G-1 Marine base.

The contrast between the G-1 Marine base and G-5 was like day and Night, The shiny buildings towered the mountains on the island. This base was significantly larger than the Headquarters at Marineford. It was heavily fortified, with triple barrel cannons placed at strategic locations. This base housed 4 upcoming Rear Admirals known as the four horsemen, they were Momonga, Doberman, Strawberry and lastly Onigumo. They were highly skilled in Haki and have been very active in this part of the sea. 

SIREN, the base got into action. Ammunition was being transported to the battleships in preparation for a campaign.

“New orders before we leave, we are to escort Rose D. Ezra to Marine HQ. I also think we can use this opportunity to increase our status in the new army, what do you think?” Doberman said with a smile. He had four X-shaped scars on his face and two on his neck, a split, curling moustache and brown flowing hair reaching down to his shoulders. He has no pupil in his left eye. Like most commissioned marines his coat was draped on his shoulders like a cape. 

“Is that not against the rules?” Strawberry said. He was a relatively straight shaped person with a long beard. He had his eyes closed hidden under his modified long bearskin version of a standard Marine cap. He also had his coat draped on his shoulders.

“There are no more rules, it all depends on which Justice you side with. At the moment, we must wipe all this out, in the name of absolute justice. The corps cannot be disgraced.” Onigumo said as he took a puff of his cigarette. He was a tall man with a cold face and eyes. He had long brown hair and wore an ancient war helmet with a small dragon on it, and a long red plume hanging from it. He also had a golden hoop earring on his left ear.

“Let's go see to it! We don't need to think much about it, our job is to do as instructed” Momonga said sternly as he walked out of the meeting room. He is a man of average height and a well-built figure. He had a stern look on his face matched with his black mohawk and moustache. He had a sheathed katana strapped to his waist.



A month after the order to mobilise, G-5 Units 3 - 5 were now arriving at Acacia. This was a port town located to the southwest of Dressrosa. It was one of the least damaged areas, which house the Colosseum. Over the past month, every single person present on the Island had been taking part in restoring the Cities  Sebio to the south, Primula to the northwest, Carta town leading to the ruins in the east and Balsa to the north. These 4 towns suffered a great deal of damage from the Sea Giant’s attack.

Commodores Major, Force and Lazer could not believe the state of the Island. The damage was above what was expected, something more unbelievable was the pure joy and happiness each citizen had as they worked on restoring the city.

“Who is in charge?” Commodore Major announced as soon as he got off the ship at the port.

“I am,” a feminine voice sounded out in the crowd.

“Are you not Violet, a member of the Doflamingo Pirates?” A soldier said as he pulled out his rifle, took aim and was ready to fire.

“It is ok, Viola. I am Riku Doldo III, former King of Dressrosa, a current gladiator at the colosseum under the alias of Ricky.” an elderly, muscular man introduced himself as he removed his masked helmet which covered his entire face except for his eyes, it also featured a prominent nose guard with additional flame-like designs on the body of the helmet. This move revealed his face which had a thick greyish-brown moustache and beard. “She is princess Viola of Dressrosa kingdom, she was also very instrumental to the fall of the Donquixote family.”

“Your Majesty!” all the citizens could now recognise the face of the old man inside the hood. The citizens who cheered at the fall of King Riku in the past when he destroyed Sebio while being controlled by Doflamingo. The joy of the freedom they felt was slowly replaced with guilt and anger. They fell for the trick of the enemy so easily turning against the king. They welcomed Doflamingo as a hero, then promoted him to the status of ruler only to become slaves themselves. Everyone knelt on the ground towards the King, some crying and others pleading for letting a wolf into their midst.

“You all don't have to be like that, I also have my faults in this. I was easily controlled by Doflamingo which led to all this chain of events. For this, I should be the one apologizing,” after his speech, King Riku fell to his knees in front of the crown, with his head on the ground. “I am no longer fit to be king, I hope that whoever takes over this role will be able to build a lasting kingdom, that can change our pains into hopes and joy.”

