race is not owned by the king."

After speaking, King Tai's breath fell into silence, and the whole teahouse seemed to become a place of death.

Going to the capital, the emperor put down the long sword and sat there gently.

Feeling the undulating dragon aura, the human emperor's complexion remained motionless, as if it were a corpse.

Concubine Yi, who was behind the Queen of People, couldn't help but shrank in anxiety.

The human emperor's senses are so keen, this sudden action woke the human emperor: "Do you really want to choose this way? This humanitarian foundation cannot be shaken, even if you are my son."

"Your Majesty, you must take care of your body" Yi Fei's soft voice sounded behind her.

The emperor's palms stretched out one after another, and suddenly Concubine Yi fell into his arms, causing Concubine Yi to laugh.

"I will take care of my body, just like you said." After finishing speaking, I walked towards the palace with Concubine Yi in his arms.

One hundred thousand mountains.

The demon emperor stood on the top of the mountains, a gust of wind blew through, his clothes fluttered, and the endless emperor's breath spread out.

"Hahaha, Human Sovereign, see how you take this trick, even if you save Liangzhou, but your human race's fortune is constantly being consumed, one day, my heavens and thousands of races will pull you off the horse."

The voice of the "Father Emperor" Demon Crown Prince came from a distance.

While breathing, a yellow figure fell beside the demon emperor, who was the demon emperor prince.

"What's the matter?" The demon emperor's eyebrows kept beating.

"Liangzhou is ready," the demon king prince whispered.

"The speed of the Sovereign Sovereign is good this time" The Demon Sovereign screamed, and then whispered: "You ask the clansmen to converge in the recent period of time and don't go out to cause trouble. Once the Sovereign Fox finds an excuse for the outside world , To shift the contradiction, all our plans are in vain."

"But, those hundred mountains," the demon prince's tone was hesitating, unwilling, unimaginable.

"Those who make big things don't stick to the trivial, if they can really overthrow the human race, what can be done with a few hundred mountains? How can we send all these 100,000 mountains out? Not all of my monster race's at that time." Yaohuang Hate iron is not the way of steel.

"The boy understands that he will definitely not let the father down, it's just that the little thief of Chen Jiu is cheaper," the demon prince complained.

The Demon Sovereign waved his hand indifferently: "Then Chen Jiu can be hit by my full strength without dying, and his own strength cannot be underestimated. You are afraid that he is not his opponent, even if the hundred mountains are occupied by him~www.mtlnovel .com~ I can't help him, unless it is an older generation master, but is my monster really going to degenerate to that degree? I can't afford to lose that person, where is the majesty of my monster."

The demon emperor's voice was grand and precise.

The demon crown prince bowed his head and said: "What my father taught is."

In the blink of an eye, three days passed, the days are still so old, time is still so merciless, some people die and some are reborn.

Finally, at one dawn, this pool of stagnant water was instantly stirred, and the Zhou Dynasty was shocked, the Barbarians were shocked, and the 100,000 mountains of the Yaozu turned into the sky.

"The King of Thailand rebelled."

I don’t know who passed this news, and then the entire Great Zhou Dynasty panicked up and down, and the humane luck fluctuated endlessly. After all, it was one of the thirteen state capitals of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and it was related to thirteenth of the Qi. Luck, once this air luck is completely separated, even if the human race is strong, it will suffer heavy losses. (To be continued...)



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