Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 571: Backlash, the emperor is in danger

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In the Great Zhou Dynasty, in the capital city, the true dragon of Qi Luck remained the same, but if someone who is proficient in Wang Qi observes carefully, he will find that the true dragon of Qi Luck that dominated the heavens in the past has a slight sluggish look at this time.

The Great Zhou Palace, the emperor's bedroom.

Chen Huan was lying on the bed, and there was an unconcealable smell of herbs in the entire palace.

Maybe it shouldn't be said to be herbal medicine. As the master of this Great Zhou Middle Territory, how could he use ordinary herbal medicine? He used rare, peerless elixir.

Chen Huan's eyes were slightly sluggish, and the surrounding eye sockets were sunken. Although he was already a strong man who was reborn from a drip of blood, he seemed to be a weak old man at this time.

Ma Rui stood beside the emperor, silent.

How strong is Marui's strength? , No one knows that all the people who have seen Marui shot are dead.

The emperor looked weak and weak, but after all he was a **** rebirth of a strong person, and his might was still there.

"Your Majesty, you can't hold on any longer, let's enter the ancestor's world to sleep," Ma Rui whispered to persuade.

"Do you also think I should fall into a deep sleep?" The emperor's voice was short of breath, but he did not lose his majesty and majesty.

"Your Majesty, you can't hold it anymore. If the human luck has not been turbulent before, and there is a good luck to support it, you can still stick to it. Your majesty’s aura is connected with the human luck. Now the human luck is sluggish, and your majesty is also in physical turmoil, which leads to repairs. In order to be difficult to suppress, it was backlashed by the laws of heaven and earth. If the earth is undergoing major changes today, your Majesty only needs to dodge for tens of thousands of years, and then he can still conquer the heavens."

The emperor's body moved: "My life is not as good as my ancestor's inheritance, Jiangshan Sheji, nowadays Confucianism is so powerful, without my support, how can this Confucianism restrain it?"

Ma Rui was silent for a while after hearing this, and then said: "Your Majesty. As long as the ancestors are there, then Confucianism will not be able to turn the sky. Sooner or later, there will be a day when the world will be suppressed. The great change of heaven and earth is over, and the power of my clan will return. There will be one day. Set things up anyway".

"Puff" Human Sovereign was about to say something, but he spouted blood.

"Your Majesty" Ma Rui stepped forward, hurriedly supported the human emperor's body and poured mana into it. A snow-white, longan-sized pill was turned into powder by it and sent into Chen Huan's body.

Chen Huan's mana was running, and a real dragon kept circling around him. Immediately poured in from the forehead, all over the body.

After the time for a cup of tea, the emperor slowly opened his eyes: "I can't hold it anymore, leaving a mess, I'm afraid Chen Qian can't suppress the big and small families. Confucianism is loyal to the human race, but not loyal to it. My great Zhou Dynasty, its heart is punishable".

"Your Majesty has always considered everything, and I want to have a countermeasure." Ma Rui bowed.

"Xuanping Heavenly King Chen Jiu attended."

Ma Rui was taken aback, then nodded: "The slave follows the order."

The emperor wants to move. The situation of the entire human race was moved by luck.

In Yuzhou, Wang Mingyang played chess silently, and Li Ru stood behind Wang Mingyang. Say nothing.

The human spirit is volatile, and it is natural that he cannot hide from him, the pinnacle of the human race.

The chess piece fell, and then slowly sighed: "My Terran will be windy and rainy again from now on."

"Teacher, now the opportunity for my Confucianism to go further is right in front of my eyes. Why didn't the teacher take the initiative to make this happen, or leave a good name in the history of youth," Li Ru bowed.

Wang Mingyang sighed softly: "My Confucianism is already powerful, and there is no room for two tigers. If my Confucianism goes further, it will become more popular, and the Confucianism will not look at my Confucianism to grow further."

"The Supreme Master" Li Ru whispered.

"The teacher is scrupulous about being too top teacher?" Li Ru asked.

"The master of the Supreme Master is unfathomable. He has always been the first person of his generation. Nothing can be changed," Wang Mingyang said slowly.

"The teacher is the pinnacle of the sub-sage, not a rival?" Li Ru said unwillingly.

Wang Mingyang nodded cautiously.

Li Ru opened his mouth, trying to say something, but didn't say it.

Upper Capital, Taishi Mansion.

Taishi Wang Gan sat quietly on the Taishi chair. As the top powerhouse of the human race, he was most sensitive to the changes in human luck.

