Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 569: Sacrifice treasures, thunder spirit

"There was a thunderstorm in Lei Ze, and the king couldn't see the road ahead. He naturally chose a direction to escape at will. He didn't expect to hit the road they chose. Thinking about it now, the king was quite disturbed. "Chen Jiu looked sincere.

In Lei Ze, the void is all confused and confused thunder and lightning, the monk's soul, and the senses of the warrior are all blinded by thunder and lightning, absolutely not dare to release it outside.

Zhen thought for a while, and had to admit that those few of her clansmen were indeed wronged.

"What do you want to do with me now?"

Chen Jiu paused for a while: "Forget it, I originally wanted to leave you here as the mountain lord of my Happy Central Realm. Now that I think about it, let's forget it, your Wu clan is warlike, I'm afraid you will provoke me to the Happy Central Realm. Come disaster, you go".

Chen Jiu temporarily changed his mind. The Witch clan is warlike, unruly, and difficult to tame. The most important thing is that if he stays with him for a long time, I am afraid that I can't keep it from being able to hide it. I will definitely know those Witch clan by then. He was killed deliberately by himself, and once the nest turned back, the trouble would be big.

Jing glanced at Chen Jiu deeply, then turned and left.

Chen Jiu watched Yan leave, and looked at Yu Shenxiao: "Go and see your fief, my king goes to retreat, and after my king leaves the barrier, how can I use Lei Chi for a while" .

After speaking, Chen Jiu looked at Chao Xiaoyu: "This Le Central Realm is up to you. I will go to retreat. Don't let go of your cultivation."

With Chen Jiu entering, the gate of Leyi Palace slowly closed.

Chao Xiaoyu looked at the closed door with a faint sigh, and looked at Yu Shenxiao with an inexplicable expression.

In Le Yu Palace, the rich aura is like a drop of water, floating in the main hall.

Chen Jiupan sat there and took out the first Lei Yin. This Thunder Seal is an innate spirit treasure, something similar to the innate charter, but the power of the Thunder God.

Refining Lei Yin. Can be in charge of Thor's authority, Thor's road is understood from this Thor's Charter.

Lei Yin. Born in response to the law of thunder between heaven and earth, echoing the law of thunder between heaven and earth.

Those who thunder and lightning are fine.

There is the authority of Thor in the Thunder Seal, which records two secret techniques

One said: "The Whip of Thunder Punishment".

The second said: "the spear of punishment."

Refining this thunder seal is not as difficult as imagined. Generally, the sacrifice of innate spirit treasures, not a thousand years is to never want to sacrifice it completely.

However, this thunder seal is different from ordinary innate spirit treasures. Sacrificing the thunder seal is to master the charter rules in the thunder seal and master these two supreme secret arts.

Time is passing by a little bit. Analyzing Thor's Charter is the easiest job for Chen Jiu. Having an inner world and being able to deduct the rules continuously is quite simple for Chen Jiu.

Nine months later, Lei Yin turned into a purple brilliance, which fell on Chen Jiu’s eyebrows, and turned into a purple light spot the size of a rice grain, shining with endless majesty, like the thunder punishment feared by all living beings. The prestige follows.

The eyes opened slowly. The Thor's Charter is completely refined, and the Thunder Seal is just a manifestation of the Thor's Charter, which changes according to personal preference.

"It turned out to be the case. Only when the Thunder God's Charter is sacrificed can the power of the Charter be used to sacrifice the Thunder Pond, completely turning the Thunder Pond into a magic weapon, and mastering all the thunder and lightning in the heavens" Chen Jiuzhang said to himself.

"Come out, can't I ask you to come out?" Chen Jiu's face was indifferent.

"The big **** is forgiving, the big **** is forgiving, and the little one will never dare anymore." There was an old voice in the thunder pond, and an imaginary figure suspended on the wall of the thunder pond and bowed to Chen Jiu to beg for mercy.

"Huh, you were a ghost in the Thunder God's Mansion earlier?".

"Great god, how can the villain have that guts. It was all the former Thor commanded the villain to do so, the villain is the courage of the sky. I dare not disobey the master's words.

Chen Jiu was talking about the fact that he was blasted out of the Thunder God's mansion by inexplicable force. The so-called Thunder Mystery Realm was nothing more than this guy doing a ghost.

"What are you?" Chen Jiudao.

"The villain is the elf born of the thunder and lightning essence in this thunder pond. You can control part of the thunder and lightning power in the thunder pond, so you can use the power of thunder pond to complete the task of the former Thor. Originally, the villain wants to control this thing. Those who ran away with Lei Chi, who knows that the great **** you are so good, but you have seen through the little trick of the villain." The Thunder Elf slapped Chen Jiu as much as possible.

