Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 701: The chaos begins, exchange treasures

Looking at those black and white eyes, a stream of light flashed across his eyes, infinitely charming.

Chen Jiu touched his nose, with a thump in his heart, not with meticulous attention to the fox, but to the words of the vixen. It is not impossible that the moment of earth is hidden in this universe bowl.

"Forget it, this king is more generous. Although he didn't win the rules this time, he finally gained an innate spiritual treasure. This king is in a good mood. Tell me, if you want any compensation, this king won't take other people casually. Cheap".

Chen Jiu carried his hands on his back, and the mystery in his words was limitless. If the vixen made the condition at this time, the agreement between the two people would be clear, and Chen Jiu would pay Mu Qingyi some of the things worthy of the innate spirit.

If Mu Qingyi doesn't agree, then Chen Jiuke will have a big head. Once this innate spirit treasure Universe Bowl really has a ground moment, the ground moment is priceless, what do you want Chen Jiu to pay?

Mu Qingyi looked at Chen Jiu with big eyes. There was no one left and right here, which made Chen Jiu feel an urge to silence.

"Forget it, let's wait for you to refine the Universe Bowl. If you want to have the ground rules in this Universe Bowl, you have to connect the Universe Bowl with me. Although you have not obtained the rules of the sky, an innate spiritual treasure is also good." Tsing Yi showed the tail of a fox. As a descendant of the nine-tailed fox known for his cunning, how could he fail to see Chen Jiu's tricks.

Chen Jiu turned and sat cross-legged on the bluestone behind him: "If that's the case, just wait here, this king will sacrifice the universe bowl first."

⊕ But just sitting down, Chen Jiu's eyebrows frowned slightly: "What's the matter, the aura between heaven and earth is so chaotic, why is my human luck so low, the chicken is ming, there is a "yin" in this dragon aura. "The idea is lingering, this universe can only be suppressed by dry and yang, and the evil spirits will eliminate themselves. Now that the yin and yang are reversed, "yin" actually occupies the position of dry and yang. Isn't this the yin and yang reversed, and there will be great troubles."

"What's wrong?" Mu Qingyi looked at Chen Ji suspiciously.

Chen Jiu stood up and said, "Now I have no time to mess with you. I have an innate spiritual treasure here that can offset this universe. If you agree, then you have to know the cause and effect between you and me. If you don't agree, then I can't help it. ".

Seeing Chen Jiu's face didn't seem to be a joke, Mu Qingyi also seriously said, "It's okay, but you have to let me see if your treasure is not worth it compared to the universe."

Chen Jiu grabbed the palm of his hand, and the spear appeared in his hand: "This spear is an innate spirit treasure with excellent attack power. It will definitely satisfy you."

Mu Qingyi looked at the spear in Chen Jiu's hand, and felt the power of the spear. Stars appeared in her eyes: "It's worth it. Although the universe bowl can contain everything, it can't fight with people. The attack of the spear owner just made up for it. The little girl attacks the shortcomings".

Chen Jiu collected the mark left in the spear, and then tossed it. Mu Qingyi stepped forward to catch the spear and stroked the gun body with joy. Feeling that the rich innate aura is constantly moisturizing his body, Mu Qingyi's big eyes narrowed into an arc.

"You have to protect me for the initial sacrifice of this treasure. Otherwise, if I hold the treasure in my hand, it will be a waste of joy to be taken away. It is also in your ally's duty to protect me." Mu Qingyi was not affected. Treasures go to my head.

Feeling the chaos of heaven, Chen Jiu just wanted to fly back to Le Central Realm at this time. But when you think about it, there may be rules and regulations in the Universe Bowl, but if you refuse, you can't say: "Well, you should make this precious sacrifice first."

Chen Jiu stretched out his right hand and pointed it at the center of Mu Qingyi's eyebrows: "This is this treasure sacrifice technique."

Mu Qingyi didn't say much after hearing this, and directly sat cross-legged on the bluestone where Chen Jiu was meditating.

Chen Jiu shook his palm. A talisman flew out, turned into a streamer and flew towards the Leyang Realm.

The one hundred thousand mountains of the monster race, the Shouyang Mountain God stands outside the one hundred thousand mountains, the light is undulating behind him, and countless gods stand behind them, with killing intent in their eyes.

"Demon King, come out and tell" Shouyang Mountain God wrapped a general trend and rushed towards the ancestor court of the hundred thousand great mountains.

In the ancestral court of the demon clan, the demon emperor's hands kept on tactics, and a gleam of glitter on his chest was constantly flashing.

