Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 530: See also Yin and Yang Taoist

The White Bone Temple is the supreme master of the heavens, and the overlord of the White Bone Temple is one of the most powerful figures in the heavens, with boundless power. In these heavens, whoever sees disrespectful screams: "Bone Lord".

But now, in the face of Chen Jiu's contempt from the bones, under the watchful eyes of the monks of the heavens and ten thousand tribes, how do you want the Sect Master of the White Bone Heaven Palace to feel this anger.

"Hmph, the prince breathed a lot, but I have to ask the prince's clever tricks." The wand in the palm of the master of the White Bone Temple kept changing, attacking the Yin Yang fish.

"Never mind, this king will accompany you to play." Watching the Yin and Yang fish at his feet turned all the attacks of the White Bone Leader into invisible, a golden talisman in Chen Jiu's left hand flashed.

The innate aura circulated in Chen Jiu's hands. The innate talisman, the innate talisman representing the golden line, was attached to Chen Jiu's palm. Chen Jiu's palm seemed to have a strange magical power, which fluctuated in the void. At this moment, Chen Jiu The palm of his hand seems to be a supreme soldier, cutting through the void.

The palm of the hand passed through the yin and yang fish without hindrance, and hit the huge bone stick.

Chen Jiuyi was stunned and then nodded: "Yes, this staff is not bad."

Before I finished speaking, the huge bone rod that attacked Chen Jiu Yin and Yang fish shrank instantly, and was grasped by the white bone leader of the White Bone Temple. It cut through the void and slammed into Chen Jiu's forehead with a powerful wind. If it is implemented, Chen Jiu's physical body will be destroyed.

"Bang" The void shattered, and a black hole appeared where Chen Jiu was standing, and Chen Jiu did not know when he came behind the Bone Leader.

"Look at the sword pill in this seat" Chen Jiu's palm flickered with fluorescence.

"Ping Tian Wang, wait a minute. Poor Yin and Yang Taoist, I have seen the prince." A curling voice came out from outside.

"Yin-Yang Taoist?" Chen Jiu muttered. This Yin-Yang Taoist once intercepted and killed himself in Yuzhou, but was startled by Jian Wan. Then he responded to the catastrophe for himself and made a lot of cause and effect. He didn't expect to see it for three thousand years. The Taoist has already gotten rid of the calamity.

"Yin and Yang Taoist, what are you doing here?" Chen Jiu's sword pill exudes sharp air. Make the surrounding void turbulent.

"Brother Yin-Yang Dao" Bone Bone Leader saluted the Yin-Yang Daoist.

Talking. There was a suction from the Tai Chi diagram in the sky, and it instantly swept the Yin and Yang Taoist in. The Yin and Yang Taoist did not resist, and followed that force into the Bone Heaven Palace.

At this time, the new disciple below was stunned. This is the legend that dominates the heavens. The invincible White Bone Temple. It doesn't seem to be very good. There is nothing to do with this young man, and many disciples feel regretful. Regret shouldn't worship this white bone palace.

The disciple seemed to have recovered, so he naturally took the expressions of all the disciples present, and reprimanded: "You know, the one in the sky is the most powerful prince of our Great Zhou, even the demon king’s face No, let alone our sect whose strength is not as good as the monster clan."

The disciples nodded stupidly, not knowing what the demon clan was, but they knew that fairies could eat and drink human blood.

"I have seen the prince" with complex complexion, the Yin and Yang Taoist looked at the dull, mortal man in front of him, and some of his eggs hurt, although he said that he was terrified of Chen Jiu, especially when he saw that time and space that collapsed and changed the world. After that, Chen Jiu's scruples became deeper and deeper, and as his cultivation became deeper, the more he could feel the horror of that day's war.

However, I have a very close relationship with the Bone Heaven Palace. What's more, the secret of the heavens shows that it seems to be causally implicated with Chen Jiuyou, causally implicated with these characters, and for the inferior people like Yin Yang Taoist. It is definitely a very sad thing.

During the battle between Chen Jiu and the Taoist Yin and Yang, the chaotic chessboard of the Taoist Yin and Yang was overthrown by Chen Jiu. He did not expect that after a huge amount of popular aspirations, he would be reorganized again, revealing his true body, and it was actually the innate treasure of Taiji.

The innate treasure contains its own world. The innate treasure of the heavens and all realms is numbered. What kind of cause and effect is this. It not only makes up for the cause and effect of the Yin Yang Taoist owed to Chen Jiu, but also makes Chen Jiu owe the Yin Yang Taoist cause and effect.

