Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 525: Confucian Xin Mi, who did he do it to?

"This..." Taishi was speechless, and at the last moment of excitement, he fainted.

"Who else Aiqing opposes?" The emperor's voice became colder, and the hall was actually covered with a layer of frost.

The ministers were like woodcarvings, afraid to speak.

Sweeping around the hall, the emperor nodded: "That's it for this meeting."

After speaking, the emperor turned and left.

Within Leyang, Chen Jiu was sitting in the palace, with a cup of fragrant tea in his hand with green smoke.

"Where is King Pingtian? Your Majesty has an order. Please Pingtian King to accept the order."

At this moment, a voice disrupted the peace of Le Central Realm.

Chen Jiu slowly put down his teacup, and walked a thousand li to the outside of Leyang, where a familiar figure was standing there.

"Gong Ma, is there any major event that would allow your old man to walk in person" Chen Jiu was slightly surprised.

"I have seen the prince, and the prince's aura has become more ordinary. If the old slave knew that the prince was a cultivator, he would still think that the prince was a mortal, and there were changes in the dynasty, so he invited the prince and the old slave to return to Beijing."

Chen Jiu nodded: "Let me arrange things in the palace."

With that said, Chen Jiu threw a jade symbol, which turned into a streamer, pierced through the void in an instant, and flew into Le Yi Palace.

"The prince is so blessed, this kind of Lingshan blessed land is not something ordinary people can afford" Marelli touted.

Now that things have changed, Chen Jiu is no longer the little guy who just came out of the sea of ​​taboos, and has grown into an existence that all the heavens must face squarely.

"Ma Nei served Qian, let's go." Chen Jiu took the lead after speaking, and saw the void fluctuate slightly, and when it appeared again, it was tens of thousands of miles away.

Shrunk into inches. Nang Ting Phantom is nothing more than that.

The cultivation bases of the two were among the best in the world, but within three days they had already moved from Leyi Palace to Shangjing.

Looking at Beijing again, Chen Jiu felt inexplicable, how long has it been. That struggling little **** is now a legendary existence in the eyes of many people.

"Master, your majesty is still waiting in the palace" the old **** whispered in Chen Jiu's ear.

Chen Jiu smiled, full of freedom and ease: "Yes, this king has lost his temper."

The palace remains the same, and Chen Jiu left here soon. However, there is a feeling like a world away, that his Leyi Palace is good at everything, but it lacks popularity.

There was no obstacle in the way, and there seemed to be no place where the old **** could not go in the whole of Shangjing.

See the emperor again. Chen Jiu's heart trembled, and a thought came up involuntarily: "The Emperor is old".

Just when this thought came up, Chen Jiu himself was shocked. The emperor was a well-known strong man in the world, and even known as the number one man in the sky, how could he grow old? .

The Emperor did not play mystery or smoke bombs to reveal his true colors.

Still as handsome as before. The skin was faintly revealing fluorescence, just watching the emperor's temples go out with a trace of death.

Although the person in front of him was his father, Chen Jiu didn't dare to say anything. The royal family has no affection, and some things can be seen but not said.

"I have seen my father" Chen Jiu gave a salute first.

"Sit down" The Emperor looked at Chen Jiu. At this time, Chen Jiu became more and more charming in his eyes. It was a strange feeling, more and more ordinary, and even a sense of returning to the truth.

"The body is in harmony with the Tao" this thought involuntarily popped out of the emperor's mind. But then disappeared, how could this be possible. Chen Jiu was young, even if he killed the emperor. He also didn't believe that Chen Jiu could be in harmony with the Tao.

The most ordinary thing between the heaven and the earth is the avenue, it is everywhere, right by your side, invisible and colorless, loudly like the sun, invisible and invisible, returning to the real world.

"I don't know what is important for my father to ask my son to come to Beijing. Now that the hundreds of mountains have just been recovered, there are still many things to deal with." Chen Jiu took a sip of the tea ceremony after sitting down.

"You know about King Tai," Ren Huang said leisurely after being silent for a while.


"The Confucianism has changed." The emperor's voice was serious.

"Does the Confucianism want to rebel?" Chen Jiu was suddenly startled, a bright light burst into his eyes, and the void fluctuated.

"That won't be the case." The Emperor shook his head, and then said: "I'll tell you a secret thing."

