Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 582: Punish

Chen Jiu couldn't understand the thoughts of Chenghuang. This is simply digging the lifeblood of the gods. Can they bear it? .

Of course, the premise is that the gods must have lifeblood.

Eyebrows trembled slightly: "This king will go to Chenghuang Mansion for a while."

After speaking, the yin and yang fish instantly turned into a golden bridge, straddling towards Yuzhou Yinsi.

"I don't know if the prince is coming, if there is a loss, I hope to forgive him."

At the gate of Yinsi, the city **** of Yuzhou respectfully met Chen Jiuyi.

Although the gods and dynasties are two systems, everyone is in peace, but now it is a humane world. Now the ancient gods have disappeared, and the Yinsi Mansion has lost its backing. Chen Jiu, as a humane real power lord, is also a master of the world, and naturally has a certain majesty tolerance.

Chen Jiu nodded: "Chenghuang should know what the king is here."

The prefectural city’s **** sighed: “Naturally knows that the golden thread is disturbing the order of the world and taking food from my divine system. I can’t swallow this breath, but the Shouyang mountain gods sent the letter a few days ago. All of them shrank and waited for the great changes in the world, so they didn't dare to act randomly."

Chen Jiu walked into the Yinsi Mansion in silence after hearing the words, and the ghosts from all walks of life gathered together, and the appearance was even more strange: "How much does the Chenghuang know about this great silk?".

"The prince knew why he asked" Chenghuang smiled and said nothing.

However, Chen Jiu stared at the city god, his eyes were as plain as a cold pool for ten thousand years, without the waves.

The Chenghuang couldn't help it, so he had to smile bitterly: "Why do you think all the ghosts and gods of the Netherworld gather here?"

Chen Jiu's eyes flashed, and he caught Cheng Huang's words: "Could it be because someone is trying to wait for you?".

"The prince Mingjian, after a great golden silk came to Yuzhou city, it would be difficult for me to wait for the gods. The great golden silk has a human background, and I can't wait for it. Who knows the great golden silk? Zun is getting more and more excessive, and he started to exhaust all the incense power in my Yuzhou, and let me wait for the gods to drink the northwest wind. How can I swallow this breath, and I am about to convene the same people to go with the golden silk. Zunfen said. Make a break."

Chen Jiu nodded: "Shooting incense, as if to kill one's future."

"This great golden silk is related to humane incense, but I still have to ask the prince to be the master," said Zhoufu Chenghuang.

Chen Jiu narrowed his eyes slightly: "Don't worry, this king will give you an explanation."

Chenghuang nodded and turned to the ghost behind him and said: "Everyone has heard what the prince said, and the prince said, I will wait for an explanation, everyone, stay calm and wait for the good news of the prince."

Chen Jiu nodded: "Since this is a humanitarian matter. It's not easy to disturb your Excellency, I'm leaving."

After speaking, Chen Jiu stepped forward and Jinqiao gradually retracted.

At the prefectural government office, Chen Jiu looked at the prefectural master and Zhu Kui, and then signed a warrant: "No matter what the background of the golden silk grandmaster, it is an evil sacrifice and destroys the harmony of the family. Fornicating a wife and daughter is a crime. dead".

"Where is Zhu Kui?" Chen Jiu's voice revealed Huang Huang Tianwei. Like a **** who holds the authority of the heavens.

"The end will be."

"Immediately lead the army to wipe out all the evil temples in Yuzhou, without error."

"According to orders" Zhu Kui clasped his fists in a salute, and was about to go out, but heard someone say: "Hold on."

Hearing this voice, Zhu Kui and the masters of the state government showed disgust on their faces, and Chen Jiu followed his eyes. But I saw a handsome man with a pair of peach eyes walking in.

The man's gait is unstable, like a jackal, very awkward.

"Who are you? How can you speak before this king" Chen Jiu carried his hands. I didn't even look at this man.

The masculine hands clasped tightly: "I am the judge of Yuzhou."

"Oh, a sesame-sized official, how can you speak in front of this king? I really don't know the so-called, I still don't retreat."

Chen Jiu was arrogant, and the man who choked was trembling. To tell the truth, the official position of Yuzhou is definitely not small. You have to take care of everything in Yuzhou, and you can not sell the prestige of the adults. But in Chen In front of the prince of real power, apart from the emperor, no officials are not short.

