Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 550: The 4 Sea Dragon Kings Gathered





Heaven is chaotic, this world is going to be chaotic, at this moment, this is the only thought in the hearts of all the powers.

I don’t know when it will begin. Fang Tian’s secret secrets are becoming more and more disordered and blurred. The great powers of retreat suddenly woke up from meditation on a whim. Deduction of secret secrets has become the instinct of the monks, a subconscious deduction. After a secret, the cave houses were closed one after another, isolating contact with the outside world.

As everyone knows, cause and effect are entangled between heaven and earth, and the great calamity is coming. Under the guidance of the law of causality, no one can escape this great disaster except for the strong.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea went to visit the Human Emperor quietly. Such important events cannot be hidden from the eyes of the spies. Those who can be selected as spies by the major forces are naturally among the elites. There is no ordinary person, and ordinary people will not be distracted. Big forces are in sight.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea turned into a wave of water. With the help of the sea, he came to the North Sea. After a while, the dragon's might spread, and the surrounding shrimps, soldiers and crabs fell to the ground.

This is the pressure from the power of blood, from the pressure of strength and level, how can these shrimp soldiers and crabs escape.

"Brother, please come soon" Beihai Dragon King opened his eyes in the Dragon Palace, and he was overjoyed after he felt the dragon power.

The Dragon King of East China Sea walked into the main hall with a gloomy face, the two sides sat down, and the Dragon King of North Sea called for singing and dancing.

Those who can be chosen as dancers by the Dragon King of the North Sea are naturally beautiful and graceful spirits.

This singing and dancing dancer has a soft body, and her every move does not help her body to the limit. They are all incarnations of mussels in the sea for thousands of years. The mussels are soft, the water snakes are enchanting, and they dance in various poses and charming movements.

The North Sea Dragon King saw Donghai Dragon King's unfolded eyebrows, thoughtful in his heart. It is certainly no small matter to be able to make the East Sea overlord worry such a thing.

After a singing and dancing, the North Sea Dragon King waved. Dismissed Kabuki and looked at the Dragon King of the East Sea: "What's the matter with your elder brother so frowning. Why not talk to your brother and see if the younger brother can relieve the elder brother."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea sighed: "Does the fourth brother know the situation of my monster clan?"

The North Sea Dragon King dismissed it: "The monster race is a group of lowly and humble generations. We are all born dragons with boundless might. How virtuous and capable is this group of beasts can be compared with my generation."

East China Sea Dragon King shook his head: "You know I am not asking this, but the general trend of my monster race. What do you think?".

The Beihai Dragon King's gaze was stagnant, and then he smirked: "Brother, you shouldn't ask me about this trend, you should ask the second brother, the third brother is the one."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea gave a look at the Dragon King of the North Sea: "You just don’t know how to be motivated, and you know how to pretend to be confused. You are singing and dancing all day long. I don’t know how to be motivated. Don’t you know how dangerous my Sihai Dragon Clan is, you are still like this? I don't know how to make progress. If this goes on, the Beihai will be destroyed in your hands sooner or later."

"The eldest brother taught that the younger brother was wrong," Beihai Dragon King chuckled. Flattering.

Seeing the appearance of the North Sea Dragon King, the East Sea Dragon King knew that he hadn't listened. He gave him a blank look. The East Sea Dragon King kicked his legs and stood up: "The power of the demon clan is in the hands of the demon emperor, and the demon emperor occupies the righteousness. Strong strength, none of my four brothers is his opponent, besides, it has changed drastically as today. The Demon Emperor is so strong, you say that with the Demon Emperor’s temperament, how can we watch our four brothers occupy the four seas as the king, without restraint ?".

The North Sea Dragon King shook his head: "If I were the Demon King. Naturally, I can't see that the people under him are disobedient, and the yang is against the Yin.

"Then how do you think the Demon King will deal with my four brothers?" The East Sea Dragon King stared at the North Sea Dragon King with blazing eyes.

The Beihai Dragon King suddenly became clever. He was not stupid, he just didn't want to make progress. His eyes flashed and he sat upright: "Big brother, it's not good, it's very bad, our four brothers are in danger now."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea sighed: "It's fine if you know."

"How do you think the eldest brother will act?" The North Sea Dragon King looked at the East Sea Dragon King eagerly.

The East China Sea Dragon King suddenly lowered his voice and said, "The Demon King came to me the day before yesterday."

