Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 567: Retreat in battle, Lich 2

The three powerhouses in the world were hit hard in succession, and the prince Chen Qian and the demon prince were worthy of a battle.

Jade Shenxiao was backlashed by his own innate real thunder. The injury was not slight. It was the innate **** thunder. After encountering it, he was crushed to pieces. Needless to say, Jade Shenxiao had only survived after practicing the innate thunder.

"I don't believe it," the demon emperor prince roared, Zhou Tian's star-fighting formation circulated, madly oppressing Chen Jiu.

The long river of time alone is very powerful. If Chen Jiu's long river of time is used to control the projection of the stars, the mana will be consumed too much, and it will not be sucked into people.

Chen Jiu's eyes narrowed slightly, and his body turned into a refreshing breeze, rolling away in the direction of Yu Shenxiao.

"Quit" the demon crown prince roared.

Chen Jiu's escape was very fast, almost to the extreme, before everyone had time to react, he had already put the Jade God Xiao into Qiankun's sleeve.

At this time, the cultivator of God Xiao Tian Lei Dao was dumbfounded, that Jade God Xiao was the hope of the sect, and the future leader of the teacher should not be missed. For a time, the sky was full of thunder and lightning blasted towards the breeze that Chen Jiu had transformed.

Chen Jiu narrowed his eyes slightly, and a clear light flashed in his eyes. When he stretched out his hand, there was a silver-white spear in his palm. The spear exuded a strong innate power, and it was clearly an innate spiritual treasure.

The innate spirit treasure is so powerful that Chen Jiu, who is already difficult to deal with, plus this innate spirit treasure, I am afraid that the Demon Emperor will not be able to take him personally.

Chen Jiu's heavenly immortality is unmatched, and naturally he is not afraid of close combat.

The power of the heavens can't be used easily at this time, and the power of the heavens can command the laws of the heavens, with great power, and it is impossible to make one's own territory for a moment.

This silver-white long spear was obtained by Chen Jiu in the Taboo Sea Academy with great effort. It has been practiced by Chen Jiu on his body for a long time, and it has played a great role in the ancestors of the monster clan.

Chen Jiu pointed at the heroes: "Who dares to fight me".

Talking. Chen Jiu shifted the tip of his spear and pointed at Chen Gan's nose and said, "Aren't you the treasure of this king? You dare to fight with this king, but this king wants to see why you are the prince of my Da Zhou." .

Chen Qianqi's body trembled, but he dared not say a word, Chen Jiu was too strong. Previously, he had easily hit the strong man present, making him feel that Chen Jiu was unfathomable and he could not match it.

"Prince, the minister is willing to go to war and take down this rebellion" Li Ru stood up.

Chen Qian looked hesitant. Li Ru was Wang Mingyang's disciple, and his status in Confucianism was extraordinary. If there were any accidents, he might not be able to explain himself to Wang Mingyang and the Confucianists.

Li Ru's eyes were firm. What Chen Qian wanted to say was swallowed back: "Well, Aiqing will play. If he wins, this prince will naturally ask for your help."

"Li Ru, it was supposed to save your life for Mr. Mingyang's face, are you really going to be right with this king?" Chen Jiu said in a deep voice.

"The prince is the crown prince of the country. You disrespect the prince and are not subject to the laws of the country. The crime should be punished." Li Ru's voice was loud, as if he were in harmony with the great road. Pointing at people's hearts, wanting to shake Chen Jiu's mind.

Chen Jiu sneered after hearing this, wanting to shake his mind? , It is simply a dream, if Chen Jiu, the owner of the original body, might be constrained by the etiquette and Confucianism of this world. But Chen Jiu, a new youth from the 21st century, in the era when Confucian rites and laws collapsed and abolished, he did not know what rites and Confucianism were, and would he be afraid? .

"Little Doer, since you insist on fighting against this king. If you don't say anything, then you should be robbed." After finishing speaking, Chen Jiu's spear in his palm, the air exploded, and the law was in a trance, and he pierced towards Li Ru.

I have to say that Wang Mingyang's vision is good. This Li Ru's cultivation is progressing rapidly, and he is not inferior to Chen Jiu in realm, but sometimes realm and strength are not equal.

Li Ru read the chapter, the Confucian awe-inspiring righteousness turned into a sword, and he slashed towards Chen Jiu.

However, under the power of Chen Jiu Xiantian Lingbao, it instantly turned into nothingness.

"You are too far away from Mr. Mingyang. I can't even go with a single move under my hand." Chen Jiu's gun stopped at Li Ru's throat.

Li Ru's complexion flushed, and he was about to argue, but saw Chen Jiu's spear shot and hit him **** the neck.

