Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 541: Human wrath, drowning and poisonous

Seven souls named corpse dog, Fuya, bird Yin, swallowing thieves, non-poisonous, filth removal, smelly lungs, refer to happiness, anger, sorrow, fear, love, evil, and desire, living in the material, so the death of the body, Qipu Also disappeared. Afterwards, the "jipa" produced with the new body belongs to the "material world of the Yang world".

Po: Swallow the thief, it will eliminate the evil spirits, dissidents, and harmful substances in the body at night.

Erbo: The corpse dog, the dog is the guardian of the house, very alert.

Three Souls: In addition to filth, filth, and internal filth

Four spirits: smelly lungs, people need to breathe when they rest and fall asleep, rest, it means that the human body lay down; breath is the pause between breaths, the longer the breath, the better the lung capacity, the better the breath and the function, and the life The longer. Some people think that there is a fixed number of breaths in a person's life, so we say that when a person is dead, the breath is exhausted.

Five Souls: Bird Yin

Six souls: non-poisonous, poisonous, condensed, and gather the qi and spirit to one point, called poison.

Seven Souls: Fuya.

The life and soul of human beings master the thought and wisdom through Tianchong Linghui in the seven souls. Through the two spirits and the central spirit, the main action. Strengthen the body through the elite two soul master. Only the center and one soul is the center of the seven souls.

The human emperor has long condensed the primordial spirit, but this nail-headed seven arrows book is quite vicious. It actually pulls the soul out of the primordial spirit abruptly, making people ignorant, such evil spells , It is really hurtful.

The three souls and seven souls are indispensable things in the human body. This is like the cycle of the universe in the sky. What is needed is a completeness. If there is a problem in a certain link, the whole world will have a big problem.

The Emperor suddenly found that his seven souls were missing by one, so he was naturally frightened. These seven souls were too important to the monks, and the Emperor did not pay attention to them.

The emperor's dragon sword in the hands of the emperor instantly slashed towards the long river of fate: "I want to see who is calculating me. Such a method, plundering my soul, I can't even notice."

The golden dragon of human luck is closely related to the human emperor. It seemed that he had sensed the anger of the emperor, and instantly hovered over the Dragon Qi of the emperor. Cut to the river of fate.

On the desert island, the demon emperor and the barbarian emperor felt at the same time, and secretly said: "No, each took out the magic weapon, concealing their own secrets."

This soul is related to the life of the emperor. If the emperor detects clues, it is absolutely endless. Just ask a person in a situation where he is facing death threats. How not desperately with others.

Seeing that the two are about to succeed now, it is impossible for the supreme power to fight for his life.

The Dragon Qi of the emperor broke through the barriers of the long river of time and space without any hindrance. With the brutal blow of the human emperor, the powers of the heavens are all in touch, and the sleeping old antique also vaguely opened his eyes and looked at the long river of fate.

"Who is it, who is calculating me?" The Emperor roared.

It's a pity that even if it is the invincible king of the world, under the long river of fate, it is just a spray.

The long river of fate is still so smooth. No one gave the emperor the answer.

The Emperor was naturally unwilling, but there was no alternative, so he had to return to the Central Dragon Court.

Hold the emperor dragon sword in your hand. The emperor's face was gloomy, as if a huge volcano was brewing.

"I dare to steal my soul, if I know about it, I will surely thwart your bones and ashes." Human Emperor hated his teeth, and the dragon chair made from the supreme treasure left two under his palm. Very deep traces.

"Since you dare to steal my soul, you must have a plan, I will wait to see what plots and tricks you have." The emperor knew in his heart that he could calculate himself. And there is no trace of the shot, these days are numbered. But there was no evidence, and the two races rushed to war. Even the emperor is not good at facing the powerful humans, it can't do without explanation.

"Hiss~~" On the desert island, the Emperor and the Savage Emperor appeared in shape, looking at each other.

"This Emperor has already taken the last step, it's really awesome," the Emperor Man said with a little startled fear.

The Demon Sovereign said with a sad face: "Why is he so fast? When he arrives in this **** rebirth state, as long as he relies on time to conceive, he can naturally regenerate a new soul. We are running out of time, and must be derived from the Emperor The new soul succeeded before".