The gods of the heavens are definitely one of the powers that can't be ignored. At this time, the gods of the heavens come to the door, even if they are as powerful as the monster race, they feel a headache.

"Your Majesty, that **** deceived people so much that he actually hit the door, and his subordinates will not hesitate to fight, and are willing to knock these gods down." A wolf king stood up, his eyes flashed green, dark and cold.

The Demon Sovereign did not look up, and the magic tricks in his hands kept moving: "That Yangshan Mountain God is an old god. From the disappearance of the ancient gods until today, the accumulated background is unfathomable, and he knows the secrets of the heavens. Difficult, now the emperor is cultivating the rules of the sky, there is no time to entangle these old guys, just keep the group of old guys in the 100,000 mountains, and wait for the emperor to practice the rules of the sky and rely on the laws of heaven. It's not impossible to crush those gods easily, and even knock them off the altar."

After speaking, the demon king said: "Left and right demon king listens to orders."

"Zai" all the demon kings responded in unison.

The demon emperor suddenly opened his eyes, and all the heavens and stars were in his sight: "You must form a big formation, and you must block the group of gods. In the future, the emperor has his own plan to find the place."

"Zunzhi" The evil spirits of the demon kings rose to the sky, and the wolf cried and rushed to the outside.

"Old Fox" Demon King said.

"Subordinates are" the old vixen stood up.

"The emperor has miscalculated. I didn't expect that there is only the rule of the sky in the Ziwei Emperor star, and there is no rule of the earth. You can dispatch the manpower to find the trace of the rule of the earth.

"Subordinate Zunzhi" the old fox took the order and left.

The next moment, the Demon Emperor looked at the Goat Demon King beside him: "You go and remind the Taiyin leader, and then send a letter to the barbarians. I have been planning for these years, it is time to change the world."

The "Subordinate Order" the Demon King retreated, but the demon emperor's mouth was filled with wisps of white light, echoing the rules of the sky.

The barbarian, the barbarian emperor and the shaman sat opposite each other.

Looking at the letter in his hand, the Man Emperor sneered: "The **** has hit the door, and the Demon Emperor can bear it. This is not his temper. At this time, he must be caught by something and unable to intervene."

Wuzi slowly put down the letter in his hand: "The Demon King said that it's time to change the world, what do you think?".

"The new Terran monarch was abolished, and the government was completely grasped by us. The Pingtian Sage is nowhere to be seen. Once he plans to gain the throne, I am afraid that he will become a target of the Terran people. I definitely did not control the Great Zhou in the hands of the judge." The pen never leaves the body, as time gets closer and closer, it is the most important thing to pay close attention to the judge pen.

"Chen Huan was really a good calculation back then. It seems that today's situation has been predicted. Once the vixen is really enthroned, all the princes are members of the Chen family, and they can rebel in an instant, and the dragon spirit of the human race is instantly torn apart. The emperor's dragon energy can be condensed again in an instant, the fox court is just an empty shell, instantly knocked down to the mortal" The sorcerer held an inch of life and death in his hand and gently stroked it.

"So, Ping Tian Sheng is the most important part of the overall situation of the human race. It is a pity that Ping Tian Sheng has not appeared in more than ten years. I don't know what plan he is playing. When I think of him, I feel uneasy." The emperor sighed slightly.

"Give an I can’t wait any longer. I’m waiting for the human race to be useful. I only need the opportunity created at the moment when Yin and Yang reverse the laws of heaven and earth. Human race is the protagonist of heaven and earth. Loved by the world, it only takes that moment of chaos, and I will be able to take the opportunity to rise later, and divide the human luck and heavenly luck." The Wuzi swallowed life and death into his belly.

"It's time to start. The layout has been so many years, and it should be a poor view. I heard the news of the Yinsi Difu a few days ago. You and I might as well take it. If you can find the ancient Yinsi Difu, you and I should be the destiny. "Man Huang stood up and said.

"Okay, let's go for a while." After speaking, the two turned into escape lights and disappeared into the air.

Suddenly, there was a law riot between the world and the earth, and the shining light from the hundred thousand mountains rose into the sky, and the powers of the heavens looked at them.

Chen Jiu's eyes flashed across the blue, and he looked away from the void: "Huh, this **** has just kicked it, and the dog bit the dog. You fight, it's better to hurt both sides."

Outside the 100,000 mountains, looking at the demon kings who formed a large array, the Shouyang Mountain God waved his hand unceremoniously, and a large mountain was pulled up out of thin air: "It seems I have to do it." (To be continued...)


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