Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 573: The prince and concubine Yi who broke the adultery

Chen Jiu looked at the emperor and said nothing.

For a while, there was no sound in the hall, and Marui, the emperor's loyal guardian, did not know where he was hiding.

"Okay" Chen Jiu held the Tiger Talisman tightly in his hand.

The Emperor smiled and his plan came true. Even if the Confucianists forced him to retreat, he would leave behind. Sooner or later, Confucianism would perish.

"You stay in Shangjing these few days and play chess with me. I don't have much time, so I can't miss this world."

Chen Jiu nodded.

The sun slanted to the west and the closed hall opened. Chen Jiu walked out slowly. The ministers, princes, and imperial concubines gathered around the hall had all gone home, and there was only one immature little guy standing outside the hall.

The little guy is five or six years old, with an innocent smile on his pinkish jade face, well-dressed, and he has a luxurious and compelling feeling.

Ma Rui followed Chen Jiu, and when he saw Chen Jiu showing interest, he rarely smiled: "This is Guifei Ji’s son. He is five years old this year. On weekdays, everyone comes here during the day and goes home at night. Singing and dancing, only this little guy came here after dinner. Unfortunately, there are many descendants of your Majesty, and Concubine Ji is not good at fighting for power. This little guy has met your Majesty only a few times and didn't even say anything." .

"I have many brothers in the Chen family, I don't know where this little guy ranks?" Chen Jiu asked with interest.

"Your Majesty has so many children, there are countless children and grandchildren, how can I remember them clearly" Marui slightly embarrassed.

Chen Jiu nodded, walked to the little baby, squatted down, and touched his head: "Everyone has gone back, why are you still standing here?".

The little guy looked sad: "Listening to the mother concubine, there is a problem with the father's body, and I can't hold on for long, I want to see the father for the last time."

Chen Jiu shook his head: "Your Majesty the Emperor manages everything every day, and your mother is not good at fighting for favor. Your Majesty doesn't know your name, so how can you remember you".

The little guy shook his head without saying a word, bit his lip and lowered his head.

Chen Jiu touched his head: "What's your name?".

"Chen Rui".

Chen Jiu nodded: "Chen Rui, right? I remember you, my name is Chen Jiu. You can also call me Brother Jiu, see you tomorrow."

After speaking, Chen Jiu turned and left.

Ma Rui shook his head and looked up and down at Chen Rui, but didn't see anything outstanding.

"Little guy, your luck is really good. Thanks to the nine princes, you have a great future in the future." After speaking, Ma Rui patted Chen Rui on the shoulder. Turned and left.

Chen Rui's eyes twitched, wondering why he suddenly had a elder brother, and then suddenly became a lucky guy.

"Jiu Ye took a fancy to this little guy" Ma Rui followed Chen Jiu.

Chen Jiu smiled without saying a word, with an inexplicable attitude.

Ma Rui couldn't figure it out: "I don't think this prince is outstanding at all, I don't know why Jiuye values ​​him."

Ma Rui's tone to Chen Jiu has changed now. He knows how the emperor has fancyed the young man in front of him, handed all the foundations of Da Zhou into his hands, and deserved the word "Master" for him.

"If your qualifications are not good, you can use genius treasures to infuse and improve. If the people's mind is not good, then this person will be abandoned."

"Jiuye said," Ma Rui echoed.

"Huh?" Chen Jiu stopped, his eyes paused.

In a hidden place not far away. There were few guards around, and the prince and "Yi Xiaoxiao" kept chatting and laughing, and acted closely.

This road is rarely taken on weekdays, but it is the easiest way to get out of the palace.

"Humph" Chen Jiu hummed coldly, and the men and women over there looked over as if struck by lightning.

When the surrounding guards saw Ma Rui and Chen Jiu, their faces were pale, and they knelt to the ground.

This is a pavilion. The surrounding area of ​​the pavilion is rich in flowers and trees, which can easily block the eyes of others. If it weren't for Chen Jiu's keen senses, how could he have noticed that the prince and the imperial concubine were mingled together.

Marui stared at Yi Xiaoxiao and the prince like a poisonous snake. In the conversation in the hall today, he understood the thoughts of the emperor. For this prince as a chess piece, he is naturally not too polite.

Chen Jiu walked slowly to the pavilion, looked at the pastry on the pavilion, gently picked up a piece, and chewed it in his mouth: "Not bad."

"How did you come here?" The prince carried his hands on his back, his eyes turned cold.