"Hmph, although the prince is powerful, but there are also manuscripts from today's sage, who dominate the affairs of Yuzhou. This is not the prince's fief. If the prince wants to play majestic and nosy, he may come to the wrong place." Simply set the tank with Chen Jiu, since it was suppressed in the righteousness, then start with the official rules.

"Huh, the entire Great Zhou belongs to my Chen family. How can I control things in my Chen family? You are just a slave of my Chen family. You dare to be so rampant, you deserve a million deaths." After finishing speaking, Chen Jiu The delicate palm stretched out, the sky changed color, and he grabbed it towards the Tongpu.

If this palm is implemented, I'm afraid it will be the life of this negotiation.

"I have the current sage enactment, do you dare to move me?" The judge took out a bright scroll.

Chen Jiu dismissed: "Hmph, you set up an evil sect to harm one party, not to mention that it is a human emperor's order, even if the emperor is the owner, you dare to take action. If you dare to rely on the emperor to harm one party, the emperor will take you to Beijing Ask me to understand."

"Bang" Under Chen Jiu's powerful mana, the scroll shattered in an instant. Chen Jiu's palm was about to slap Tong Judge when he saw it, but when he saw the next moment, Tong Judge's body turned and turned into a yellow light. The power of incense flashed, turned into a light, and disappeared into the sky.

"It's really this kid who is playing a ghost." Zhu Kui roared and was about to chase out, but saw a black and white brilliance across the void, and then turned into thousands of Yin and Yang fish. At the same time, all the evil temples in Yuzhou were instantly destroyed. A black and white two-color brilliance flicked across, becoming nothingness, refined into a strong innate vitality.

When the Yin Yang fish returned, Chen Jiu shook his head: "Some means, I was actually escaped by him, but if you are asked to escape from the palm of the king, then the king is truly incompetent."

After speaking, Chen Jiu's eyes moved slightly, and his body flickered slightly, turning into nothingness. When he reappeared, he was already in front of a mansion.

The splendor and magnificent decoration of this mansion can only be described as luxurious at a glance.

"Tongban Mansion" Chen Jiu stood in front of the mansion, looking at the plaque on it.

"This is the Tongji Mansion, and those who have nothing to do with it quickly retreat." The guard at the gate scolded Chen Jiu.

Chen Jiu's status is increasing day by day, and not many people dare to scold him like this, but this guard is definitely not any of them.

In the next moment, the guards turned to ashes in an instant, and Chen Jiu stepped into the Tongshen Mansion: "Huh, it's worthy of death for a tiger to die."

The whole courtyard floated towards, and women with extraordinary appearances wandered around the mansion. After seeing Chen Jiu, they couldn't help but chuckled and pointed.

Chen Jiu shook his head. These women are stupid people, who regard the jackal as a god, willing to dedicate their lives, but stupid.

Too lazy to talk nonsense with them, Chen Jiu shuttled through the mansion according to the guidance of the aura, and people jumped out to stop him from time to time, and Chen Jiu was turned into gray.

Entering a room, the room is simple, there are no decorations, only a palm altar table, on the altar table stands a statue of a god.

Chen Jiu's eyes flowed, and his mana moved, the altar table moved away, revealing a big hole.

The master of art is bold, Chen Jiu's yin and yang body protector suddenly jumped into it.

There is a cave in it. It is an underground palace. There is a clay statue standing in it with a height of ten feet high in the palace. The power of incense and incense all over the body is quite extraordinary.

"You almost became the climate" Chen Jiu sneered.

The next moment the clay sculpture opened its mouth, sucking the power of incense into the belly, and unexpectedly showed a look of grief and anger: "Ping Tian Wang, I am a close person to the prince, you really don't care about love It's impossible to kill all you want."

"What a strange kind of you, you dare to take away the human body, want to use manpower to enshrine the gods, steal the power of humanity, and ruin my human race, wives are scattered, you cannot live in peace, sin deserves death, this king can't find you to spare you The reason for a fate".

"I'm fighting with you, my sister won't let you go" The Tongjie roared, and the clay sculpture turned into a wild wolf, biting Chen Jiu's arm.

With a move of Chen Jiu's palm, the universe opened in his sleeves, and the wild wolf was inserted into it, shaking gently, turning into powder.

"Although my human strength is now in decline, it is not something you can look into as a jackal."

After speaking, a thunder light flashed, the underground palace collapsed, the land of Yuzhou shook slightly, and all the breath of Tongju was completely erased. (To be continued...)



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