After recovering, Cricket thanked the Marines for helping him. He paused for a second looking at each person in their face with a deadly stare as if he was trying to see into their souls. 


“I apologise for my behaviour earlier, I know there are some good people out there but lately it is not so easy to find people you can trust,” he said as he sat up from the stretcher. “You mentioned something about an Island in the Sky”

Cricket merely laughed at the mention of the idea since he himself did not know if it existed or not. Cricket however explained that Noland, his ancestor, might know something of it. 

“With the intel network of the Marines, you should have already figured out that Noland and I are related. I am also sure that you are already aware of the shame my family bares. This is why I chose to remain on this island, to prove that it was not a lie. The city of gold does exist, just not on this level.” as he spoke, he pointed his finger upward to the sky.

After listening to the explanation, Luffy asked “How do we get to the island in the sky?”

Cricket then began explaining to the Straw Hats where they could find Sky Island. “On an area of the ocean not far from here there is a cloud, he explained, that was so dense that it caused the sunlight to be blocked from reaching the sea.” Cricket wasn't exactly sure but he believed that's where Sky Island would most likely be. 

“But how do we get onto the cloud, you still haven't told us anything different” Luffy added.

“This is an idea of mine. It hasn't been properly tested. Most of the debris you see in the sea around here is from ships that got shot up in the air by the Knock Up Stream.

The Knock Up Stream is a powerful pressurized water stream that shoots upwards to the sky from the Sea. The only theory I have found as I dived deeper into the sea would be that the giant underwater cave gets filled with natural gas and at some point in time, the gas pressure is too big and creates a crack in the ceiling, then a giant whirlpool is created as a result of the crack. Once most of the gas gets free, the seabed explodes, sending a giant stream upwards. This 'current' is maintained for approximately one minute before collapsing.”

All the technical detail got Luffy confused but the others nodded their heads accepting the theory behind the unnatural phenomenon.

“As you would expect the journey up will be dangerous, and it only lasts for one minute. If your ship can't make it to the could in that time. The fate of the other ships will await you. Whatever goes up must come down” Cricket added.

“Cricket o-san dont worry about Adam. this is the strongest ship in the world. It also has some cool features which make it the second most advanced vessel in the world.” Frankie said with pride.

“If it is the strongest, why is it the second most advanced then?” Cricket asked

“The most advanced vessel belongs to Admiral Rose D. Ezra, you should have heard of the Atlantis”

“Nami, are all preparations set!?” No.13 asked

“Ladies and Gentlemen welcome our guest. Cricket, Masira and Shoujou! They will be accompanying us on the journey to the island in the sky. For us we are on a mission of old, for them, they want closure from the past. Our missions align so we will help them.” She added

“Frankie configure the ship to head south” Nami ordered ‘Let us find ourselves a sea to the sky”


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