Wang Jinlun sat under the head of Taishi Wanggan.

"Father, how long can Human Emperor last?" Wang Jinlun said.

The Taishi waved his hand, with deep taboos: "If you want to talk more about Xiu, how can Tianwei be something I can observe."

In the Tai Fu's mansion, Xie Songbai held tea in his hands, with complicated eyes.

"A generation of heroes, just like this, who else in my human race can suppress the ambitions of the second family of the Lich, the heavens?".

For the prince, he belongs to the prince's line, and naturally he knows well.

"Although my Confucianism is powerful, and Mr. Mingyang is the pinnacle of the sub-sage, it is difficult to suppress the luck of the human race. For my Confucianism to go further, to adjust the prince to this way, is it right or wrong?, if I wait for timely assistance, The Emperor of Humanity will not end in this way, the great cause will collapse, and the human race is in danger." Xie Songbai is not optimistic about the future of the human race, he is not optimistic about the prince, and he doesn't know whether the single tree can support Wang Mingyang and can resist the flogging of the alien race.

"Father, what's the matter with you?" Xie Yun looked at Xie Songbai's face, worried.

"It's okay" Xie Songbai put away the worry, and now he has reached this point, and there is no regret medicine to buy.

The demon race, the demon emperor's eyes were jealous and looked at that human race traversing the sky, the ill luck real dragon.

"The tiger's death is still there. The old man, the Emperor, is so scheming. He is afraid that he will wait for me before he die, and pull me to wait for the back, or wait for the old man to really fall asleep before acting."

The demon emperor prince stood behind the demon emperor, his eyes flickered, and endless stars appeared all over his body, as if from the ancient gods, the ruler of the starry sky, the ruler of Zhou Tianxingdou, through the majesty of heaven and earth, is unparalleled.

"How is Zhou Tianxingdou's enlightenment?" The Demon Emperor looked into the distance and said to the Demon Emperor Prince behind him.

"Give a glimpse of the profound meaning of Star Dou" the demon prince said.

The demon emperor turned his head and looked at the demon emperor prince: "The human race is powerful, like a towering tree. It is not so easy to die instantly. This is a matter of urgency. I need to cook the frog in warm water. My generation It doesn’t work, it can only kill the human emperor and damage the thriving luck of the human race".

Speaking of this, the demon emperor patted the demon prince on the shoulder: "You are the future emperor of my demon clan. You have great opportunities and great fortune, and you have won the Zhoutian Stars Array. The heavens are not difficult. If the human tree wants to die, it must first let its leaves fall, its branches will die, and finally the soil will change and its roots will die. Don’t let it have a chance to survive and rebound.”

"The boy knows" The Demon Crown Prince nodded.

"Chen Jiunai is the enemy of my monster race. You must not relax against him. If you have a chance, you must get rid of it. In addition, there is also the Supreme Leader. The old guy has not known how many thousands of years he has survived in the world and has not fallen asleep. , Must not be careless".

The demon crown prince nodded and looked resolutely into the distance, as if he had seen the rich Middle Territory, where there were singing and laughing.

Barbarians, in the palace of the Barbarians.

The barbaric emperor sat opposite a big man, surrounded by **** evil spirits around his body, his mighty power, like a fierce beast from the ancient times.

"Are you all ready?" the big man said.

The emperor nodded, his eyes leaking excitement: "How many years, how many years, we finally have to wait until this day".

"Don't take it lightly, the monster race is always searching for our movements, and we must not be discovered by it. We must catch one of them by surprise."

"The emperor knows what to do" The emperor took a bite of a barren mountain, pale and slightly replied to the ruddy Xu Fu standing there panting, looking at the barren mountain in front of him, showing excitement The color.

This mountain does not look majestic, but it is surrounded by white clouds all day long.

"Hahaha, hahaha, I finally found it. Xu Fu is finally about to complete my plan. Your Majesty, I Xu Fu will live up to my trust, and I will finally complete your plan."

In Le Yu Palace, Chen Jiu sat there blankly, letting the thunder and lightning burst out from the thunder pond, tempering his body.

Chen Jiu's clothes are not made of any material, but a strange force guards the robe from any damage.

Chao Xiaoyu's eyes flashed a series of fluorescent lights. Around the Lei Chi, there were a lot of disciples of the Shenxiao Tianlei Dao and that skeleton.

Everyone is busy with their own affairs, and Chen Jiu is not idle, constantly analyzing the law of thunder, so that his inner world is constantly evolving. (To be continued)


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