Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 546: Envoy Du Longlin

   Chao Xiaoyu smiled triumphantly when he heard the words: "Naturally, my Huntian Aya is an innate spiritual treasure. With the blessing of the laws of heaven and earth, how can it be compared to something idle."


   "No matter how good it is, it is not obtained from me" Chen Jiu muttered dissatisfied.


   Chen Jiu has a lot of cards. Although this Hun Tian Ling is powerful, if he wants to really trap Chen Jiu, it is still a bit mysterious.


   But now it’s not a life-and-death battle. It doesn’t take such a fight, and all the cards are exhausted. What if Chao Xiaoyu wins? .


   Chen Jiu rubbed his wrist: "This Hun Tian Ling is worthy of a top-grade innate spirit treasure. It has extraordinary power. Even if you encounter those great abilities, you can fight it."


   Chen Jiu's eyes were erratic, looking at the arrogant Chao Xiaoyu, he suddenly felt that this was also good. At this time, Chao Xiaoyu had a taste that he didn't usually have.


   "What do you look at" Chao Xiaoyu's face flushed, and he scratched his sleeves uncomfortably.


   "No" Chen Jiu turned his head, looked at the mountains and rivers in the distance, and sighed softly: "The court is windy and rainy."


   Chao Xiaoyu's embroidered eyebrows frowned: "You are now the emperor far away, no matter how big the storm is on the court, it can be swept to the Leyang Realm, so stay at ease."


   "There is no end of eggs under covering the nest".


   Chen Jiu stopped speaking after saying this.


   sighed at Xiao Yu, did not say much, just slowly nestled on Chen Jiu's chest.


   On the coast of the East China Sea, where the giant ship is docked quietly, no one may come out to contact the people on the shore.


   The imperial court is still quite fast on major issues. Although the imperial court is not concerned about hearing that the maritime empire has come, but in order to give the face of the Four Sea Dragon Kings behind him, it is not easy to deal with things casually.


   A pair of drums and drums came from a distance. There were more than a thousand people in this convoy. These more than a thousand people are all good hands, with extraordinary cultivation bases, even the singing girl who plays the flute has the realm of supernatural power. The lineup is extraordinary.


   There is a sedan chair in the center of the line, and the sedan chair slowly stopped. I saw the door curtain opened, Taishi wearing official uniform, standing there with a serious face, awe-inspiring righteousness surged continuously.


   "Is the maritime empire coming in front?" The Taishi's voice was not loud, but the awe-inspiring righteousness engulfed all the aliens on the big ship trembling, and they were almost beaten back to their original shape.


   Although the Taishi did not deliberately operate the Haoran righteousness, he is constantly nourished by the Haoran righteousness, and the Confucian culture has a profound understanding. Every action and every action inadvertently will be awe-inspiring and righteous, with such a hint of the meaning of the law.


"My lord, this teacher is so rude." The girl behind the middle-aged man on the bow was a little annoyed. Under the impact of this awe-inspiring righteousness, the two girls almost showed their original form and made a big ugly in front of the husband. If you are in a good mood It's strange to get better.


   The man had a calm face and was not affected by Haoran's righteousness. It was not how advanced the man's cultivation was, but that he was just an ordinary person. This awe-inspiring righteousness has little effect on it.


   The sea empire is a mixture of fish and dragons, and there are people from all the heavens and hundreds of races, and it is not unusual to have such a group of human races.


   "Your Excellency is polite. The official Du Longlin is an envoy of the East China Sea Empire. The East China Sea Empire has long admired the culture of my Central Region, and I am here to visit today."


   A door was slowly opened on the huge ship, Du Longlin, that is, the middle-aged man stepped out calmly, being able to act as an envoy of a country, it is about the face of the country, and naturally it will not be a wine bag.


   looked at the man. Taishi nodded: "Master Du is a guest from afar, please come with me. There is a large formation here, which can be directly teleported outside of my capital. Then someone will be summoned by the emperor."


   "Thank you, Master Taishi," Du Longlin nodded.


   Behind him, a large group of people, either carrying all kinds of sea jewels, or holding various precious treasures, slowly followed Du Longlin.


   Taishi led the crowd to a hidden place, where there are paths or obscurities, or if there is no qi, it is obviously a master of the imperial court here.


