Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 538: Blow up and fight against the stars

There was a strong vibration in the "Boom" area, and the mountains and rivers were pulled up out of thin air, as if they had been plowed over.

Within a thousand miles, the birds and beasts were instantly shaken to death by a powerful force, with no bones left.

Uncomfortable, now Chen Jiu is uncomfortable. Although the Heavenly Immortal Body is powerful, but the veins exploded for thousands of miles, let alone Chen Jiu, even the emperor could not resist it here.

The blood kept vomiting out like money, and the purple clothes were stained with large dark red stains, which were left by the blood.

The three old guys blew themselves up. This was definitely something Chen Jiu hadn't expected. He didn't expect that he would force each other out, and the other party actually blew up.

Not only was it self-detonation, it also detonated a tens of thousands of miles around the earth veins at the same time it detonated. This is how much karma, after the self-detonation, the three old guys can't even enter the cycle.

"Ahem" was exploded into an empty space under the ground, cracks appeared in the fairy muscles and bones, and even the arms and legs were broken.

Covering his mouth with his hand, Chen Jiu slowly moved it away, a large pool of blood was revealed, and the internal organs were already in tatters. If it weren't for the immortality and strength of the heavens, Chen Jiu would be useless.

"It's amazing. I have lived for so many years, and I don't know how much mana I have accumulated. This is a big loss for Lao Tzu," Chen Jiu said secretly.

The earth is still shaking, this is the aftermath of the mountain range from the explosion.

Looking at the empty underground space, his feet softened, he knelt on the ground and supported the ground with his hands. Chen Jiu took a breath: "Damn it, when this seat is healed, you will definitely have to resist."

The "bang" voice has not yet fallen. Chen Jiu was already like a cannonball and flew out, and the sound of bone fracture sounded. Chen Jiu couldn't hold on, and simply lay on the ground.

The visitor was an old man with white beard and hair. The old man stood still outside Chen Jiuzanzhang: "I didn't expect that the prince was seriously injured and still remembers the people of our local people. It is really touching. I don't know what to say and how to repay. Lord".

"Who are you?" Chen Jiu's voice was weak and very small, but the old man could definitely hear it.

"I haven't told the prince yet. This seat is the Taishang elder of the local tribe" The old man slowly arched his hand.

"I didn't expect the previous big explosion. It didn't hurt you." Chen Jiu said slightly unwillingly.

"The old man, as a member of the earth clan, naturally has some life-saving techniques. This earth dragon vein explodes, but it can't hurt me. The prince has bothered."

Chen Jiu slowly struggled to start. But in my heart is secret hatred. This time I really got a big somersault. None of the heavens and tens of thousands of people are fuel-efficient lamps.

"The prince wants to put the people and death of our land tribe. The people of our land tribe have nothing to do. They can only repay the prince in the same way. Your old man can go with peace of mind." After speaking, the old man had mana between his palms. Surging, covering Chen Jiu's forehead.

"Naughty animal, dare" a brilliant voice came from the space, the space was broken, and the long sword that generally exuded the aura of the emperor was slashed towards the old man of the earth tribe.

The old man's movements stopped, not because he wanted to stop, but because the sword solidified the void, confined the old man's body, and took the old man's mind.

"Human Sovereign, this is too much of you, you actually did it in my wild land, really don't put me in the eyes of the Savage Sovereign?" A fist appeared in front of the old man, smashing the sword energy away.

"Go away from me" the emperor was furious.

In the void, Human Sovereign and Barbarian Sovereign stood opposite each other, and Savage Sovereign finally intercepted the Human Sovereign from the barbarian land.

The emperor handed the emperor's dragon sword, and the sound of the dragon ming sounded: "Man, are you really an enemy of this seat?".

"It's not that this emperor is your enemy, but that you broke the rules. We could make an appointment back then and were not allowed to go to the other side's domain. Now you want to break the agreement and fail." The emperor said in a low voice.

"For this reason, is it possible that your majesty the adult emperor wants to break the contract?" A golden light flashed in the sky, and the demon emperor walked out of the void with a golden bead on top of his head.

"You,,," Human Emperor gritted his teeth, but was rather helpless. These two guys were quite difficult to deal with. After he and the two of them worked for a while, I was afraid that the day lily would be cold.

