Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 527: 3 emperors duel, 1 arrow at the peak

"You are going to work hard with this seat, are you crazy?" Looking at the Huang Tu dominance slowly unfolding in the air, the Demon Emperor's Dragon Ball buzzed, a little unable to withstand it, and shouted into the distance: "If you don't come out again, I just let go of it."

As soon as the voice fell, I heard someone say in the void: "The Emperor is so angry, it is better to have a cup of tea and explain what the misunderstanding is."

A strange seal, with the endless luck of the barbarians, and the dragon ball of the demon king, enveloping the luck of the demon and even the heavens and hundreds of people, collided with this type of Huangtu domineering industry again.

Three kinds of attacks, but the essence is the same, using racial luck.

This is a clash of the three major races, a contest of luck.

Huang Tu Baye's mighty power is overwhelming. Below that jade seal is the barbarian's land, and the dragon ball is surrounded by the monster's hundred thousand mountains, endless.

Qi Luck is swallowing each other, the emperor standing in the void, the breath is overwhelming, majestic and majestic, the emperor's divine sword exudes a humane aura, constantly blessing Huang Tu Hegemony quled.

This is like a giant of two hundred catties, competing with two people whose strength is one hundred catties. It is natural to see who is strong and who is weak. This is a gap in quality and cannot be compensated by quantity.

"Unexpectedly, your human race has such a deep heritage, such a turmoil, and your luck is so strong that you are too strong in this heaven." Dragon horns slowly grew on the top of the demon emperor's head, and his slender fingers became dragon claws. A pair of eyes flushed with jealousy.

"Hmph, God doesn't care for our human race, is it possible to care for you and wait for the wicked animal to fail", the emperor reprimanded unceremoniously.

"Human Emperor, don't want to make a profit. Let's see the true chapter." Seeing the Yaozu's luck regressed steadily, the blink of an eye was swallowed by the opponent's Huangtu hegemony a lot, distressed to death, this is the Yaozu based on The foundation of this world, if luck dies, the monster race will not be far from exterminating the race.

After speaking, the dragon horns on the demon emperor's head flew out of nowhere, turning into two sharp swords, with flowing light, slashing towards the human emperor.

The Emperor snorted coldly. Huangtu Baye instantly forced back the luck of the barbarians. The entire Huangtu Hegemony instantly converged and gathered within the long sword. The long sword was blessed by this endless humanity and luck, and its radiance was brilliant. The space is constantly shattering at this moment.

"Human Sovereign. Cultivation must be rampant. Look at the methods of this seat." Seeing that the Demon Sovereign was at a disadvantage, the Man Wang couldn't sit still, although the relationship between the Barbarian and the Demon Clan might not be so good. There is even a competitive relationship, but now the enemy of the human race, if the demon king is defeated, the blow to the demon race is immeasurable. Originally, the two races are already very difficult to deal with the human king. Once the allies are frustrated, you let the barbarian king What to do, what about the plan that is about to succeed? .

The barbarian emperor's body instantly grew larger, and the barbaric emperor with the blood of the ancient barbarians in his body no longer suppressed the power of his bloodline.

While breathing, a giant standing tall in the clouds, the surrounding space was fragmented, hitting the barbaric emperor's body, but like a mosquito bite, people didn't care.

At this moment, the emperor's fist had a strange change, and a mysterious pattern flashed. Unlike Chen Jiu's, the pattern of the emperor was more like a magical power.

"Infinite Sky".

The void was constantly stretched and twisted under the fist of the Man Emperor, and the power of the surrounding space was constantly entangled, like an awl, attached to the tip of the Man Emperor's fist, locked the head of the Man Emperor, and slammed it down.

Compared with the barbarian emperor, the human emperor's body is like an ant.

The long sword in his hand instantly split into two sword lights, one sword light slashed towards the barbaric emperor, and another sword light wound on the dragon horns of the demon emperor.

Originally, this blessed a sword that blessed the luck of humanity and swallowed the luck of the monsters and barbarians. The emperor had the confidence to cut each other unexpectedly by the sword, but now it seems a bit unrealistic. The two emperors are not fools. Naturally, he would not watch Human Sovereign hit his allies severely, at least not before Human Sovereign died.

It deserves to be a blow with the human luck, the Brutal Emperor's fist covering the sky and sun was cut in half, and the spatial turbulence was split in an instant, directly slashed to the Brutal Emperor's fist, and the opponent had no time to react.