   This so-called teleportation array is actually a pattern carved by a powerful person on a certain ground, using the power of the law of space to achieve cross-domain transmission.


   There are nine tall boulders erected here. This boulder is tall and covers a radius of a mile, and it is more than enough to contain everyone.


   With a slight movement of the Haoran righteousness in the hands of Master Taishi, the law has been activated, the space is distorted, and he is dizzy, and he has already arrived outside the capital.


Seeing the red air that turned back into the sky, a line of sea empires came to stunned and stunned. Looking at that one could not see the whole picture, only the real dragon of Qi Luck of Lin Claw could be seen, even more so under that dragon power. Trembling.


   "This is the legendary Shangjing?" Du Longlin was indeed the man chosen by the maritime empire, and soon recovered, his eyes leaking light.


   "Not bad" Taishi closed the eyes of everyone, nodded arrogantly, but contempt in his heart.


  Na Du Longlin respectfully bowed to the direction of Shangjing: "Respect my human sages."


   After giving the gift, Du Longlin said to the Taishi: "I don't know when the Emperor will receive me?".


The Grand Master looked at the sky, and then shook his head: "The Emperor of Humanity manages everything every day, and there are countless great things in my Human Race. I want to wait for the Emperor to meet you. I am afraid that I will have to wait for my Human Race to take care of all the important things. When will His Majesty be free? Waiting in the audience".


After hearing the words, Du Longlin's complexion changed: "My lord, there are countless great things about the human race. I am afraid that it will be difficult to deal with it in a thousand years or a hundred years. Although I am humble, it represents the will of the East China Sea Empire and the will of the Dragon Race. In the Human Race Center, there are some people who are guarded by the imperial town and are not afraid that others will listen. I am very urgent when I come this time, and I also asked the Taishi to pass on it. I will wait for the delay, but the major event can’t be delayed. I missed the major event. The general trend of the heavens is about to make waves."


The Taishi's eyes jumped when he heard the words, this man of the East China Sea Empire did not hide and tuck him, he was really frank, and he directly stated most of the purpose of his trip. It seems that this time I am afraid that it is not a small matter. Caution.


"Well, I will go into the palace to meet the Emperor later, and try to get you a chance to get an audience." Said, Taishi said to a disciple of the Ministry of Rites behind him: "I will go to the palace to face the saint, you order the envoys To rest, as to when your Majesty can spare time to meet with the envoys, it depends on luck."


After    finished speaking, Taishi waved three times and disappeared at the gate of the city.


  The official of the Ministry of Rites looked at Du Longlin: "This lord, please."


   A look of worry flashed through Du Longlin's eyes: "I hope that the Emperor of Humanity can receive me as soon as possible. As long as we meet the Emperor of Humanity, this situation is not under our control."


   Thousands of thoughts flashed in his heart, but he didn't miss a bit on the face, but he replied respectfully: "I'm sorry, Sir."


   As he spoke, a Dou Great Pearl flew out of the messenger and was ejected into the sleeve of the official of the Ministry of Rites quietly.


   Seeing this messenger go on the way, the official of the Ministry of Etiquette nodded in satisfaction: "Don't worry, I think the emperor will meet you soon, and for now, let's go with the officer, and the officer will take you to rest."


   said that the official of the Ministry of Rites walked Du Longlin followed closely: "My lord, what is the temperament of the emperor?".


The official shrank his neck when he heard the words, pointed to the sky, his expression changed drastically: "Don’t say anything, this is the place of His Majesty the Emperor Human. It’s no better than the whole world. Everything here can be perceived by His Majesty. Officials, An dare to figure out God’s will."


After hearing this, Du Longlin knew that he had made a mistake. He closed his mouth immediately, but looked around. This human race is indeed a veritable place of fertility. Looking at the crowds on the street and the business travelers, it is really glitzy. place.


   Behind Du Longlin, the two girls followed closely. The beautiful ornaments were unimaginable to their overseas buns, their eyes turned into stars.


However, after walking half a street, the arms of the two girls are filled with various accessories and snacks. Obviously everyone has a love for beauty, especially how such overseas barbarians can resist Middle-earth Prosperous as a dream.


"You two should be careful, don't get lost or cause trouble. This is the Great Week. There are countless masters. There are major events in our trip, but we can't cause troubles. If we delay major events, it will not be easy to explain." Du Longlin Exhorted tightly. (To be continued)

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