“We want you to be our king” the people cried aloud “We will have no one else”

“My King, I believe the people have spoken.” A large muscular man, with long, flowing hair and beard said as he hopped forward. He wore a gladiator's body armour, a cape and metallic wristbands, on his back he had a sheathed sword. He possessed a scar on his forehead and had only one-legged. 

“Father, don't leave me behind'' a beautiful, fair-skinned, thin teenager of average height with a light pink hairstyle in braids cried out. She was wearing a yellow scale armour bikini, with a turquoise paludamentum, as well as a ridged helmet, a pair of greaves and gloves, a high-heeled armour and a necklace. She had a sheathed sword on her waist and a round shield on her back. “Don't worry, Grandpa! We will continue to be by your side”

“Don't forget me also,” Viola added.

“Kyros, Rebecca, Viola” King Riku was overwhelmed, knowing he had their support, he would not be shouldering this responsibility alone.

“If this is how you feel, then I will take on the role as you King once more. The day we received our freedom will from now on be the Dressrosa Libration Holiday.” King Riku announced, which was followed by the cheering of the citizens.

“I can see there is nothing for us to do here. We were informed by Rear Admiral Atlant to help with restoring the island and managing any problem you might be facing without a leader.” After saying that, Commodore Major turned to his soldiers, “Unit 3, Get the materials from the ships we will be heading over to Sebio town”.

“Unit 4, you also get ready, we will be heading over to Primula town” Commodore Force announced to his soldiers.

“Unit 5, you know what to do, let’s go to Balsa town” Commodore Lazer announced to his soldiers.


A day later four armadas of ships approached Dressrosa towards the four-port towns. “I am Rear Admiral Doberman from the G-1 Marine Base. With the order to arrest Rear Admiral Atlant for his actions here at Dressrosa. Going against the world government and breaking the treaty signed with the Warlords.” Doberman announced over the speakers at Acacia.

“Gatz, hand me the microphone,” King Riku said to the person dressed as a Spartan warrior. He was wearing a golden helmet with a large dark coloured plume, a golden breastplate and a dark coloured skirt. He had long brown hair that extends halfway down his back over a cape and a black goatee. His role previous to the battle was that of the announcer in the colosseum, he was currently setting up a loudspeaker den den mushi.

“Right away, Your Majesty" Gatz replied.

“I am King Riku Doldo III, first of all, there is no such person on this island. The heroes who risked their lives to save us all have left. Go back with this message, I expect an explanation about what happened in Dressrosa at the next Levely. If you make your way onto the island with force, we will not show you any mercy. When we were in captivity were where you? Now that we are free, you are all quick in showing your face.”

Doberman’s face fell, he wasn't expecting something like this. The insults from the citizens of Dressrosa filled the air even at this distance. He could only contact the other boats with information about Ezra’s whereabouts. There was no point in staying here to be insulted.

“Return to base” he ordered.

The people cheered as the ships sailed away from the island, no one noticed King Riku turn to Viola. “Make sure that letter is sent”


Another event was happening somewhere in the New World at the same time as Dressrosa taking a step towards a better future. On the News Coo Zeppelin, a discussion was taking place.

“Jimmy, you are telling me that you still haven't been able to find out how they hijacked all our transmission den den mushi around the world?” Morgan yelled

“Yes, Sir. It is either there is something more about the den den mushi than we all are aware of” Jimmy replied. “Boss, this Rear Admiral has disturbed a sleeping giant, do you think we should continue to work with him”

“I don't care about good or bad! Our job is to make sure that the news continues to reach every part of the world.” Morgans replied. “Has the latest paper been completed?”

“Yes, we are just waiting for your orders to begin delivering them across the world” Jimmy replied

“Ok, let us add more ripples to the unsettled seas,” Morgans said with a laugh.


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