The ancestor of the local tribe was also shocked at this time. Seeing that the emperor was stopped, with a grinning smile, he slowly came to Chen Jiu's side: "Lord, die."

Looking at the palm printed on his forehead, Chen Jiu's eyes flashed with killing intent: "You really can't be the king, why don't you fail".

The next moment, the yin and yang fish rotated, spread out from Chen Jiu's body, and rolled towards the old man.

The old man was stunned, knowing that the yin and yang fish was powerful, and he dared not to be careless, his palms slashed at the yin and yang fish fiercely.

The next moment, the yin and yang fish flew and swept toward the old man again.

At this moment, Chen Jiu's fingers slowly lifted: "Although the king suffered a severe injury and his bones were broken, not all of his bones were broken. The power of a blow is still there."

With the power of the heavens running, Chen Jiu's right index finger converged, thousands of laws were like a cage, tightly confining the void, the old man opened his eyes and watched Chen Jiu's eyebrows pointing towards him.

As long as this finger is implemented and nothing else, the soul will not be left behind.

"Chen Jiu, this prince will meet you" A long chant sounded, and this dragon chant contained a powerful sonic attack. In an instant, the heavens and the earth changed, and the heavens and stars descended. Chen Jiu only felt that the space around him was distorted and it was already here. In the stars.

Chen Jiu slowly retracted his palm: "Demon Prince."

"Yes, it is this prince. The insult you made to this prince last time in the East China Sea, this prince can always be remembered, day and night." The demon prince carried his hands, his eyes revealed a cold light.

Chen Jiu smiled softly and barely stood up: "Unexpectedly, you will come to the door at this time."

Looking at the blood stains on his palms, Chen Jiu frowned lightly, and his mana surged to remove the blood stains.

Although it was severely injured, the mana was always able to be used, but not much could be used, and most of it was used to maintain the injuries on his body.

As for the blood stains on the placket, Chen Jiu would not waste mana to eliminate dirt at this moment. At this time, every trace of mana is precious, and it is possible that this mana is the last to survive.

After speaking, Chen Jiu looked at the starry sky and then at the demon crown prince opposite: "After so many years, you haven't made much progress, you still look the same."

Looking at Chen Jiu's ridiculous face, the demon crown prince itchy teeth: "Don't take advantage of your tongue, do you know where this is?".

Chen Jiu shook his head: "Although it looks like a starry sky here, it's not that I underestimate you. I want to pull me into the starry sky without any resistance. You don't have that ability."

The demon crown prince looked at Chen Jiu coldly: "This is the star formation of the heavens, you can't even want to escape back this time."

Chen Jiuyi was stunned: "The stars are in a big array?"

Chen Jiu still knows the prestige of the heavenly star battle array. After all, it is one of the most heaven-defying formations in the world. However, this heavenly star battle array requires countless monks to perform it. Could it be that there are hidden surroundings? Countless strong monsters? .

" is also fortunate for this prince. Although you took away the Haotian Mirror in the Heavenly Court last time, this prince also gained a lot. This great star formation is one of them. With the banners of the heavens and stars, you can lay down the stars of the heavens and attract the power of the stars to trap the enemy and kill the enemies. I am the first to be qualified to enjoy it. The man of power".

Chen Jiu was shocked in his heart, but on his face he said with disdain: "The villain will be mad when he has the will."

The Great Star Fighting Array of the heavens was the first Demon Emperor, that is, the first master of the heavens. With the help of the great power of heaven, he controlled the stars of the heavens, the heavens and the earth moved, peeped out the mystery of the stars of the heavens, and created the great power of the stars. The array, combined with the power of the three hundred and sixty-five stars in the sky, plus the sun star and the lunar star to make the array eyes, is extremely deep and murderous.

To set up this formation, you need to refine the big Zhoutian star streamer with three hundred and sixty-five strokes, corresponding to the three hundred and sixty-five main stars in the sky, and then you need 14,800 small Zhoutian star streamers, corresponding to ten thousand. Four thousand eight hundred sub-stars. Coupled with the power of billions of gods and demons, one person representing a star can form a powerful Zhoutian star battle array. (To be continued...)



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