Now that the matter has happened, it is too late for Chen Jiu to pursue it. Since this Thunder Elf was born in the Lei Chi, he is naturally very familiar with the Lei Chi, just like a person is as familiar with his own home.

"Forget it, don't blame anyone who doesn't know, since you are this thunder and lightning spirit, then help me refine the thunder pond and make a guilt."

"Great God, the villain wants to commit crimes and meritorious service, there is one thing to tell the Great God" Thunder Elf looked around and whispered.

"Huh?" Chen Jiu questioned.

"Great God, did you see the ancient Kui Niu earlier?" The Thunder Elf whispered and winged, as if afraid of awakening something.

Chen Jiu nodded: "Naturally see that the power of the strong is boundless. Although I have boundless magical powers, it is still difficult to match."

"Great God, the ancient Kui Niu was the vehicle of Thunder God, and later became the guardian beast of this Lei Chi. As long as the adults refine the Lei Chi, the Kui Niu will obey the adults."

"Oh, is there such a thing?" A light flashed in Chen Jiu's eyes.

"My lord, this thunder pond needs to be refined, but it can only moisturize things silently and quietly. Once the Kui Niu is alarmed, Kui Niu will rush out of the thunder and kill the adults, so the adults sacrifice the speed of this thunder pond. Not too fast, but slowly, not to cause big movements, or to startle Kui Niu...".

Chen Jiu nodded: "Since Kui Niu guards the mine pond, why are you still afraid of me?".

The lightning elf flattered: "The thunder and lightning that the adult exudes is too terrible. When the villain hears the adult's voice, he can't help but think of that kind of lightning, and he jumps out involuntarily."

Chen Jiu nodded: "In that case, let's start."

Time was passing a little bit, and Chen Jiu was not in a hurry, this thunder pond was here, and he couldn't run away, so he could only practice slowly.

As there were more and more thunder ponds, Chen Jiu could feel that a great horror aura was brewing in the thunder pond, which belonged to Kui Niu.

Chen Jiu was a little hard to imagine, one of Thor's mounts was so strong, I don't know what realm Thor had reached back then.

Chen Jiu didn’t want to think about it. I don’t know how many years have passed since the time of Thor. After experiencing the ancient times, the ancient times, the middle ancient times, and the present modern times, the gods of heaven and earth gradually retreated in the ancient times, and the gods disappeared in the middle ages. The law changes drastically, and beings cannot live forever.

This Kui Niu is powerful, and I don't know how to survive to this day in the era of great changes.

Time is slowly passing by, one year, two years, three years, ten years, one hundred years, one thousand years.

Chen Jiu worshipped the Thunder Pond here. Under the Lei Palace, an immortal cell was constantly beating, trying to break through his shell to get out, but he was worried about the horrible thunderous energy of Lei Po, and he kept jumping restlessly.

How vast is the mine pool? .

Chen Jiu didn't know, the Thunder Elf didn't know, perhaps the ancient Kuiniu knew, or the ancient Thunder God knew.

It's a pity that Thor is missing, Kui Niu is ignorant and will not talk to Chen Jiu.

From time to time in the thunder pond, the power of thunder and lightning jumped out and fell into Chen Jiu's skin, accelerating Chen Jiu's cultivation of immortality.

The thunder and lightning contained in the thunder pond are all the essence of thunder and lightning, which is a great tonic for Chen Jiu.

Chen Jiu's eyes were closed The lines of immortality in the sky slowly developed in the meridians.

How many meridians of the human body? How many tendons? .

No one knows, in short, it is very long, it is very long.

The veins and veins are subtle, and the resulting talisman is even more subtle and miniature.

Le Central Realm is now a little more popular. The disciples of Shenxiao Tianlei Dao have come to seven or eight hundred. Some people drag their families and bring their clan here. This Le Central Realm is a superior spirit that has not been exploited. Land, if it can occupy a piece of land at the beginning of its establishment, it will be very cheap in the future development.

Everyone was very greedy for the Leyang Realm. Unfortunately, Chen Jiu set up a large formation around the Leyang Realm, and then was strengthened by the Shenxiao Tianlei Dao and the White Bone Temple. Photographed in Chen Jiuwei’s name, he dare to come to this Leyang Realm and walk on it. The one who suffered once has not been born yet.

The Manchu Civil and Martial Arts wanted to intervene in the Le Yang Realm, but Chen Jiu's trail was missing, and he couldn't find a way. (To be continued)



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