"I'm listening to my ears," Chen Jiu cheered up, and there must be no small things about the secrets of the emperor.

"There are countless sects in the heavens, do you know why Confucianism is dominant?" Human Emperor asked Chen Jiu.

Chen Jiulue thought: "The Confucian awe-inspiring righteousness is domineering, and the spiritual power of the great Confucian sub-sage is strong, and it can communicate the awe-inspiring righteousness.

The Emperor shook his head: "That's wrong, all of this is related to humanity."

As he said, the emperor put down the tea cup in his hand, stood up, and walked slowly outside the house: "In ancient times, Confucianism was actually just one of the most common sects among the various schools of thought."

"Ah" Chen Jiu was surprised.

"Then why did the Confucianism dominate afterwards?" Chen Jiu asked.

"The teachings of Confucianism are quite in line with the changes in humanity at that time. At that time, the emperor found that many things in Confucianism are conducive to the evolution of humanity, so he strongly supported and developed Confucianism, so that Confucianism gained the strength of humanity, was favored by humanity, and made it easier to understand the world. The law, Haoran's righteousness is getting stronger and stronger, and its teachings are simply transformed into the law of humanity, so that the humanity will not decline, and the Confucianism will never fail."

"It's so" Chen Jiu was shocked. He didn't expect that there was such a secret behind the prosperity of Confucianism.

"This is also the reason why the major sects continue to rebel and unrest in the world. Although the human race is now facing the persecution of the heavens and hundreds of races, if anyone can become the orthodoxy of the human race and turn their own teachings into the force of order, it will naturally be the great prosperity of the sect. , The family dominates, enjoy endless luck, just like Confucianism now, for the sects of the heavens, the power of restraint formed by the sects of the philosophers" The emperor’s voice is full of vicissitudes, and it seems to see the changes of ancient humanity from the void The rise and fall of history.

"The emperor called his son to come this time, what does it mean to say that Confucianism has changed?" Slowly, Chen Jiudao.

The emperor of humanity said meaningfully: "Humanity is the largest under heaven, and a family is unique. Only when a hundred races can stand against each other. Controlling the authority of humanity is equivalent to mastering the trends of the heavens and having the right to manipulate the general trend of heaven."

Seeing Chen Jiu's puzzled eyes, the emperor smiled: "If I send troops to attack a hundred people, will there be disputes in this world?".

"Yes" Chen Jiu nodded.

"This is the general trend of the heavens. If we launch a war, the heavens and hundreds of clans will be plundered. If we maintain the stability of humanity, the heavens will be peaceful."

Chen Jiu understands the meaning of the emperor, but the details are a little confused.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand it now, you will naturally understand it in the future. Now let's talk about Confucianism. Confucianism is now dominated by the sect of the heavens. Is there any way to go further?".

Chen Jiu said without hesitation: "Naturally, it is to control the authority of humanity,".

Then he suddenly stopped. Only the emperor of humanity can hold the power of humanity. Confucianism is a big rebellion.

"If Confucianism wants to go further, it must be divided into humanitarian authority. This is to fight against imperial authority," Renhuang said softly.

"What does the emperor father mean?" Chen Jiu whispered, as if he was afraid of awakening something.

"The Confucianism is getting more and more actually wants to support the new emperor, so as to control the authority of humanity, how could I agree to it, so I want to abolish the prince" The emperor’s words are simply shocking. Chen Jiu was so scared that he almost didn't sit on the ground.

"Father, what does this have to do with the child?" Chen Jiu squatted a little.

"There is a relationship, naturally there is a relationship. This time the king of Thailand was assassinated and the humane luck was in turmoil. Although it was said that Fang Xiandao was behind, but I was warned by the humanity and found clues about Confucianism. Fa, the Confucianism has never moved, further confirming my guess."

"Is the emperor father wanting me to do something against Confucianism?" Chen Jiu frowned, and somehow understood what the emperor said. This is to use himself as a gun.

"No, I want you to kill chickens and monkeys. This time we have caught a sect. This matter is left to you. I am most assured. Looking at the royal family, you have experienced the most things, the most powerful means, and the highest mind. It's a big matter, and it's you." The Emperor looked at Chen Jiu, with the big hats one after the other, and he almost didn't stun Chen Jiu.

Looking at the emperor dizzyly, Chen Jiu couldn't turn his head a little. (To be continued)

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