"Stop" Chen Gankan was frightened. If Li Ru really explained here, how he would face the Confucian people in the future.

"Bang" Li Ru vomited blood and flew out.

Chen Jiu couldn't spare Li Ru's life at this time. Chen Jiu was quite jealous of Wang Mingyang's old guy. A Confucian sub-sage pinnacle figure is equivalent to a **** rebirth peak powerhouse, although the opponent can't kill him. But if you can not offend, try not to offend.

Li Ru fell to the ground in a coma. Chen Jiu looked at the prince Chen Gan and gave a grinning smile: "Don't worry, this king will not deal with you. This cause and effect can be very useful. When you pay back slowly, this king is not in a hurry." .

After Chen Jiu finished speaking, he turned his eyes to the demon prince. The demon prince was hit by Chen Jiu's words. He always thought that the Zhoutianxing formation of the invincible heavens was unexpectedly broken by others. How can you let the demon prince not Sad.

"Everyone, the mountains and rivers cycle, let us come to Japan for a long time, this king will take one step ahead."

Chen Jiu was about to go away, but saw the cultivators of the Shenxiao Tianlei Dao driving countless thunder lights, and their spears swept at will, all the thunder and lightning were annihilated, and his body turned into rainbow light and disappeared in the depths of the clouds.

Not long after Chen Jiugang left, he saw a "click", the ice layer shattered, and two witch people fell out. Then his eyes flashed and he pounced on the demon king prince: "Kill this thief and bird, it’s for my witch Revenge of the ancestors".

The Lich Clan is a deadly enemy race, and its grievances are so complicated that the destruction of the heavens cannot be resolved.

Back then, the demon emperor and the people of the witch race competed for the dominance of the heaven and earth. In the end, due to mutual restraint, most of the attention was distracted. Only then did the first day deity have the opportunity to take advantage of it, and gave the first day deity plenty of time to preach the path. One step to suppress the world of heaven.

On the first day, he killed the two emperors of the demon clan and won the heaven in one fell swoop. Facing the power of the majesty and dominating the heavens on the first day, the witch clan had to surrender.

In the following epoch, on the first day, Zun gathered all the weather and blessings in one body, and his cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds, and he had long left everyone behind him, out of reach.

Although the demon prince lost his mind, he was a master among the heavens after all, and quickly reacted, mobilizing the power of the heavens and stars, and the two sides began a battle.

As the familiar feeling returned again, the Demon Crown Prince walked out of the previous loss. The stars of the heavens are still invincible, but his cultivation base is not enough, his cultivation base is almost the same as that of Chen Jiu. If he could catch up with him in cultivation base, he would definitely be able to stay with him by relying on the great formation of stars.

The great formation of the heavens and the stars trembles the heavens, and is the unsurpassed formation method used by the monsters to rule the heavens. Naturally, it has its own uniqueness. It contains the rules of the heavens and stars, contains invincible power, and is unpredictable.

The Wu Clan is able to fight against the Demon Clan. Naturally, he knows the other party’s methods very well. The double hair knows the roots and the basic knowledge, and the Wu Clan’s does not fall in the wind. Zhou Tianxingdou's power in the hands of the demon prince is just short of the summons. The phantom of the stars, if he is the emperor of the demon clan in the future, he controls the stars of the heavens and lays down the real stars of the heavens, and he will naturally be invincible inside and outside the heavens.

Although the star phantom is powerful, but the flesh of the Wu clan being polished by the earth's turbid aura is even more difficult. Although the star phantom suppresses the two, if you want to kill the other party for a while , I am afraid it is unrealistic.

There are two ways to cultivate to the extreme in the stars of the heavens. One is to use the power of the race to divide the star gods, master the stars of the heavens, and the star gods to set up the stars of the heavens, so that they can run wild.

The second method is to use the orifice acupoints of the whole body to use the technique of the big stars to sacrifice, and then use the orifice to absorb the power of the stars and the stars to lay down a large array of the stars and the heavens, which echoes with the stars of the heavens, and induces induction. Sixty-five main stars refining into his acupuncture points.

In this way, the physical body is a formation, surrounded by stars in the sky, naturally possessing great power, even the taboo strong dare not take its edge.

The monks of the Witch tribe use the power of the earth's evil spirits to polish their bodies. The earth's evil spirits can pollute the soul, flesh, magic weapons, and even the innate spiritual treasures.

The blood of the Witch tribe is peculiar, and they are born with supernatural powers, and the body proves the Dao. The law of refining heaven and earth is in harmony with the body. In the end, the body is the law, the law is the flesh, the law is immortal, and the flesh is immortal. (To be continued...)



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