The power of cause and effect between the heavens is the most profound, even if Chen Jiu masters the great cause and effect magic technique, it is difficult to peek into the case.

Causality means that it is over when it is over, even if both parties are willing, it will not work. The law of cause and effect in the dark is clear. If you want to hide, you can't rely on it.

Chen Jiu smiled: "Unexpectedly, after three thousand years of absence, you, a bull nose, would have escaped the catastrophe. There must be some chance."

The Taoist Yin and Yang touched his nose and smirked: "Thanks to Brother Dao, since the last time we parted with Brother Dao, Mr. Meng has encountered countless interceptions. Pang Dao fought all the way and fought to the end, but he found a breakthrough. It’s like a Dao brother thanking him for his wedge.”

Chen Jiu has lived for three thousand years, and his face is thicker, but now facing the gratitude of the suffering lord, he feels a little uncomfortable: "What are you doing with me? You have not said that you came here to take this muddy water. Is it a living? It’s too boring."

The Taoist Yin and Yang waved his hands hurriedly: "No, the poor Tao came to cause and effect this time."

"Causality?" Chen Jiu looked at the Yin and Yang Taoist in doubt.

Seeing Chen Jiu's gaze, the Yin and Yang Taoist smiled bitterly. I don't know if Chen Jiu really didn't know or was pretending to be confused, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "Brother Dao, there is still cause and effect between you and me."

Chen Jiu furrowed his eyebrows, and after a little calculation, the great karma magic was operating, and only a silk thread was tied to himself and the Yin and Yang Taoist.

In the next moment, Chen Jiu's palm of good fortune and heavenly power was running, and he suddenly cut off the karma thread.


The silk thread of the law is unimpeded, Chen Jiu spouted blood, and cracks appeared all over his body, like a porcelain doll about to be broken. The whole body was full of horrible cracks, and it would shatter into dust when touched.

"Law Backlash" Chen Jiu took a breath, and slowly wiped off the blood stains from the corners of his mouth. The cracks all over his body looked shocking, for fear that a gust of wind would blow Chen Jiu into pieces and dissipate in the air.

The power of Heaven's Fortune is operating, and the trace of Heaven's Fortune is constantly moisturizing Chen Jiu's skin, and the wound is slowly healing.

Taking a deep breath, the power of this law is really powerful. Even if Chen Jiu can use the power of the law now, the power of the law is not something Chen Jiu can control. Every law represents a part of this world. This kind of operating rules can be said to be a kind of heaven.

Chen Jiu's approach is no different from provoking the power of heaven and earth. It is good that he has not been turned into powder by the huge backlash.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Jiu looked towards the endless void. Where there is the mighty power of heaven, Chen Jiu had a foreboding. If he dares to offend again, I am afraid it will not be so easy next time.

Even so, Chen Jiu was severely injured, but the immortal body was like taking an aphrodisiac, running fast, a trace of branding continued to derive, and mysterious lines were constantly intertwining, spreading all over Chen Jiu’s skin, and constantly moving into the flesh of the skin. Derived from the power of immortality.

"Master, are you okay?" The Yin and Yang Taoist looked at Chen Jiuwan's pale face, the cracked face gradually healed, and when he reached the realm of the Yin and Yang Taoist, he felt more or less in the dark, thinking about it. Chen Jiu’s previous actions made me feel horrified, with a pleasing smile on his Jiu shook his head and glanced at the leader of the bones. The leader of the bones did not know why, but he did not take advantage of this. The opportunity to kill himself is definitely the best opportunity to kill himself. Chen Jiu couldn't understand the thoughts of the Bone Leader.

Chen Jiu is standing and talking. There is a human emperor who is staring at him, but he lacks an excuse to make a move. How could the bone leader give the human emperor a chance to make a move.

"It's okay. In these heavens, there are many people who can defeat me, but not many can kill me." A flash of pride flashed in Chen Jiu's eyes. It was his pride. He had his own cards, pride. The trump card.

After speaking, Chen Jiu looked up and down the Yin-Yang Taoist. The Yin-Yang Taoist only felt uncomfortable all over his body, as if he was covered with lice, and was uncomfortable.

"Lord, why are you looking at me like this?" Yin Yang Taoist lacked confidence.

Chen Jiu touched his chin, his eyes flashing. (To be continued...)



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