Gu Jing Wubo in Chen Jiu's eyes: "Since the prince is a Confucian disciple, does he know the word avoiding suspicion?".

A touch of unnaturalness flashed in the eyes of Prince Chen Gan: "I know that the Confucian cultivation of this prince is vast, and it is not comparable to you as a brash man."

Chen Jiu smiled and looked at "Yi Xiaoxiao": "I don't care who you are, you dare to rob the flesh of Xiaoxiao. We will never finish this matter. The account will be settled sooner or later, and I don't know if you give it to the emperor. What kind of soup was poured, the emperor actually trusted you so much".

After speaking, Chen Jiu glanced at the prince coldly: "Beasts are not as good as animals."

After speaking, he turned and left.

"Presumptuous, who are you talking about?" the prince scolded angrily.

Chen Jiu ignored him, Ma Rui moved his gaze away from "Yi Xiaoxiao", then gave the guard a cold look and walked over to the pavilion lightly.

"Bang" flesh and blood flew all over the sky, and the surrounding guards turned into powder, blood and flesh splattered.

"Presumptuous, presumptuous" Prince Chen Gan's hands trembled, holding back his anger.

"The father was hit hard, and he was unable to monitor the palace. I didn't expect bulls, ghosts, snakes, and filthy things to appear. This enchanting man dared to mess with the palace, and his sins cannot be forgiven." Chen Jiu's voice was cold and murderous.

"The minion had already noticed something wrong with this bitch, but he just couldn't catch the handle. I didn't expect this enchanting evildoer to dare to seduce the prince. It really deserves death." Where Ma Rui passed, the strength was overflowing, and the vegetation was instantly destroyed. Frozen.

A strange thing flashed in Chen Jiu's eyes: "Now that the father and the emperor are not good enough, this fox demon is starting to hook up with the future crown prince. This king wants to see what tricks this evil animal does."

Chen Jiu had some thoughts in his mind. This evildoer didn't know which power was behind him, plus the Confucianism, the sect of the heavens, and a big game of chess, maybe this fox demon would complete a crucial step for himself.

"Master, do you want to send someone to take it..." Ma Rui made a neck twist.

Chen Jiu shook his head: "It doesn't need to be so, just wait and see the changes. The court is already messy enough, this king wants to see how messy it can be."

"Yes" Marui said.

In the garden, the prince and "Yi Xiaoxiao" sat there, and the atmosphere was silent.

"Then Marui is the personal **** next to the emperor, and he is the most loyal to the emperor. This matter can't be kept secret, you and I will be killed if you expose it," the prince was worried.

"Yi Xiaoxiao" smiled coldly: "Lifeless? You are afraid that the throne will not be guaranteed, right".

Chen Gan was speechless for a while, and after a while, he said, "You know what I want, and you have nothing to do with you."

A flash of red light flashed in "Yi Xiaoxiao"'s eyes, and the prince's gaze was instantly hollow, and the red lips of "Yi Xiaoxiao" opened slightly: "Since this matter can't be concealed, then we can only act first, and then It was a disaster."

"You mean let me seek to usurp the throne and kill the emperor father, this will not work." A struggling flashed in the eyes of the prince, and he shook his head to refuse. "Yi Xiaoxiao" saw sweat on his forehead.

Now the prince is just a young dragon, and he is not favored by the emperor. When the dragon is weakest, it is also the best time to charm with sorcery.

This enchanting evildoer was enshrined by the human emperor, and he already had human luck and imperial dragon energy, and he had the ability to resist the prince's dragon energy.

Nevertheless, Dragon Qi is Dragon Qi, and it is still very laborious to cast its But it saves the pain of backlash.

If the crown prince is enthroned, and then want to be charmed, I am afraid that it will cost a huge price, so I have to ask the demon emperor and other emperors to help, make a secret calculation, and use the demon's luck to fight against the human luck.

"You don't want the throne anymore? Your father knows, do you think your dragon chair can still be kept?, you know, I am your father's favorite concubine" The enchanting was bewildering.

The prince looked struggling, and the evildoer said: "Even if it is for me, can't it?".

The voice was weak, as if there was a kind of magic power, causing the prince to instantly open his defenses, and the red light penetrated into his mind and became hidden.

Hearing this, the prince's breath returned to calm, and his face was calm: "Don't worry, I will solve it."

"I will help you" The enchanting red lips slightly opened, and a dark fragrance struck. The prince moved for a while and stretched out his hand, but saw that Concubine Yi walked out of the pavilion like a fish. (To be continued)



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