The pair of golden dragon horns of the Demon Emperor deserved to be the hardest thing on the dragon clan. Countless years of sacrifices were only cut with a deep trace by the sword light, but they did not break.

The Emperor's pupils shrank: "Well, good means, let's go on, today we will simply remove the cause and effect between you and me."

Below, in the upper capital, the battle in the sky has already shocked the power of the heavens.

Sangong Wumu did not move, Wang Mingyang of Yuzhou seemed to be asleep, watching the fire from across the bank.

"Perhaps they all want to see where the bottom line of the human emperor is. The current human emperor makes people look very bottomless. Even Confucianism has to be wary of the human emperor." Chen Jiu walked out of the courtyard slowly and looked at the night sky of Shangjing. .

The rain tickled, and the night sky of Shangjing was still the same. Just looking through the void, you can see the fierce battle of the three emperors in the space fault.

"Confucianism, is Confucianism still Confucianism today? Faced with foreign races, standing by and watching, it is really to be punishable." Chen Jiu thought, no matter what excuses Confucianism had to stand by, Chen Jiu had already defined the other side.

The other party can stand by and watch. Chen Jiu can't do it, not only because he is the prince, but also because he can't lose if he is too human, and the humane luck can't decline.

A quaint big bow appeared in Chen Jiu's hand, stroking the big bow lightly, on which ancient big bow, inexplicable patterns flashed, and the streams of light shone with splendor.

"The power of one blow, this king only has the power of one blow. You can't miss it. Whether you can succeed or not depends on the Universe Arrow Art." Chen Jiu muttered in his heart. The arrow was also black, flashing with a cold color. Appearing in the hand, in the night, it looks even more gloomy.

"Emperor God Fist" Renhuang punched out slowly: "Great mountains and rivers".

"Hmph, do you think you are the only one who has the power of luck?" The Demon Emperor Dragon Ball flew back into his mouth instantly, and a yellow brilliance flashed from the dragon ball: "Thousands of monsters have no boundaries."

The **** palm of the Man Emperor retracted and stretched out his left hand: "The country is picturesque."

In the "Boom" earth-shattering impact, the spatial turbulence was pierced, the fault was broken, and the endless turbulent void landed in the territory of the Great Zhou, but was swallowed by a roaring golden dragon.

This golden dragon is too big, straddling Henggu, and it exudes an ancient aura. Every scale has chaotic energy circulating, and you can't see the edge at a glance. In front of it, even the three emperors also rise. A feeling as small as an ant, subconsciously slowed down and withdrew the attack.

Chen Jiu was also affected, but the seal of Heaven in his body moved slightly, already regaining his mind, looking at the three emperors who were lost in an instant, without delaying the opportunity, an arrow was wound.

The Sovereign of Humanity was shocked. Although he is the Sovereign of Humanity, he can mobilize human luck, but he can only mobilize a small part of it. As for the golden dragon of luck, he has only felt it before, but has never seen it, so shocking. At this moment, the emperor had a new understanding of the emperor's way, and even stepped out of the door.

At this moment, the laws of the sky rioted instantly, like iron blocks that felt the magnetic force, and instantly fell on the arrow, the twisted space, the law of cohesion, this bright arrow, the three emperors were very sure, this It is the most dangerous and powerful arrow they have ever seen, because this arrow contains the power of endless laws.

The heavenly power of the immortal body, coupled with Chen Jiu's sky-shaking arrow, and the Qiankun bow, this was Chen Jiu's peak blow, a full blow.

"Quickly Dodge" The Barbarian King realized that this blow was shooting towards the Demon Emperor, he was shocked, and wanted to speak, but it was too late, because this arrow shattered the space It reached the Demon Emperor directly. Before you.

The heavens had no time to react, and watched the Demon Emperor being pierced by this arrow. The next moment, a golden armor appeared on the entire body of the Demon Emperor.

The arrow hit the armor, and the space was exploded by Chen Jiu's arrow, and the Demon Emperor was shot into the turbulent flow of the void and disappeared.

The heavens were silent for an instant, and all the mighty powers were either faintly or directly looking at Chen Jiu through time and space.

At this moment, everyone looked at Chen Jiu with different gazes. It was a weird gaze, which was creepy after seeing it.

"Next Chapter"

After ten breaths, the space exploded, and the pale Demon Emperor appeared in the void, the golden armor shining brightly, exuding a strong innate aura. (To be continued...)

The five hundred and twenty-seventh chapter three emperors duel, the pinnacle is an arrow:



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