"What's the matter with the demon king looking for big brother?" Beihai Longwang said.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea whispered: "The Demon Emperor wants our four brothers to pretend to betray the Demon Race, go to the Human Race, threaten the Human Race, become the four great gods of the Human Race, and break the luck of the Human Race."

"What do you want to do?"

"Our four brothers have always wanted to stand on their own and get rid of that group of humble things. Moreover, how powerful and mighty the human emperor is today, how can we fail to see the trick of the demon emperor, let me say, our four brothers simply take advantage of this opportunity , Break away from the demon race, form an alliance with the human race, and use the power of the human race to fight the demon emperor."

The Beihai Dragon King's eyes lit up: "The big brother is a good idea, and the younger brother has long wanted to become a king by himself and get out of the monster clan."

Then the Beihai Dragon King frowned: "I'm afraid that the Emperor will not agree to us."

The East China Sea Dragon King mysteriously said: "Don't worry about virtuous brothers, brothers have quietly seen the emperor."

"What did the King of Human say?" The North Sea Dragon King seemed to be beaten up with blood.

"The Demon King agreed to the conditions I waited for."

"Really?" The North Sea Dragon King couldn't believe it.

"How could I tell lies about such a major event? Besides, I wait for refuge, separate the demon clan's luck, and affect the demon clan's strength. The human clan can absolutely overwhelm the demon clan, but the emperor cannot agree to it," Donghai Dragon King said with confidence.

"Well, with the human race as an ally, coupled with the strength of my four seas, how can I be afraid of a hundred thousand mountains" Beihai Dragon King snapped his thigh.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea hesitated after hearing the words and said: "However, how the emperor is willing to suffer, he has conditions."

The Beihai Dragon King shook his head: "If you can get rid of those humble things, all the conditions are met."

Which treaty did the Dragon King of East China Sea come up with: "The only condition for the King of Humans is that I, the King of Four Seas, surrender to the human race in name."

The North Sea Dragon King was taken aback, and then he laughed: "Brother, you are on the tip of the horns. I am waiting to form an alliance with the Emperor and surrender to the Emperor in name. This is a great thing. Now the catastrophe is approaching, and the human race is powerful, although it will become The center of the great forces to deal with, but the human race has dominated the Middle Territory for countless years, with strong strength, coupled with the strength of my four seas, who is our opponent among the heavens, and the luck of the human race, I am a true dragon race Daxing is just around the corner, so how can we not take advantage of such things."

The Dragon King of the East Sea was taken aback for a moment. He had been sorrowful and surrendered to the human race. He was oppressed in the future, but he did not think of this. If he could use the luck of the human race, the four seas must be prosperous and can share the luck of the middle area.

"However, what if Human Sovereign really wants to annex me the power of the four seas?" Donghai Dragon King hesitated.

The North Sea Dragon King walked over and patted the North Sea Dragon King on the shoulder: "Brother, why don't you look away from such trivial things? My strength in the whole world is not bad. The Emperor wants to seize the whole world. Naturally, he will die. Then everyone It's not easy to live, and there will be a chance to be taken advantage of by the monster race. How smart is the emperor, how can you not see this, so I said, eldest brother thinks a lot."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea was overjoyed: " Brother Xian is right, so we will summon the second and third brothers. Let’s take it all together and make sure not to leave any loopholes."

The North Sea Dragon King nodded: "I will ring the bell and call some brothers."

The bell rings three times, and after the time for a cup of tea, there are shrimp soldiers and crabs who will sing promise: "The dragon king of the South China Sea is here, the dragon king of the West Sea is here".

"Fourth brother, what's the matter for calling us over in such a hurry, hey, the eldest brother is fast, he actually arrived early."

The voice fell, two tall figures appeared at the entrance of the hall, and the one speaking was the Dragon King of Xihai.

"Second brother, you have wronged me, it was the elder brother who told me to call you" Beihai Dragon King said annoyed.

Xihai Dragon King and Nanhai Dragon King sat down, and Xihai Dragon King said: "I don't know what the big brother told me to wait for?".

The Beihai Dragon King laughed, and before the East China Sea Dragon King could speak, he preemptively said: "A big event, a very big event."

The four dragons combined for a while, and the whole hall was isolated from heaven.

Three days later, the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas were relegated to each other, the secret of the heavens changed, and the Demon King showed a triumphant smile: "Hahaha, the opportunity is here, this matter is done."

Having said that, had a drink with Xu Fu.

The Man Huang suddenly felt a panic, as if something bad had happened. (To be continued)








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