The Barbarian Emperor faintly glanced at the Demon Emperor: "My barbarian has already lost a strong man, haven't you already made your mind about the next thing? I won't get along and leave."

Without waiting for the Demon Emperor to answer, the Barbarian Emperor instantly turned into a streamer and disappeared into the sky.

The Demon Sovereign looked at the soul in his hand, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "I won't give you a chance, you should go to sleep obediently, you want to rely on the dynasty's luck to suppress your strength, wishful thinking."

After speaking, the figure of the Demon Emperor disappeared in place.

A gust of mountain wind blew, all the camps were erased, and nothing happened here.

At the Water God Palace, Luoshen sat blankly in front of the table, supporting the table with both hands, looking at Chen Jiu blankly, without blinking.

It has been three months, Chen Jiu’s heavenly immortality is very mysterious, and with the reconciliation of innate aura, even the most serious injury has recovered, only to feel the eye that has been stuck on him, Chen Jiu is embarrassed to open it Open your eyes.

"Hey, my previous life has been in vain for so many years, and I don't even have the courage to face a little girl" Chen Jiu sighed inwardly, but his body remained motionless, for fear of accidentally awakening Luoshen.

Time passed by a little bit, and finally, Chen Jiu was a little uncomfortable, and coughed dryly, as if he had finished his work, and slowly opened his eyes.

Luo Shen was awakened by the sound of Chen Jiu's coughing. Looking at the eyes that were about to open, Luo Shen was startled, and quickly sat down, as if he was practicing.

"You're awake" Luoshen looked at Chen Jiudao.

Chen Jiu nodded, moved his body, the blood flowed throughout his body, and the sound of meridian pulling spread, like the explosion of firecrackers: "Your palace is full of aura. It is not a big deal to heal the injury."

Speaking of this, Chen Jiu's body shook, and all the blood on his body was instantly evaporated.

Sitting on the soft bed, Chen Jiu felt uncomfortable and walked out of the bed slowly: "I am very curious about what the talisman of the innate **** is like."

After Chen Jiu helped Luoshen **** He Bo's talisman, the talisman of the innate **** was divided into two halves, not yet united, so Chen Jiu had never seen the true appearance of the innate talisman.

Luoshen shook his head: "You're afraid you won't be able to see it. This innate **** Talisman has been refined and has completely become a part of my body, consistent with the law of heaven and earth."

Chen Jiu said with a little regret: "It's a pity that if you know what the innate **** talisman is like, if you encounter it in the future, you will have a reference to seize it."

Speaking of this, Chen Jiu said with a little doubt: "You can circulate the Taboo Sea in Luoshui?".

Luoshen nodded: "Yes, this Luoshui actually understands the Taboo Sea. If I didn't refine the innate **** position, I'm afraid it would be difficult to discover this mystery."

Chen Jiuyi smiled: "I have been in this world for more than three thousand years, and I don't know what Taboo Sea is like. Those old deceased people are still there."

Luoshen was silent for a moment, and then said: "After you left, I retreat and practice. When I wake up, the Forbidden Sea is in chaos. The power of the red dust is boiling against the sky, and the air of killing and killing is soaring. The monk has to Escape to hide in the deep mountains and old forests."

Chen Jiu was taken aback for a moment: "No, according to my arrangement, the troubled world of Taboo Sea should have been calmed down long ago ~ Where is the problem?"

After speaking, Chen Jiu bowed his head in thought.

Luoshen glanced at Chen Jiu, then got up and made a pot of tea for Chen Jiu: "I don't know. After I took the position of God, I heard that you came to Zhongyu and planned to follow, but unexpectedly found out. Luoshui had an abnormality, and he came over by accidentally hitting him, and he didn't have time to check the situation of Taboo Sea.

Chen Jiu looked at Luoshen: "I don't know if that road is still passable?".

Luoshen shook his head when he heard the words: "I want to make you regret it. You can't get through that undercurrent. It contains not only the legendary drowning, but also the unknown poison. If I have mastered the law of water, I am afraid that it will fall. where is it".

"I'm all monks, so how can I care about the poison" Chen Jiu smiled.

"That highly poison is naturally not the poison of idleness, even if you are an earth evil warrior, you will be poisoned to death if you step into it. You say it is not so powerful." (To be continued)



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