
I suck at taking breaks. I do have a big relocation move soon, so that might affect chapter release but I will try to get a few out each week.

Some of you would have noticed, I took down the announcement and the artwork chapter as part of some housekeeping. I have moved the Artwork into the glossary In here you will find a new drawing of Captain Atlant from Volume 2. I am still looking for a way of moving the timeline into the glossary also.

It's time to take the story all the way to completion.  Although Volume 4 is set in One Piece World, it will be a new story in itself based on the changes made in the previous volumes and the direction of my story. Nothing in here is a spoiler to the ongoing original works, and if it is it is purely coincidental.

Like always your comments, thoughts and feedback are more than welcome.

The aftermath of the battle left the main city of Dressrosa in ruins. Buildings collapsed and the foundation structure of Dressrosa was damaged. The marine battleships surrounding the Island slowly made their way back. 

People cheered as they approached land. It was a strange sight, seeing the locals cheer at the destruction of their own city. To these citizens, this marked the end of a reign of tyranny. Those who opposed the rule of the Donquixote Family were turned into toys, slowly to be forgotten by their own families. This was a sad reality for those who lived on the island. But today it all ended, families were reunited and everyone was free.

Those who the World Government wanted to disappear could only start making their plans on how to escape from this situation while everyone was still celebrating.

“Atlant, Atlant, Atlant” Everyone cheered as they ran into the destroyed streets, no one noticed the small group of people making their way back to the port.

“Captain, it's all over! We lost 3 comrades and 2 injured in this battle,” Bomber reported. “They are Eleven, Seventeen and Fourteen, Sir”

Everyone was silent, this was something that would happen in a battle of this size, but it was always something that hurt to hear one of their fellow members lose their life.

“Everyone takes a minute to remember Sara (Seventeen), Jo (Eleven), and Max (Fourteen), they lost their life for the liberation of this world. They will continue to live as Eternal Marines.” Ezra announced.


“Give them a proper burial” Ezra instructed

“Yes Sir” Bomber replied

“Captain, it is as we thought. The world government hacked the broadcast during the battle. This was the message they sent to the world. People will soon be asked to take sides.” Brains said as he handed a note to Ezra.

“Ladies and Gentlemen all around the world!

We the World Government are against the actions of the Marines. We will hereby be creating a force that will bring all this nonsense to AN END. THE FIRST MISSION WILL BE THE DESTRUCTION OF THE MARINE CORPS!

In the name of ABSOLUTE JUSTICE!”

“This works out in our favour. With this, their true agenda and nature will only be revealed. We should be able to gather allies who will stand against them this way” Ezra replied after reading the notes.

“Captain, there is something important for you to see. When Max killed Sugar, she was holding something in a cage, we were not sure what it was until it started speaking. Then we found out about a hidden race here on Dressrosa called Dwarfs. After the little person was released, all the dwarfs here on Dressrosa came here to see you Captain, especially their King.” Twelve who was mummified in bandages spoke.

A very small elderly man with a large fluffy tail. He had long hair matched with a long grey beard. He had in his hand a walking stick and was wearing a large crown, a robe and sunglasses. “I am Gancho, King of Tontatta Kingdom. We have always lived in peace underneath Green Bit, until our princess, My daughter was captured and forced to work for the tyrant Joker. We have tried numerous times to free her but all were failures until today. On behalf of all the dwarfs in Tontatta Kingdom, I say thank you.” King Gancho, bowed his head. In response, all the dwarfs behind the king bowed their heads.

“There is no need for this, it is our duty to keep the citizens of this land safe. I am sorry that your homes were probably affected during this battle. Yet again, I am glad your princess is safe. If there is a way we can help you, let us know.” Ezra responded politely.

A shy voice could be heard in the background “Can we come with you?”

“Princess!” the dwarfs bowed in greeting, but could not hide their amazement.

“See, I told you Mansherry is selfish, she always does whatever she wants,” said another dwarf, like the others he was small and had a large fluffy tail and a pointy nose. He had long brown hair and wore a green crown-designed hat with one of its points bent. He was wearing a green jumper, goggles, beige boots, beige gloves and a red tie.

“Leo, you…” The princess was not happy about the comment, she grew red with embarrassment, while her blue eyes glistened. She had very thick and wavy blonde hair, partially tied up in two buns, that covered her body and tail. She was wearing a short white dress with stockings and shoes of the same colour.

“That is enough Leo, Mansherry has a point. Didn't you all feel it? This person has the same breath as the world. I think it is our destiny to follow this man” King Gancho said aloud.

“Captain, it looks like we have new recruits, hahaha,” Brains said with a laugh

Hahaha, all the Lieutenants laughed

“Welcome on board the Atlantis, if any of you have a devil fruit power please let us know we can find the best place for you,” Ezra said.

“Captain, don't worry about us. We are a Kingdom after all. Leo here is the general of our kingdom. We have an army of dwarfs that will be joining us. We might be little but we are not to be looked down on.” King Gancho explained.

“Very well Bomber, Handle the details” Ezra instructed, as they were preparing to board. Everyone noticed Mansherry walked up to the badly injured Twelve and Thirteen. She put her hand on their bodies as she shed two teardrops from her eyes which floated in the air landing in the middle of their brow.

“Chiyu Chiyu no Mi  (Heal Heal Fruit): Chiyupopo”

“Thank you for saving me,” she said before walking away from the two shocked marines.

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